lubyanka execution chamber / goodrich quality theaters corporate office / tno africa lake. Reichskimmissariat Zentralafrika is a colonial holding of the Greater Germanic Reich, administered by Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller. So are there any in-universe reasons for this not happening in TNO and what would have happened if the Reich had to deal with the same situation? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As of TT3, Atlantropa was completely removed. | Originating from Httig's contempt of the other Reichkommissariats in Africa, those being Wolfgang Schenck and Siegfried Mller, he has launched several investigations and coordinated espionage missions, to uncover any shady and illegal dealings that the two might have done. The native African SS system is not implemented in Ostafrika, instead preferring to only to use the German SS, with some former British Rhodesians. Also unlike other colonies, there is no way for the native people to achieve freedom via the work-to-freedom program implemented in Zentral or Sdwestafrika. The overwhelming majority of the forests biomass remained where it was and a tremendous amount of rotting plant-matter lay on the seafloor. Only the most insane of men would attempt to actively insert themselves into the hellish nightmare that was Huttig's Africa. Behind the devastation of the tsunami came the cloud itself, blanketing coastal areas and asphyxiating tens of thousands of human beings. His approach to the governance of Zentralafrika is charitably described as "Laissez-faire," and uncharitably described as "Almost total non-involvement": content to let foreign business concerns ravage the Kongo for all it's worth, while Zentralafrika's coffers grow fat with profits from the tolls of shipping. Former SS commandant of Auschwitz, his relations with the SS has been able to earn him at least some respect. Einheitspakt Someone asked what happened to the Congo, and got it sledgehammered. Josef Mengele is often held up by Germany as proof of the inherent superiority of the Aryan mind. German ships fill the various rivers and canals, taking these riches across the continent and to the heart of the Reich itself. The man-made Congo Sea fills in much of the country. Similarly to Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika, RK Zentralafrika is heavily reliant on African SS members to maintain order and prevent revolt. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Reichskommissariat Sdwestafrika and Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika to the west, and the Kingdom of Egypt and Italian East Africa to the north. Flanked by rolling green hills tumbling into glassy waters, Kivu is not quite the picture of tranquility it seems, according to Francois Darchambeau from KivuWatt, a company that extracts gas from the lake's waters for electricity. To this end, he has embarked on a crusade in the name of all Aryans, to ensure that traitors, incompetents, hedonists, rebels and other degenerates all meet their long-due end: to be on the other end of a rifle barrel, or spend the rest of their pitiful life toiling for the good of the Reich in the concentration camps. The amount of human suffering and loss of human-wide culture would be unquantifiable. RK Zentralafrika is incredibly diverse, featuring beaches, rain-forests, and mountains aplenty. Meanwhile Mller's German men fritter away their tours of duty drinking themselves stupid, hunting anything that moves, humping anything that wears a skirt and gambling away their pay cheques. Once the overseeing commandant of brutal extermination camps during the war, Httig has devoted himself to ruthlessly fulfilling the National Socialist tradition over Ostafrika. He is renowned in the fatherland for flying hundreds of combat missions and in the Luftwaffe he is distinguished for expertise in the development of bombers. The extracted methane is sent through a pipeline to a second facility located onshore in Rwanda, where the gas is transformed into electricity. The Drakian upper crust- who had spent large amounts of money buying up land that would end up on the new sea shore of Stokers great project- abandoned their new villas and largely left the area in the hands of Nationals and privileged Bondsmen to oversee. However, the increasing pressure of the Nazi Reichskommissariate to the North, and their tacit alliance with the Boer nationalists, will force him to take more radical action, one way or another. Will you save the world or help destroy it? Atlantropa In 2011, when he was traveling to shoot photos for a new book on the disappearing wildlife of East Africa,Across the Ravaged Land, photographer Nick Brandtcame across a truly astounding place: A natural lake that seemingly turns all sorts of animals into stone. The lake is around 570km in length and some 75km at its widest point, with one central . Out of the 30 million people in the Lake Chad region, 11.3 million have been displaced by the conflict and over 11 million urgently need aid. The former got the most fame and funding, and has featured prominently in this narrative, from Wynter-strain anthrax during the Great Patriotic War all the way back to yellow phosphorus explosives during the Last Crusade. Reichskommissar Hans Httig is a lone, fortified island in a sea of degeneracy. Once one of the Reich's most decorated fighting aces, Wolfgang Schenck's administration over Sdwestafrika is wrought by the air. As with most things in South Africa, reality is far more convoluted. From the alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron IV. One such man was Taffy Williams. It is likely that he will continue to reign for many years to come. A swallow Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY. tno africa lake By on June 12, 2022. judy farrell obituary; Thousands of years of volcanic activity has caused a massive accumulation of methane and carbon dioxide to dissolve in the depths of Kivu enough to prove monumentally destructive in the rare event they were released. Terms of Use "This is what we call a killer lake," the limnologist, or an expert in freshwater systems, told AFP. In total, there were four dams that were made for the Atlantropa . For Httig himself, he prefers to see himself as the only German in Africa who sees the truth: Africa is a continent with an heart of utter darkness; and a fist of damascus steel must crush her subhuman evil. look up his wikipedia page.Song: De Profund. 6. No matter how much the West contests the legitimacy of his experiments, Mengele remains a world-renowned doctor and his experiments are discussed in classes around the world. The flag of Reichskommissariat Ostafrika These lands were completely useless for agriculture making the land essentially worthless. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Balkanize Me: Like so many other places in TNO, Italian East Africa can collapse into a large amount of countries. To call the leadership of Reichskommissar Mller light handed would be a great understatement. His experiments in the Auschwitz Camp, while highly controversial, were enough to earn him a Nobel Prize in Medicine, though rumors persist that this award was only awarded due to efforts by the German government to pressure the committee. Connie Mulder is a disillusioned man. Lake Victoria (or Victoria Nyanza in the Bantu language) is the largest of the African Great Lakes, the largest lake in Africa and the world's . Chmielewski, considering himself Httig's favorite, is prone to brag of the dangerous and vile tasks Httig entrusts to him and him alone. But fears of such a disaster were reawakened when Nyiragongo an active volcano north of Kivu in DR Congo roared to life in early 2021. Zentralafrika is a wealthy land populated with foreign investment and mercenaries, and Reichskommissar Siegfried Mller pursues a . Performers A long time ago there was an ask-a-dev room on Discord. Over time, as water evaporates, it leaves behind high concentrations of salt and other minerals, like at the Dead Sea and Utahs Great Salt Lake. In addition, the Mediterranean's salinity rose and lead to the deaths and declines of fish populations. Karl Chimelewiski was always considered to be below average in all aspects except one: Cruelty. Custom Super Event for the collpase of either the OFN Mandates or the RKs. Atlantropa, also known as Panropa, was a grand-scale terraforming project to use the Mediterranean Sea and Congo River as hydroelectric energy sources, create new land to settle, and as a way to connect Europe closer to Africa. A second wave of lava pushed deep into the earth under the lake itself. There was a Brobdingnagian "blorp" and a colossal cloud of CO2 burst from the waters of the southern Congo Sea, triggering a thirty-eight-meter high tsunami. The Afrika-Schild is a potential alliance between the three German Reichskommissariats in Africa after the German Civil War breaks out that forms before the outbreak of the South African War and the Boer Republic will joining in when Reichskommissariat Ostafrika declares war on South Africa. Les Collaborateurs: Many ethnic groups in Italian East Africa enjoy special privileges for collaborating with the Italians. The ghastlyLake Natron, in northern Tanzania, is asalt lakemeaning that water flows in, but doesnt flow out, so it can only escape by evaporation. Being far more interested in going on safari and enjoying the pleasures of power, most plantations have been given over to private corporations, local chiefs and kings empowered, as well as extensive native recruitment into the SS and ample opportunity for slaves to earn their freedom. Despite being an Englishman, and being far too lenient for Httig to tolerate, with him instead preferring the "Degenerate," Anglos are sent to work in the coal mines for all eternity, Dupont has been able to stay in his post due to Httig being unable to remove him without the go-ahead from Germania. This has, however, led to significant instability in Ostafrika, with native resistance movements constantly chipping away at the colonial administrations power and ability. Former camp commandant Karl Chmielewski is a man notorious in the SS for his cruelty and corruption, and he was eventually reassigned to RK Ostafrika as a minor minister. Organization of Free Nations Provisional Government of the Congo, More The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki, Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, Polish Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Sterling's Domination of the Draka novels, had the Drakian Empire dam the Congo and created a lake, much like what the Third Reich did in TNO, only for the consequences of its creation to be far more severe (if I'm not mistaken) to what happened in TNO's timeline. The native population must know their place, below the German, and so the SS in Ostafrika comprise of full blooded Aryans alone. All I did was position them on the branches, feeding them through their stiff talons., A dove Nick Brandt 2013, Courtesy of Hasted Kraeutler Gallery, NY, Joseph Stromberg Unlike other German territories, it is considered separate from the Einheitspakt after its formation, and as such, Germany can send support and volunteers if the war in Southern Africa is still going after the end of the German Civil War, and Burgundy can also send support to three African Reichskommissariats but focus more support to Huttig's Ostafrika. tno africa lake. We are the guards, and this is their prison. Frequently, though, migrating birds crash into the lakes surface. It is the 9th largest lake in the world and the third largest lake in Africa by surface area. Its so high that it would strip the ink off my Kodak film boxes within a few seconds, Brandt says. The remnant German forces in South Africa based in Simon's Town, led by naval commander Wilhelm Dommes. All across Africa, the natives whisper of the Devil of Gusen, and the rumors that follow him everywhere he goes. After the collapse of Reichstaat, Hertzog will step down under international pressure and will organize democratic elections. For Hans Httig, the running of a Reichskommissariat is no different than that of a concentration camp. save. We are not here to build a nation. There's a common misconception . Cookie Policy The continuous rule of the United Party has shot down the National Party's plans for apartheid, and gives some vague hope of eventual racial integration, but progress has been slow, and the African National Congress has been launching mass protests to push for equal rights. There was a Brobdingnagian blorp and a colossal cloud of CO2 burst from the waters of the southern Congo Sea, triggering a thirty-eight-meter high tsunami. so the congo lake is basically one big pool of lacroix is what you're saying. Ostafrika is commanded by Reichskommissar Hans Httig, who leads the colony brutally attempting to perfect his Aryan will, and spread it across the "Dark Continent" of Africa. General Office for Central African Affairs (Generalbro fr Zentralafrikanische Angelegenheiten) Thomas H. Moorer's track record of service in the US Navy is perhaps one of the brightest in the institution's long history, doubly so after the failure of the US intervention in the Second World War; a veteran from the Dutch East Indies, his leadership and covert sea strikes heavily crippled the Kriegsmarine and Imperial Navy presence in the Indian Ocean in the waning hours of the Second World War, with only the Pearl Harbor nuking and the surrender of the United States ending what could have been a campaign to permanently cripple their hold on the African Seas. Drakian scientists investigated, identified . If South Africa manages to secure a total victory, they will seize the southernmost parts of the Schild, while the rest is broken up between the, Alternatively, the OFN can opt to form a single, massive state consisting of what South Africa didn't take, known as the Central African Republic. Until someone else pays more, that is. Unlike other German territories, it is considered separate from the Einheitspakt after its formation . The Greater Germanic Reich wanted to force the Italian Empire and Iberian Union to be closer to them and support the German colonies in Africa with the Atlantropa project. With a vast body of freshwater now sitting right on equatorial territory that had previously been land, rainfall increased massively across central Africa. Privacy Policy. share. Needed Consumer Goods: -5.00%, German (official), African languages (unofficial), General Office for Central African Affairs (Generalbro fr Zentralafrikanische Angelegenheiten). hide. In Italy, inhospitable salt flats rose from the then Adriatic Sea. Unlike those other lakes, though, Lake Natron is extremely alkaline, due to high amounts of the chemical natron (a mix of sodium carbonate and baking soda) in the water. Most would involve damming some of the right tributaries of the Congo River and channeling some of the water to Lake Chad via a canal to the Chari River basin. Official name The latter two experienced limnic eruptions in the 1980s, and the bigger disaster at Nyos suffocated more than 1,700 people in a toxic release of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide dissolves into water (as the goodMr. Priestley discovered) and it dissolves most readily when the water is cool and under pressure- as was the case at the bottom of the Congo Sea. In SaB the Congo Lake ultimately left the area near uninhabitable do to the massive limnic eruptions killing basically everything in the general area. Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika Httig has nothing but contempt for his fellow African Reichskommissare because of their incompetence and complacency. The charismatic leader of Reichskommissariat Zentralafrika and the richest of the Reich's three African governors. Organization of Free Nations Provisional Government of the Congo, More The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki, Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, Polish Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Groafrikanischer Reichsstaat (post-SAW if not conquered). Effective communication is an important success factor in innovation trajectories with multiple stakeholders in low and middle income countries. Reichskommissar Hans Httig RK Zentralafrika is incredibly diverse, featuring beaches, rain-forests, and mountains aplenty. These nations will emerge as the three African Reichskommissariate decolonize. Will you save the world or help destroy it? This made a huge crater where the Congo once was, and over the years it was filled up by the rains down in Africa. Both inside and outside Ostafrika, evil minds conspire to put an end to the rightful German rule over Afrika, and the lax rule of foolish administrators only fuels discontent and chaos throughout the German Lebensraum. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Even more so, he was one of the transvaal Boer's most pro-German politicians, staunchly opposing any expansion of American influence into South Africa. King of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Moshoeshoe II was born Constantine Bereng Seeiso, a descendant of Moshoeshoe I, the great founder of the nation. Sucking Dry an African Giant. DISCLAIMER: As of the recent update, this article is no longer canon to the story and the mod of TNO. The absolute state of the Democrats in TNO 2. On one particular morning, a crowd of protestors surrounded the offices of Reichskommissar Emil Maurice, demanding basic welfare and at least some respect for human rights. Uh, why is there a big ass lake smack in the middle of Africa, called Viktoria? 1950s. National Socialism Behind the devastation of the tsunami came the cloud itself, blanketing coastal areas and asphyxiating tens of thousands of human beings. Drakian scientists investigated, identified the cause and nature of the disaster, and then duly reported that the problem was self-correcting. For more information, please see our The hugely expensive project had massive funding issues, due to Germany's economic crisis in the 1950s. I still do not get this meme. R.K. Ostafrika, German East Africa, East Africa If triggered, a so-called limnic eruption would cause "a huge explosion of gas from deep waters to the surface" resulting in large waves and a poisonous gas cloud that would put the lives of millions at risk, said Darchambeau, environmental manager at KivuWatt.
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