A guide for family historians using church registers before 1733 when Latin is the official language, identifying key words and phrases to help you make sense of the records. Every day, GenealogyBank is working hard to digitize more U.S. newspapers and obituaries, expanding our, Louise A., of Longview, Washington, had a mystery on her hands. the Holy Mass, the Divine Office (Breviary), the ecclesiastical devotions, etc. 1733 is also generally reckoned to mark the end of the use of Latin in Church of England parish registers - but not Roman Catholic 9 0 obj And now search early newspapers for the term. in this 1718 Marriage record from Rulzheim, Germany? RP ,Oj5tI/nZCKSajhaXL\nbIwVuq\kn/fH$Hm[H+bilGxKr*AG1R./oF*"@ 1)f6l4T !g6vp^_f6,e[?{x?q7Q=/f:8#(YzB3pC?hFNA~? Have a question? Irish Catholic parish register entries were recorded in either English or Latin. That is, thankfully for everyone except family historians. This is one of the Latin abbreviations frequently used in German documents. absolutio publice (latin) - to publicly confess ones sins and being given absolution. PDF LATIN IN PARISH REGISTERS AND LATINISED NAMES - Five Nine Although not the common spoken language in England, the official written language was Latin until 1733. The Act was introduced by the then Lord Chancellor, Lord King, and came into force on 25 March 1733. In "Xmas" the second letter has been dropped. Also included are lists of the months of the year, days of the week, and abbreviations. legitimized through subsequent marriage . In particular, Lindsays bookon Latin contractions (Lindsay, W. M. 1908. Reading Latin baptism, marriage and death records can be difficult at times. "Guilel" is an abbreviation of Gulielmus, Latin for William. In the third class belong scholastic abbreviations, used to designate honorific titles acquired in the schools, to avoid the repetition of lengthy titles of books and reviews, or to facilitate reference to ecclesiastical and civil legislation. I suspect that this entry is from a manuscript book register with the entries written out in free text. But, many other documents, court records in particular, include an abundance of abbreviations that may be a mystery to the casual reader of Latin documents, especially when ones Latin vocabulary is limited. The person was born in 1827 and died in 1914. Therefore, Latin will be found used in the earlier records of most European countries, as well as in Roman Catholic records around the world. By breaking this into smaller pieces, it is possible to understand what it is saying (with the help of Google Translate and my schoolboy Latin): 1846 die decimo octavo menses MaiiThe eighteenth day of May 1846, null legitimo impedimento detectono lawful impediment was detected, ego Carolus Middlehurst Apcus. marriage records, and death records, check out The Magic of German Church Records Book. Latin Genealogical Terms. For a female: Sarah filia Henrici BLOGGS et Anna uxor ejus baptizata fuit (date in Latin) Anno Pdo. Means in the same article, book or other reference work as was mentioned before. For example, in taxonomy ", Used in abbreviations in "S.S.Theol.Doct." The use of conventional phrases and abbreviations continues today. On these documents from an Italian church, the last names were in their original Italian. after the wives given names are a variety of combinations of letters that I assume are abbreviations: uxj; uxe j; ux. - "eodem" (the same). There are other, similar entries nearby. DS69.1.R3 RR4 Religion/ANE. . <>>> Sue, Thank you for commenting. Links to additional online content are included when available. Sometimes notices are copied from newspaper to newspaper, and if a notice was republished more than 30 days from its first publication, the interpretation would be incorrect. 1 0 obj Rici=of RichardBenj = Benjamin. = will datedtwp = townshipnat. I recommend reviewing the text to see if there is another possibility for these letters. Catholic, Roman, Ecclesiastical . In the transaction of ordinary business the Roman Congregations are wont to use certain brief and pithy formulas (e.g. (LogOut/ 18. eod. Roman. Just discovered this website, and the latin explanations. }w~3SVZ|1 8 Sometimes referred to loosely as a Visitation. ThoughtCo, Sep. 2, 2021, thoughtco.com/latin-genealogical-word-list-1422735. This is incredibly helpful to me! The postnomial C.R.L. had me confused until I saw a document that wrote the term out in full as Canonicus Regularis Lateranensis, which I could translate as Canon Regular of the Lateran (an order of priests). The normal format in Latin seemed to be: Thomas filius Henrici BLOGGS et Anna uxor ejus baptizatus fuit (date in Latin) Anno Pro. Comm: Giertrud Nielsdatter and Berthe Pedersdatter from Grenn. (pudica virgine) Maria Eva Gade Joes Georgii Gade Scabini et hospitis ad ursum et Barbarae ejus uxorii legitimus. The LDS Church as filmed about 33% of the Irish Catholic sacramental registers, and these are accessible in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City or at an LDS Family History Center near your home. Hello, I frequently see obt before death dates on Victorian mourning jewelry. xU}Wq1Nv0tt1;dah!JCD$bVYv@j@]a7K0T2R+di{~wwG=9{s%K,Yd%K,Yd%K,Y m{hOv1\}^sq2H+7m,gm:Q(GNex]nAn/ts;[RBeR-@\43z;_% {_o"In/:[Rbb%$>w#um3p52? Latin for local history : an introduction, A Latin glossary for family and local historians, Understanding Documents for Genealogy and Local History, Paleography: Interpreting Handwriting in Genealogical Research, Some Notes on Medieval English Palaeography. Examples: CCLC, LC, CNC or CWC. Anno pto. Latin was once the universal academic language in Europe. Without seeing the original or knowing the time period, I can not give you a definitive answer. This is a list of common Latin abbreviations. (Dates in Latin--see next section.) The endings of Latin words can also vary depending on the grammatical usage of the words, with specific endings used to indicate a word used as the subject of the sentence, as a possessive, as the object of a verb, or used with a preposition. Thanks. Also, in. is one of the earliest attempts at a dictionary of medieval abbreviations. Refer to the FamilySearch Wiki on the subject: Look . Lets have a look at an example that I saw in the marriage register for St Marys in Wigan, Lancashire: 1846 die decimo octavo menses Maii, null legitimo impedimento detecto, ego Carolus Middlehurst Missus. Coad, You will see that the priest is expected to indicate his rank. Example: "see page 258, The abbreviation is used in citations. Latin Names. This book is out of copyright and available for download for free as a PDF file from the Internet Archive. A genealogical system developed by the Family History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that links individuals to ancestors in pedigree, family group, and descendant formats. The conventional English transcription procedure is to use both Old and New Reckonings; for example, the Old Style of 1 February 1626 would be written as 1 February 1626/7 in the New Style. Beginner's Latin. Latin Acronyms and Latin Abbreviations - List of 1.4k Did you see that its definition includes widower? Geo = George. Proavus means great grandfather and proava means great grandmother. "If you are well, it is good. Latin In Church Records (part 2) | Catholic Family History Examine the syntax within the presented context. As if deciphering old records that were written, you suspect, with watered down ink and a nib that had seen better days was not hard enough, you often have the added complexity of them being written in Latin. 10 0 obj xpher or Xpoferus= Christopher The first two letters are not really X and p but the greek letter X (Ch) and p (r) Xp was a customary abbreviation for Christ. <> Need assistance? Common Latin Words Found in Genealogy Documents. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:.mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Herbermann, Charles, ed. I am pretty new to trying to read and translate Latin (I did have 4 years of high school Latin, but that was 50 years ago) https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-3BRX?i=78 image 79 right side 1st entry. Call Number: FLS2016 038003 [PA2814 .G36 1995 OVERFLOWJ34], Call Number: FLS2016 040538 [PA2895 .M67 1989 OVERFLOWJ34]. Thus there may have been abstentions from the vote. ^s4b~/$TlepxR %)WGQ\O([G/cJ3[*(TJ*e%+Z|3UU| \u=)UM";C 4s=Q`DY=jbISqt5|1H9 Crt{XeX(1E($8I5bN[.,[! Latin in Irish Roman Catholic parish registers - Irish Genealogy Toolkit Among the Romans, this was a traditional salutation at the beginning of a letter. Try to scan similar entries to see if this speculation makes sense. "in a relaxed, generous (or 'ample') sense", "it is permitted to know", "one may know", "to wit", "if there is need", "if occasion require", "if necessary". I dont understand Apcus. Apos. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x = 1 to 10xx, xxx = 20 & 30i or j = primo; on the first, dom.=dominus (-a); lord or sir (lady or dame), fil.pop= filius(-a) populi or filius (a) vulgi; bastard son or daughter of a harlot, in com.=in comitatu; in the county (of)libre = book, ob. degree of consanguinity (or affinity or any other impediment), A further example was added to say that when a dispensation was granted by virtue of their missionary faculties the priest was to insert data per me dispensatione ab impedimento given by me a dispensation from the impediment of, In the Blog on 13 Aug, you discussed a marriage register entry from 1846, being unsure of the meaning of the Latin A me Misso Apco. The paragraph format generally contains more information about procedures followed and parties participating in the sacrament, although they are more challenging to read. Most of these 1813 Catholic baptismal records include an abbreviation following the names of the parents, and before the names of godparents. I read this as 10 Jan H.A. Thank You again, Your email address will not be published. The stone had a cross that was engraved with the initials: CSMA, which were in the cross and set forth thus (the A was in the middle of the cross): Can you tell me what the CSMA stands for? Example: "These results agree with the ones published by Pelon, "and the others", "and other things", "and the rest", Other archaic abbreviations include "&c.", "&/c. It is used to avoid repeating the name of a male author (in citations, footnotes, bibliographies, etc.) Since the keeping of records as part of the civil registration systems did not start until the 19th century, parish records constitute an invaluable source of information about individuals. i1FV8ZojUNR[d(>/}|~Zfif)C|ZwgvX>Y:|leFT7y2Qp.n,K7{+]Q__u6Ga?NG]Q/)vNvt/a"t1R!qYDsT Denby is a community near Penistone, but what does trem. Comp: Eric Thomsen fromTierstrup, Eric Rasmussen, etc. With all Latin terms, apply strategies to make sure you interpret a document correctly. Notice in this newspaper clipping example, Margaret is referred to as the relict, or widow, of the late William McCarron. I?m not really sure what the MI/ML may stand for, possibly Margaret/Mary-Elizabeth. young man legitimatus per subsequius matrimonius . Last week, we covered the Church records written in Latin. German Genealogical Research: Common Abbreviations and Symbols - Blogger What is the cause of death Pytorie? Usually at the end of mathematical proofs. For the St Marys register it also shows the formula to be used for dispensations obtenta per Reverendissimum Dominum A. Abbreviations in baptism records | Ireland Reaching Out Can you help me understand the reference to a bear (?) In addition to records of the sacraments performed in the parish, administrativerecords of parish activities exist. A part of the monarch's title, it is found on all British and Canadian coins. They are: a) o.c. LATIN Meaning Abbreviated Abbreviations Common. The following are some of of the abbreviations which he used: M - Married, D - Died, W - Widowed, R - Moved from the parish, C- Changed his address within the parish, N - New resident, P - Poor man. Typically used when the person's dates of birth and death are unknown. A method used to record the month of an event found in some church registers and other documents. The second line begins with Comm. as the lead word and lists female name (i.e., a mans wife named ____). I cannot answer definitively, but suspect it was an indication of pylorie, a kind of stomach infection. Beginner's Latin | Derbyshire Record Office N.N. This late 16th-century example is of the words 'A declaracion': -rum. Using this guide, you can glean the most BVM = Blessed Virgin Mary. \ legitim.) R&period;I&period;P&period; Requiescat In Pace. I agree that it looks like JP C. I would contact a county historian to verify, but it probably indicates he was a justice of the peace for the county. The Catholic Encyclopedia also has a list of ecclesiastical abbreviationsand All-Acronymns.com includes a list of Latin Acronyms and Abbreviations. The relicta reference indicates that Elisabeth was a widow of a man named Gregorij. How Was Queen Victoria Related to Prince Albert? stream [closed] +3 votes. If you search the Latin word list at Genproxy.co.uk, youll notice that Latin even has specific words to specify if someone was a 2nd great grandparent. = sine prole; without offspring. CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church. See our separate guide to Latin terms for examples of this. The ecclesiastical words most commonly abbreviated at all times are proper names, titles (official or customary), of persons or corporations, and words of frequent occurrence.A list of those used in Roman Republican and early Imperial times may be seen in James Chidester Egbert, Jr.'s Latin Inscriptions (New York City, 1896), 417-459. They were once very numerous, and lists of them may be seen in the works quoted below (e.g. OBt most likely indicates a shortening of the entire word (obiit). Genealogy Tip: If a Latin term ends in us, then it refers to a male; if it ends in an a, it generally refers to a female. A. aar (r)- year. Ecclesiastical Abbreviations | Catholic Answers The second, of great significance to genealogists, was that the commencement of the year was changed from the old Julian reckoning of 25 March. What does the LL stand for? Often used in medical contexts. When Christian names are written in Latin it is not always clear what the English equivalent is. For instance, 7br refers to Septem or month number 7 occurring during the . Words that have extra strokes over one or more letters, or over the whole word, or that include odd symbols or superscripts, are very likely abbreviations. Month of June AD 1849 Day Any suggestions on what it might mean? Most Hungarian birth/baptismal records prior to October 1895 will be found in Catholic Church parish registers. Latin Parish Baptism Records - Brigham Young University A prescription indication that the drug is to be administered only once. Without seeing the original, its hard to provide a precise answer, but I believe it may indicate in Latin something similar to mother in good standing in the church. Need help deciphering church record abbreviations [closed] - WikiTree 5 0 obj There was less medieval abbreviation in the text of books much used on public occasions, e.g. I dont have a firm answer about the abbreviation f.p. 6 0 obj USED IN THE APPARATUS TO A CLASSICAL TEXT", "Tables of Modern Monetary SystemsExplanation", "How to make swords talk: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding medieval swords and their inscriptions", "Classical Salutations and Closings in Greek and Roman Letters, Adapted to Electronic Mail", "Common abbreviations in Latin inscriptions published in, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Latin_abbreviations&oldid=1141748904, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Carpe Diem: a genealogist's guide to Latin family history records 17. p.t. 3. endobj Without seeing your Slovak example, I would suspect P.L. It is not unusual to find, within the pages of one record, different variations used, but care should be taken to ensure that in these instances, it is a variation and not meant to indicate something else. %PDF-1.5 Common Latin Words Found in Genealogical Records - ThoughtCo From the 18th century, authors started using their mother tongues to write books, papers or proceedings. 1712. Latin Abbreviations 4. 8 0 obj Translating Parish Records - Births. Another Latin abbreviation found in genealogy documents. legitimate levante . OB is an indication of the Latin word obiit (death) and if it is followed by a date, that would be the date of death of a loved one. A Sampler of Latin Terms, Given Names and Abbreviations Found in Sacramental Registers. This word means once and so gives the mother's maiden name. This website contains resources for those interested in Medieval English Genealogy. Military - militaris, bellicus. Baptismal Register - matricula baptizatorum, liber. That seems to make NO sense, as the mother is always known and it is the father of a child born out of wedlock who could either run away/deny fathering the baby, or else acknowledge it as his bastard. Ive been searching the Web for 30 mins, but no satisfaction. Eventually such productive centres of technical manuscripts as the Papal Chancery, the theological schools of Paris and Oxford, and the civil-law school of Bologna set the standards of abbreviations for all Europe. 14 0 obj All abbreviations are given with full stops, although, in most situations, these are omitted or included as a personal preference. This class includes also the abbreviations for the names of most sees. "B.C." 3 Responses Melanie Zumwalde says: May 5, 2022 at 4:44 pm. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. My apologies for such a long delay. Handwritten in church book, 1831. When Christian names are written in Latin it is not always clear what the English equivalent is. 13 0 obj g8qD06*hMU+yA@4#N{fFt(F28n) ^M)2 )G,r% +~%6xm+4b7j; oj{7vy{@ A Genealogist's Guide to Old Latin Terms & Abbreviations Though the second-to-last line lacks punctuation, I believe the very last line is standalone -- a type of signature. The singular form is never. 11 0 obj GENUKI: Latin in Parish Records, UK and Ireland means "page 6 and the pages that follow". says "renata" instead of "obt" so the two records are different. Meaning Abbreviated Abbreviations Common. <> Would you know? Latin Parish Church Records - Brigham Young University Used in editing to indicate that something should remain as it is, and not be changed. 3. It is not to be confused with the similar, Used as a placeholder for unknown names in, i.a., the. Information leaflet providing translation from Latin to English pertaining to church registers. = colored, kno. Also, consult a variety of resources, such as these: Do you have a question about a Latin phrase youve encountered in your family history research? The source for the above entry is: Randers amt, Djurs Snder, Lyngby, 1716-1791 FVD (EM) opslag (image) 167, Page 327, entry 16 right hand page. Even when Latin fell out of use, many Latin abbreviations continued to be used due to their precise simplicity and Latin's status as a learned language. :zR} Commonly, such contractions appear at the end of a word andtheysometimes include a stroke to indicate that letters are missing. https://www.thoughtco.com/latin-genealogical-word-list-1422735 (accessed March 5, 2023). Dictionary of terms found in Church Records More articles about old terms found in historical newspapers: Found in History & Antiquities of Leicestershire by Nichols. As seen in the previous examples, relationship statuses can be specific in Latin. Medieval manuscripts abound in abbreviations, owing in part to the abandonment of the uncial, or quasi-uncial, and the almost universal use of the cursive, hand. For church records or local legal documents, comparison with later documents from the same region or community that are not written in Latin will often solve the problem. In 1752, two changes were made to the English Calendar. I have been told that this rank carried security of tenure of the mission, i.e. juvenis (abbreviation: juv.) Im looking at Irish marriage records and see ASHE Catherine .orse EFFER in 1841. Pastor" or less literally, "baptized by the pastor" (who probably penned the record in the church book). <> Know that male names often end in - us or - ius, while female names end in - a. Legal documentation may include abbreviations regarding the status of a decedent. <> I see that you wrote me some time ago. This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 13:13. The third line has Comp. as the lead word and usually lists only male names. 2nd ed. Boost Your English Vocabulary With These 50 Greek and Latin Root Words, Use These Latin Words in English Conversations, How to Make Sense of Census Abbreviations, Ahnentafel: Genealogical Numbering System, Learn the Endings of Fifth Declension Latin Nouns, The Four Marriages of King Philip II of Spain, Common Latin Abbreviations Used in English. witness . The birth date was assumed to be October(10th month), 28, 1874. Can refer to one's body of business practices. Common genealogy terms, including record types, events, dates, and relationships are listed here, along with Latin words with similar meanings (i.e., words commonly used to indicate marriage, including marry, marriage, wedding, wedlock and unite). Translation: Honest young man Nicolaus Jochim son of deceased Friedrich Adam Jochim mayor of this town and Anna Barbara deceased his second legitimate wife with chaste virgin Maria Eva Gade daughter of George Gade, alderman and innkeeper (adursum??) for de facto (in reality) or de fide (article of faith.) The word is cond with the d either normally written or with great flourish, i.e., curly toptail on the d. Marriage Ex: Elisabeth relicta cond Gregorij Ex: Catharina virgine filia cond Stephanus, Nobility record ex: Michael, filius cond Georgii ex Tarnok. The year of Christ the Savior, similar to A.D. Used when referring the reader to a passage beginning in a certain place, and continuing, e.g., "p.6 et seqq." The Jewish scribes and Talmudic scholars also had frequent recourse to abbreviations. Wikipedia has a list of Latin abbreviations, with links to other Wikipedia pages on abbreviations, including a list of classical abbreviations and a list of ecclesiatical abbreviations. Negative = "No"; Negative et amplius = "No with emphasis"). A list of those used in Roman Republican and early Imperial times may be seen in James Chidester Egbert, Jr.'s Latin Inscriptions (New York City, 1896), 417459. Latin was used in the records of most European countries and in the Roman Catholic records of the United States and Canada. The development of printing brought about the abandonment of many abbreviations, while it suggested and introduced new ones a process also favoured by the growth of ecclesiastical legislation, the creation of new offices, etc. Quantin, Prou). Ultimo (often abbreviated "ult."): Ultimo or Ultimo Mense is a Latin . Terminology, Meanings and Descriptions of Genealogical Abbreviations CW possibly relates to a man who was widowed and changed his address with the parish in that year. Different endings will be used if a word is masculine, feminine or neuter, as well as to indicate singular or plural forms of a word. It would also be useful to contact a Polish church to verify the meaning. Since the keeping of records as part of the civil registration systems did not start until the 19th century, parish . SBL Handbook of Style: for Biblical Studies and Related Disciplines 2014. I am well.". The abbreviations of the titles of Roman Congregations, and of the individual canonical ecclesiastical authorities, belong also to this class. The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. "Latin Genealogical Terms." Coad equates with Missioner Coadjutor assistant priest. Before 1752, the year officially began on 25 March. <> Most genealogy researchers define caelebs as a man who was singleso if you didnt explore further, you might assume that caelebs indicated someone who had never been married. Introduction: In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak explains some of the old termsmany of them derived from Latinthat genealogists encounter during their family history research. Were the children legitimate or illegitimate, and did some or all children die within the lifetime of a parent? However, the Church record shows the date as 28 Decembris 1874 (see image and url below) which I assume would be December 28, 1874 since I can see records for all of the 12 . Latin documents may be difficult toread and interpretat the best of times, but with an increasing number of online resources, the translation ofdocuments in Latinneed not be an impossible task. Any help would be appreciated. Finally, the FamilySearch website includes a list of Latin Genealogical Word List, providing a concise online source of the most frequently encountered Latin terms in genealogical documents. Sancto Maria in oppido WiganI Charles Middlehurst ? Religion, Baptist, . I see many of the Polish marriage records have LL before one of the marrying males and in front of a witness. provides a wealth of information about Latin contractions and abbreviations. It is most often used in, Used in historical research where spellings of names varied, such as genealogy tables and ancestry charts, for example when MacDonald, Macdonald, and McDonald are used by different members of the same family, or even by the same person at different times (before spellings were standardized). endobj debate cases in English, but all written records had continued to be in Latin. This is SO helpful! As I have so much trouble reading these Latin documents, and I have many more from Prizzi to try to decipher, it would be so helpful if you could also tell me what the word for 'single' is, and what the notations for 'deceased' and 'living' are so that I can, hopefully, recognize them on subsequent documents.