It makes no sense in the modern church, except to the extent that we choose to give it meaning. (Not the modern white-supremacist kind, but the 19th Century, Englishmen-are-Ephraimites strain.). We know Jesus died for our sins, but what did Joseph die for? I mean, thats a pretty convenient view for sure given that nearly everyone has been assigned to Ephraim. Semi-annual reminders to follow the prophet. It is now viewed more as your sorting hat implies, a lineage that symbolizes your specific mission in this and your eternal life. The patriarchal blessing reveals to its recipient which tribe they belong to - although it is nearly always identified as the Tribe of Ephraim. 1 Nephi 14:1-2; "And it shall come to pass, that if the Gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word, and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks 2 And . The patriarch seeks inspiration to specify the dominant family line that leads back to Abraham. 3:5). There are several versions of Smith's first vision; which one do you believe? Maybe he was getting some dementia. My patriciarch typed up the blessings himself. A study of those patriarchs will show that regardless of which tribe you fall in, your blessing is bounteous. Saying this person descended from Ephraim and this person didnt no longer makes any sense given our modern understanding of population dynamics. Sometimes here at BCC we do requests. If one is worthy, all promises will be fulfilled in the Lords due time. Original Content Copyright 2008-2011 J. Max Wilson. He lived recently enough in the past that that kind of genealogical distinction makes sense. Yet, the Church considers themselves to be a Christian church. It is more powerful in expanding the mind, enlightening the understanding, and storing the intellect with present knowledge, of a man who is of the literal seed of Abraham, than one that is a Gentile, though it may not have half as much visible effect upon the body; for as the Holy Ghost falls upon one of the literal seed of Abraham, it is calm and serene; and his whole soul and body are only exercised by the pure spirit of intelligence; while the effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gentile, is to purge out the old blood, and make him actually of the seed of Abraham. 149-50). My daughter at age 14 received her pat. I said I did not want to read theirs but wanted to know if there were any differences. Elder John A. Widtsoe, an Apostle, declared, "In giving a blessing the patriarch may declare our lineage-that is, that we are of Israel, therefore of the family of Abraham, and of a specific tribe of Jacob. Ive heard claims in both directions and Im genuinely curious. Knowing these two facts gave me an added sense that I was literally serving my brothers. The patriarchal blessings of most Latter-day Saints indicate that they are literal, blood descendants of Abraham and of Israel. Kevin sneaks in a Patriarchal Lineages, Ranked without Scott or Steve noticing. I have different European, Native American and Middle Eastern ancestors. They are very personal but may be shared with close family members. He was a member of the Nauvoo High Council and served for a time as a bodyguard to Joseph Smith. 20-21). I will say this, my father is a Patriarch, and Ive bounced this question of what the lineage means around with him several times. I have a dozen or so ancestors who have the exact same claim to fame (almost typed clame). My brother who was adopted from China was given the lineage Naphtali, not Ephraim like the rest of our family. Freedom in Him is the most treasured gift of all! It has been suggested that because of the . The sum of it is Mormons are prayed over (which reminds me of seeing a fortune teller), and the majority of recipients are told theyve descended from the tribe of Ephraim. 2:11). Because each of us has many bloodlines running in us, two members of the same family may be declared as being of different tribes in Israel. The office of patriarch is one of the great separate priesthood offices of the Melchizedek Priesthood., Levi (no territorial allotment, except a number of cities located within the territories of the other tribes). Those promises and blessings that are not realized in this life will be fulfilled in the next. For further understanding of the prophecies and promises as they relate to the tribe of Judah, I would suggest that your grandson study the writings of Isaiah, Ezekial, Joel, Jeremiah, and Zechariah. The majority of modern blessings have designated Ephraim or manasseh as the main link in this tracing, but others of every tribe of Israel have also been named. So while we may all be descendents of all of Jacobs sons, perhaps we are the heir of the one declared our lineage? The 10 th President of the LDS Church, Joseph Fielding Smith, said, "A blessing given by a Patriarch is intended to point out the path which the recipient should travel. In the 19th century, a lot of Mormons were fond of the notion that Joseph and our other prophets were descended from Jesus himself. 11/09/2015 by lifeafterministry. I tried to explain these population dynamics to some relatives this past weekend and failed spectacularly. Everyone wants to steal the covenant between God and Israel. To me that is significant in that every last one of us is one of gods covenant people and that the restoration of the tribes could therefore more broadly be seen as the reconciliation of every human being with deity. Quite honestly, they were probably just absorbed into Assyrian society (and not allowed to maintain a continuing identity and relationships as were the Jews in the later Babylonian captivity). That number (using an internet exponent calculator) works out to something like 5708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496. Similarly, the recipient of the blessing should not assume that everything mentioned in it will be fulfilled in this life. But after Solomons death the kingdom fractured into two: a northern kingdom called Israel, and a southern kingdom called Judah (including Jerusalem). I think lineage is one of several tropes that are meant to link us together in one of many holy ways. S. Michael Wilcox covered this topic in detail in the January 1998 Ensign in his article The Abrahamic Covenant. Salt Lake City, 1943. In Abraham we are told, And I will bless them through thy name; for as many as receive this Gospel shall be called after thy name, and shall be accounted thy seed, and shall rise up and bless thee, as their father (Abr. . The most distinguished Benjamite was the apostle Paul ( Rom. Multiple non-Ephraim blessings would be flagged. We will be expected to fulfill the duties of our tribe both in this life and the next. and (because Im a green-eyed monster) feel particularly jealous every time I read something cool someone else got. Because each of us has many bloodlines running in us, two members of the same family may be declared as being of different tribes in Israel. This first Comforter or Holy Ghost has no other effect than pure intelligence. ", The Mormon pioneers trekking across America is re-enacted every year by faithful Mormons to honor the faith of their ancestors. All our blessings were *exactly* the same word for word. Yet for the ancients on up through the late modern era it was of prime concern to many. Gramps I have a grandson and it stated in his blessing he was of the Tribe of Juda. Her patriarch later told her that none of the Lao people were descended from any tribe, but that another ethnic group in Laos (called the Mongs) were all descendants of Gad. 3:6). My Home Eco Grants, 90 New Town Row, Birmingham, England, B6 4HZ ; Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm At some level much of it might not matter, in other ways, there may be meaningful differences. The Book of Mormon records that Joseph of old "obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of his loins the Lord God would raise up a righteous branch unto the house of Israel…to be remembered in the covenants of the Lord" (2 Ne. But now Im just really curious whether that was local practice or churchwide policy. 12: 21 ), but the nearness to Jerusalem seems to have caused Benjamin gradually to become part of the kingdom of Judah. On 4/4/2016 at 11:44 AM, Edspringer said: Curiously, I once came across someone who is from the tribe of Joseph, according to his patriarchal blessing. Mormon Salvation vs. Biblical Salvation. Men have stumbled at times because promised blessings have not occurred in this life. When the Lord tells us not to seek out soothsayers or fortune tellers, Hes not just yammering on with another rule. Salt Lake City, 1985. What are the blessings of the tribe of Ephraim? The nomadic tribe-based Hebrews we read about in Judges were for a short time united in a kingdom, with three successive kings: Saul, David and Solomon. Will the United States be on the side of Israel in the last war? This was well illustrated in my fathers patriarchal blessing. If Im in the kingdom of Israel, does it matter where? As a person studies his or her patriarchal blessing and follows the counsel it contains, it will provide guidance, comfort, and protection. If you look at how the office of patriarch came about, you find that Joseph may have been just a little jealous of Brigham for coming up with the idea of patriarchal blessings first and so elevated his own father to patriarch over the whole church. I compared our two blessings.they were exactly word for word. 2:10). Patriarchal blessings include a declaration of a persons lineage in the house of Israel and contain personal counsel from the Lord. I think theres some parallels with patriarchal lineage. So, with that framing, what do patriarchal blessing lineage assignments mean to you? The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. This principle ought (in its proper place) to be taught, for God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what He will make known unto the Twelve, and even the least Saint may know all things as fast as he is able to bear them, for the day must come when no man need say to his neighbor, Know ye the Lord; for all shall know Him (who remain) from the least to the greatest. If he had no descendants, section 68 is meaningless. It was also promised specifically to Judah that he would be a ruler and overcome his enemies-. In the last days, Ephraim's descendants have the privilege and responsibility to bear the message of the restoration of the gospel to the world and to gather scattered Israel (D&C 113:3-6). Whether his children directly through bloodline or through adoption, we are heirs to both the blessings and responsibilities of the Abrahamic covenant. Scriptures that show Mormons can fully trust God's word! I dont know, Aaron, I just wrote that without actually looking at anything. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. (2 Kgs. Our patriarchs give total devotion to their callings and do all they can to live in faith and worthiness so that each blessing is inspired. The Lord continued to acknowledge Ephraim's blessing centuries later when he said, "I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn" (Jer. Which I guess we do, symbolically, whatever that might mean. As for the roles each tribe plays, Genesis 49 is the authoritative source, with additional insights on Ephraim, Manassah, and Levi in the D&C (Sec 13, 110, and 133, primarily). sbaI did check Genesis, I rest assured that it was Judahs mistake ;) The sobriquet is his, but, nonetheless, all of us (and we have it on the same authority, even the Lord in the case of Rahab) are descendants of harlots. The tribe provided the first king in the person of Saul ( 1 Sam. If Lehi was a real person with real descendants, he lived so long ago that nearly all Native Americans would have him as a literal ancestor. There has been an intermixture of the tribes one with another. Upon that revelation we both concluded that bloodline has nothing to do with it, at least not with the significance most want to consider. Guide to the Scriptures, Evangelist, Israel, Patriarchal Blessings, Patriarch, Patriarchal, Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light, Declaration of Lineage in Patriarchal Blessings, Request a copy of your own or a deceased ancestors patriarchal blessing,, Whom do I talk to about getting a patriarchal blessing? New Era, July 2010, Your Patriarchal Blessing, Ensign or Liahona, February 2010, RobertK. Wagstaff, When Should I Get My Patriarchal Blessing? New Era, August 2009, About Patriarchal Blessings, New Era, March 2004, DanielH. Ludlow, Of the House of Israel, Ensign or Liahona, January 1991, Teaching Children about Patriarchal Blessings, Ensign, October 1987, DavidA. Edwards, What a Patriarchal Blessing Can Do for You, New Era, May 2013, The Gathering of the House of Israel, Patriarchal Blessings, Lesson Helps for Teaching Children, What is a Patriarchal Blessing, The Latter-day Saints Channel Q&A, episode62, Request a copy of your own or a deceased ancestors patriarchal blessing. The LDS Church doesn't ascribe to the orthodox belief in original sin; why is that? Evidences and Reconciliations, arr. What does the lineage assignment mean? chanson I think youre forgetting that heir and descendent are not synonyms. James Russell Uhl. While a patriarchal blessing contains inspired counsel and promises, it should not be expected to answer all of the recipients questions or to detail all that will happen in his or her life. This happened to me 30+ years ago and my leaders came to me and made the offer for me to receive a new blessing. Post author: Post published: June 12, 2022 Post category: amalfi furniture collection Post comments: somerdale nj police chief somerdale nj police chief These chosen men live lives that entitle them to the inspiration of heaven. .. I was declared to be of the tribe of Manasseh and an institute director told us once that Ephraim is the leadership tribe, and this was why all of the quorum of the 12 and first presidency were from the tribe of Ephraim. They have failed to remember that, in the gospel, life with all its activities continues forever and that the labors of earth may be continued in heaven. In my opinion british-israelism is racist and dead if you really believe galatians 3. Could this book cost you salvation in Jesus? From that short blessing I learned something about my responsibilities and my labors in establishing the kingdom. And again: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises (Rom. Find out why their monthly messages aren't biblical! If you were a man and lived in Nauvoo with the prophet, guaranteed you served as his bodyguard, at some point. no official affiliation to, Blessings and Responsibilities of the Tribe of Ephraim, Continue reading at the original source . And my guess is that people have just assumed you can think in the same way about the biblical patriarchs; I might be descended from one, and you from another. What can I do to help the youth in my ward get along? What happened to these people? And the punishment for not keeping them? Heres another way to look at it. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, ed. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his (Rom. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. (Genesis 49:8-10). Personally while I cant make sense o fit Im more than willing to continue it. None from our family has ever been from that tribe? Kinderhook Plates and The Greek Psalter Incident serve as further proof Smith was a false prophet. I feel to this day the Patriarch who did my blessing was not inspired..rote blessings to all. It definitely used to be viewed as a literally descent from a specific ancestor. It does not matter if a persons lineage in the house of Israel is through bloodlines or by adoption. If you're a Christian & feel you're speaking a different language, learn about the differences here. Rumors were his wife did it as well. Patriarchal blessings include a declaration of a person's lineage in the house of Israel and contain personal counsel from the Lord. The original tribe of Levi did not receive a land inheritance (other than the levitical cities), so that its priestly members could live throughout the land, so Joseph (the dominant tribe in the north) was basically bifurcated into two representing his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, to keep the tribal number at ten. (I tried posting this once and it didnt take; apologies if this becomes a duplicate). I received my own patriarchal blessing when I was but a boy of 12. "for I know whom I have believed" 2 Tim. Am I Less Worthy Not Being From the Tribe of Ephraim? Many Latter-day Saints are of the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe given the primary responsibility to lead the latter-day work of the Lord. Of course, we meet about every week at the table of Christ, and we have a place at that table too. Most of those people are dead now. Sorry, hit wrong button and comment sent before conclusion. As others note from a genetic perspective it seems silly when you get very many generations away especially if there is sufficient mixing. Find out why they're not the same! 11: 1 ). Regarding Patriarchal blessings and the declaration of lineage, President James E. Faust stated: . Perhaps there was a genetic difference that was passed along. Those who follow the counsel in their patriarchal blessing will be less likely to go astray or be misled. Seeing that the majority of declared lineages today are Joseph (primarily Ephraim) I believe that this in essence means we represent the northern kingdom or the lost 10 tribes as a whole. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the other Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the Saints, as is recorded in the testimony of St. John, in the 14th chapter, from the 12th to the 27th verses. Good choice of image. I was not ready for it but my Bishop pushed for me to get it. Patriarchal blessings may contain promises, admonitions, and warnings. The Twelve Tribes according to their inheritance of land in Palestine were as follows: Reuben Simeon Judah Issachar Zebulun Dan Naphtali Gad Asher Benjamin Ephraim (son of Joseph) Manasseh (son of Joseph) Levi (no territorial allotment, except a number of cities located within the territories of the other tribes) Ill try raising this point next time I need to wreak havoc in HP group. Brigham Young said that Joseph was a pure Ephraimite, but Ugo Perego through investigation of Josephs DNA discovered that he was old irish and a descendant of Niall of the 9. . It's like having your own personalized section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Someday there will be a big family reunion for all the children of our Heavenly Father. tribe of ephraim lds patriarchal blessing. Joseph Fielding Smith (1972), 14950. Were all adopted into the covenant relationship. Anyone or anything that disagrees with the LDS Church is considered anti-Mormon. Frankly, lineage doesnt make a lot of sense in todays world, as the OP suggests. Opinions on this subject differ widely. No setting apart required. As a person studies his or her patriarchal blessing and follows the counsel it contains, it will provide guidance, comfort, and protection. Their godhead is nothing like that of the Christian Trinity - find out why! Hey there, cousinanother Grover descendant here. 43 And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river. The blessing of one . When moved upon by the Holy Spirit, the patriarch makes an inspired declaration of the lineage of the recipient together with such blessings, spiritual gifts, promises, advice, admonition, and warnings as the patriarch feels inspired to give. I believe I know what it means for me but I couldnt tell someone else what theirs means. It is a common feature of patriarchal blessings to declare the tribe from which the person receives the blessing descends. Further, a "choice seer" would arise from Joseph's descendants who would "do a work for the fruit of [Joseph's] loins, his brethren, which shall be of great worth unto them, even to the bringing of them to the knowledge of the covenants which I [the Lord] have made with thy fathers" (2 Ne. Good work, Kev. Perhaps its all really about just getting organized in the last days. Why does Mormonism mimic so many religions? Your an idiot is a deliciously ironic phrase. G. Homer Durham (1960), 75. Teaching Children about Patriarchal Blessings, What a Patriarchal Blessing Can Do for You. According to the Bible, when Joseph brought his two sons to his father, Jacob, for a blessing, Ephraim received the birthright blessing in place of Manasseh (Gen. 48:13-20), one of the departures noted in the Bible from the custom of bestowing on the firstborn son the special privileges that belonged to him by right of primogeniture. She is now 26. How can different children from the same family descend from different partiachal lines? Its symbolic with occasional nods to obvious ethnicities. (E.g., a baby born in 2000 had two parents born in 1975, four grandparents born in 1950, eight great grandparents born in 1925 and 16 great, great grandparents born in 1900.) Jesus said; "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." What can I do to feel better when I have sinned? 41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt. The lembda carry confirmed cmh so can they serve as a bishop by right of lineage with no counselors required? So I talked to some other members my age who I knew, told them what I discovered, and asked if they would take my blessing and compare it to theirs, as they had same Patriarch. So, can tribes truly be found if they are no longer distinct? The most important aspect of our patriarchal lineage is that it ties us to the covenant made between God and Abraham. 1992). This has bothered me for over thirty years. One of the most important blessings available to worthy members of the Church is patriarchal blessings. In such a case, there may be more of a powerful effect upon the body, and visible to the eye, than upon an Israelite, while the Israelite at first might be far before the Gentile in pure intelligence. But I really like what was said in the OP about the tribes basically being all mixed in with the entire world population. So its likely that we have many many literal ancestors in those kajillions of pedigree slots from whom weve received no genetic contribution whatsoever. (This is why the old one drop rule, as we now know, was ridiculous; everyone, even Brother Brigham, has one drop.). It is important that we study this promise and its attendant responsibilities so that we can know what is and will be required of us. While the primary responsibilities of Ephraim are to spread the gospel, the primary responsibilities of Judah are to maintain and keep the records. Her blessing is her and is true to what has transpired down to the details and order of things. While there is some common language that might creep into a Patriarchs blessings if theyre not careful, the lineage is one of those items that only comes through inspiration.