The point of contact between the customer and the service provider is called the ___________? c. Private branding. (10 points - 2 points for diagram, 4. C) category points-of-difference \end{array} E) accuracy, Which of the following traits of a brand's ability to become a lovemark relates to drawing together stories, metaphors, dreams, and symbols? B) pitch c. Ruffini corpuscles C. Startups usually start with an established brand. Which of the following is true regarding URL text? D) Competitive points-of-difference a. Instruction manual C) mystery It is a focused attempt to highlight a relevant and unique benefit for any single customer segment. C) points-of-inflection E) cast. ) C) announcing category benefits D) points-of-presence e. Increased value of a company's common stock. A) brand equity Brands cannot be built through advertising, public relations, sponsorships, social media, or similar techniques. Select one: A) desirability D) employee d. Equipment-based offering. Brand equity is anything that is deeply seated in a consumer's memory about the brand. The implied warranty of merchantability b. Cannibalization Select one: Which of the following is an example of channel differentiation? a. B) clear profitability to the company Which of the following statements about branding is. c. Integrated marketing communications is less important now than it was in the past. The supplier is most likely to be differentiated on its ________. He used these same themes in his print and radio advertisements. A) Points-of-parity 1 12 4. D)It is always part of a company's success. A) points-of-difference a. Balanced offering. a. A) deliverability d. The principle of informed consent Hermione used ___________ to evaluate the quality of this service? Using the information given in the given problem and the rates shown in the given figure, prepare a depreciation schedule showing the depreciation expense, accumulated depreciation, and book value for each year under the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System. Financial Market Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Pdf. E) channel. ) e. The retailer has a lot of experience with advertising. b. 3. There are four basic elements or components to a positioning statement: Target Audience - the attitudinal and demographic description of the core prospect. Which of the following is true regarding customer personas? (The IRS schedule will spread depreciation over six years.). e. Abuse, Which of the following statements about creating a brand is true? A) brand mantras Select one: Brand equity is anything that is deeply seated in a consumer's memory about the brand. a. Pages 3 Ratings 100% (3) 3 out of 3 people found this document helpful; e. Brand Loyalty, Typically, ______________ is done by the retailer of a product rather than by the manufacturer. B) Conceptual points-of-parity d. Excessive branding. a. Brand name, marketing communications, packaging, and price are examples of_____ that enable consumers to form associations that give meaning to the brand. B) thoroughness False and . In terms of the goods-services continuum, this is an example of a ___________? D) Category points-of-parity Word of mouth Select one: C) Brand logos An expressed warranty means that? B. d. Toll-free number B) competitive points-of-difference One of the challenges we face in managing services is that both the customer and the service provider work together to create the service. . Psychology - Cognitive Approach: Flashbulb Me, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. Notes. Select one: e. All of these are the point we were trying to make. a. d. Co-branding. If it helps to get your gears going, here are simple formulas you can follow to create a winning positioning statement: [Brand name] provides [benefit] because [compelling reason] for [target audience] with [specific need or want]. Select one: e. No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. D) the soap brand has global presence Select one: c. People-based offering You said? who provide superior customer service? b. E) Hayley's found success by allowing buyers to customize the color and some features of its appliances before buying them. D) to globalize competitors' perceived points-of-difference B) identifying counter examples When it comes to services, quality is measured in terms of? These are all ways to leverage brand equity by charging a fee for others to use your brand name. C) deviance, peculiarity, deformity These brands offer experiences and we buy them with that experience in mind. Hours, days, and weeks often go into crafting the perfect brand positioning statement. E) reliability, A supplier creates better information systems, and introduces bar coding, mixed pallets, and other methods of helping the consumer. B) mystery A combination of one or more of those distinguishing . Select one: B) Dove products include bar soaps and shampoos A. False. e. What the customer expects from the service. b. E) points-of-inflection, Consumers might not consider a hand sanitizer truly a hand sanitizer unless they are gels designed to apply topically, contain alcohol that kills the germs present on the skin, and developed for use after washing hands or for those times when soap and water are not available. d. Positioning and its value proposition to consumers. E) employee, Suppliers who are dependable in their on-time delivery, order completeness, and order-cycle time are most likely to be differentiated based on ________. e. Licensing, Raul purchased a microwave oven. Each week the coffee service will deliver fresh coffee. A sentence of the form "If A then B" is true unless A is true and B is false. Consumers with high behavioral loyalty are unlikely to switch. He thought of the brand name "Playful Puppy" and asked your opinion. C) clear similarity to the attributes of other brands B) category-based positioning A. Pillsbury cookie mix featuring Hershey's Chocolate is a form of ingredient branding. If your friends tell you that the company should be liable for a problem, then they probably are liable. a. Which of the following is an example of image differentiation? Which of the following is NOT true regarding a type of brand name: D. Iconoclastic name: Office Depo is an example of a unique and memorable name, suggesting what the company is about. Implied Some services are more product-based than other services In the front of the book was a beautiful picture and an inspiring poem that would remind his clients that lower back pain can be treated with a visit to Frodo. This value can be expressed in terms of? B) innovativeness A) comparing to exemplars B) pitch Select one: a. c. Generic brand, no-name brand Search qualities Attributes like gentle and caring were of no value unless consumers believed that its deodorant was strong enough, its shampoo would cleanse and its cosmetics would be colorful enough. A global brand alters the product or service formulation for each country. D) product differentiation Service Zone The ________ defines which other brands a brand competes with and therefore which brands should be the focus of competitive analysis. \end{array} A) service differentiation A service is the intangible component of a product. D) differentiability Select one: Research your audience, value proposition, and competition. The result of positioning is the successful creation of ________, which provides a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product. For tax purposes, assume that the computer has a useful life of five years. d. Attribute c. Cross-marketing E) Hayley's found success by allowing buyers to customize the color and some features of its appliances before buying them. e. Service encounter, Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing? The retailer is large. d. Printed on the package or in the instructions B) Category points-of-difference C) product E) point-of-presence. C) Retailers are members of channels of distribution. d. Intangibility O It is always rational to prefer brand names over generic substitutes O B . All the following statements about branding are true except Branding is the set of activities designed to create a brand and position it in the minds of consumers. a. Credence Qualities B) comparing to exemplars A ______________ is an organization that exists to achieve some goal other than the usual business goals of profit, market share, or return on investment? False, Greenwashing is the term used to describe industrial processes that cause pollution above the permissible limit set by the government. c. Internal rate of return One of the reasons Johnson and Johnson's Tylenol brand pain reliever is such a powerful brand is because the company pulled the product off of grocery store shelves when there was a threat of possible product tampering. How to Write a Strong Brand Statement in 2022. The service contract assured her that if anything went wrong with the car it would be taken care of even if it wasn't covered in the warranty. B) authenticity In terms of the goods-services continuum, this is an example of a _____________? b. Questions and Answers for [Solved] Which of the following statements about personal branding is true? b. Protect the product from excessive heat or cold. d. An emotional connection d. Credence Qualities 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. Becker Brothers is handling 10 percent of the issue. \hspace{240pt}\textbf{Dividends Declared}\\ In order to reduce the possibility of mistakes, she created a self-service ordering system where customers would choose the various ingredients for the donuts using a touch-screen computer interface. Infringement The first step to building a strong brand identity, and indeed a strong brand, is creating a brand statement. Starbucks is more than coffee. a. Seam splitting lines of volcanoes GPS coordinates earthquake locations, What was Hutton's discovery at Siccar point? B) narrative branding A) locate the brand in the minds of consumers to maximize the potential benefit to the firm B) discover the different needs and groups existing in the marketplace C) target those customers marketers can satisfy in a superior way D) collect information about competitors that will directly . Select one: True 16 12 5. Builds customer trust by becoming a true partner in their business. The Chef position will perform the following duties: Builds customer loyalties through a one-on-one consultative approach. e. Landmark, Which of the following is NOT one of the three dimensions to service quality discussed in class? A) Category-based positioning B. rejuvenating an image. \text{20X8} & 220,000 & 10,000 & 90,000 & 40,000 \\ C) narrative arc Which one of the following statements about retailers and retailing activities is true? C) resilience There was soft, relaxing music playing in the background. D) announcing category benefits E) points-of-presence, For brands in more stable categories where extensions into more distinct categories are less likely to occur, the brand mantra may focus more exclusively on ________. c. A warranty 1) It carefully identifies market . c. Lawyers B) strategic points-of-parity; conceptual points-of-parity e. Recovery strategy. A. developing a new image. Brand extension. He spends about 2.25 hours each day testing programs on which he has made changes. D) assist firms in collecting information on competitors that will directly influence their strategy Through research, they had discovered that many dogs do not get enough exercise and this new dog food had stimulants added to give these sedate dogs energy. B) unique, complex, and inspirational 100% (8 ratings) 11) Brand equity is the value that the users derives or equate from a particular brand. b. The difference between options standard features. Which of the following statements about branding is TRUE A Customers are willin. Excessive branding. (d) All of the above. Which of the following statements about branding is true? Former U.S. D) practicality d. is the brand name, logo, and slogan of a company., When consumers search extensively for a particular item and are very reluctant to accept substitutes, that item is a(n) _____. d. All of these statements are true. E. What are generic drugs? This is an example of ________. C) points-of-parity D) Straddle positioning b. d. Meissner's corpuscles. a. d. Not-for-profits don't compete against each other. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a brand-related term? How to calculate depreciation and amortization from EBITDA? a. The goal of attribution is to determine which channels and messages had the greatest impact on the decision to convert, or take the desired next step.
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