Now head upstairs. Stranger Things began with a seemingly perfect cast, yet with each season new characters are introduced who provide a unique perspective, make the show even more entertaining, and become critical players in the war with the Upside Down. Backtrack and go NE along the only other route. Your reward will be some more choice in offensive or defensive gear. Hawkins FairIf you talk to the guy by the entrance and say What can I do here?, hell hand you a free Prize Ticket. After the next area you'll be in Murray's House. Hidden back here is Gnome #25: Kitt. Easy enough, though. From here on, you need to drive the truck to the next blocked door and proceed on foot to open it from the other side. Proceed to the Hess Farm Russian Base. You'll eventually find a purse with some of the info you need. Dont worry, theres nothing hidden down a wrong path this time. Dustin can open locked areas like the one leading to his room with a timed but trivial button-matching prompt. Nows the time where you might want to do some crafting. She will task you with getting the shake mix behind the boxes in the storeroom, then head to Melvald's in Hawkins Square (it's the general store). Start a new campaign off on whatever difficulty you want; there's no bonus beyond bragging rights for making things hard on yourself. Take the 1st vent, and youll come to a room with 2 more. After that, the northernmost door will open. And then turn off the power. There's another gnome here, as well as a puzzle with clowns. In the next room you'll get another alarm, but this time you have to turn it off using the three pressure plates (so push a green bin onto one of them). After a cutscene he'll join your party, getting you: Now you'll need to find an umbrella, duct tape, and tin foil in the house. Stranger Things 3: The Game is the official companion game to Season 3 of the hit original series! stranger things 3 game murray's warehouse buttons ingredient in ice cream that causes diarrhea 3, 2022 how old was zacharias janssen when he died on stranger things 3 game murray's warehouse buttons Enter in LRR to unlock the door and backtrack to proceed. Turn on the power and head through the newly-opened door to find the showers. Per page: 15 30 50. When the battle is over, the mission Cabin Ambush will complete and the chapter will be over. If you've been following the guide, that's all fifty! Now we need to head to the Town Hall. Hit the switch here, and examine the order of the posters (the bulletin board will give you a hint about the next puzzle). There's various ways to getting tickets throughout the fair, and of spending them (the vendor has rare crafting materials, including a squeaky toy which might be the only place to get this, so if you want it for a trinket like Erica's My Lightning Poker, buy it here). Location: Head into the second area and activate switches 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 to open a new area to find Falken. After this, youll receive the Starcourt Mall Blueprints. That's everything for the quest thus far. Hoppers CabinThe doors are closed again. He seems like a good kid. In the main room, the two left breakers control the left-hand/NW side of the basement, and the right-side/SE controlled by the two others. Examine Antons Note from your inventory and youll learn some information. If you play this mode on the same easy difficulty, you shouldn't have too much trouble, I would just recommend some basic tips: *When you get to the tough sections (such as a timed alarm or the Flayer escape in the hospital) you may want to switch to "expendable" characters so that a death won't set you back badly. Head inside to Petal Pushers. Orient the far left/NW rat to the picture of space, the second rat down to the power lever, and the last towards the bookshelf. Next to Karen is Susan, who has a quest for you; you need to get her a new hair dryer, starting the Revenge of the Geeks quest. You'll receive Gnome #35: Falken. Grab the laxatives back here and clear out the rats, then head back to Robin in Scoops Ahoy. Dough. Eventually you reach the area you'd previously been in. June 30, 2022 . Now head back to the eastern path. undamaged item (including handmade items). Time to barricade the windows. truth about the person behind that door). Turn on the breaker and head through the elevator to Upper Starcourt Corridors. Hit the switch in the back of the SE room to open a door to the far SE. Past the vending machine, youll find a chest containing x3 Random Items. This will make the locked door open in the back, with the chest loot and the gnome for the taking. Hawkins seems like a completely normal, boring city. Grab it and head back to the door with the golden bear and grab the key. Main Character Elimination Game ROUND 9 (MURRAY IS OUT) . Now back at the entrance, take the NW path once, then backtrack, and youll find a hidden Gnome #49: Freddy! Funny thing is, fans can actually call the number for a very interesting message on Murray's answering machine. As you leave, Chet will want a milkshake too. Head NW and then SW to find another clown in a room with a medkit, and tell him the answer is 2. In the SE corner of the building by the vent is your next Gnome #37: Magnum. You'll want to talk to the receptionist to finish off The Golden Gift, then leave. I recommend first smashing everything in this first room so it's not in your way. While Stranger Things obviously oozes '80s nostalgia, Stranger Things 3: The Game reminds me distinctly of the 2000's, bearing many of the hallmarks of the bygone licensed tie-in games of that era. After a cutscene, you'll take control of Mike and Lucas, who are trying to get into a movie. Using your energy for damaging chain attacks is a great idea to maximize your damage during these limited windows of opportunity. the devil's arithmetic full movie; give examples of strategic, tactical and operational plan brainly. Before you head up the escalator, look just above the SE-side one to see the telltale top of a Gnome #36: Bastion. The pressure plate doors here lead to some loot to the SW, and a room with a vent to the SE; head in here and it'll take you to Gnome #40: Tommy Lee, as well as a maze of vents that don't really lead anywhere. Crack the control pad to the east, and hop in the Mini-Truck with Robin to proceed. Head outside and head to Cerebro. Time to head to Hawkins Lab. At the end of this effort you'll be rewarded with Gnome #41: Adora. Next, head to Weathertop (while you're here if you haven't got the tuna for the pizza quest, do so by exploring the woods) and head into the nearby building and crawl through the vent. Now backtrack to the keycard door to the NW. Now, you can follow the same path to the door you need to open with RLRL on the nearby switches. Rewards: Hidden Room, Metal Tube, Gauze, Ping Pong Ball, Gnome #44: Papa Gnome. Now head to the Pool and the vent in the women's locker room showers to find Gnome #44: Papa Gnome. They're pretty easy to find. Once he's down to his final chunk of health, he'll retreat again, and you'll repeat the process. That'll take another third of his health off, and you'll need to repeat it two more times. Enter the bolted door to find the golden Rat. Before heading to the Fair, head back to Hawken Square to finish off your pizza quest. Talk to Will and you'll get introduced to the quest system, and finish up your quest for your first achievement: To start with, head SW to exit the basement onto the street of Hawkins Suburbs. At some point, former war hero Yuri Ismaylov moved to Kyrzran, bought a church and turned it into his warehouse. She will task you with some items to get and join your party, granting you: Grab a bottle from the fridge, craft a blindfold (you probably have rags already, if not there's one in Hopper's room), and then get the blood-soaked sleeping bag that apparently doesn't faze these kids (head NW out of the cabin, through the chain link fence, then take the left-side path, then wrap around the the NE). They can also overheat so you'll have to wait for a cool down. Go there now. While you're here you can first fill in Steve on your discovery of the dictionary to finish The Codebreakers quest, then talk to Robin. This area quickly leads back to the original underground area you visited your first time at Weathertop, where you got the gnome. Inside the next hallway a wooden door and a gold door. Head into the house and you'll get prompted to head outside to spy on Billy. Whichever you choose, make sure to equip it on the Party screen after. Next, head to Hawkins Lab. Now talk to the scientist and try to head inside. In the room with the power switch is another Gnome #22: Rutger. The place was kept secured with multiple locks, a CCTV for video surveillance and barbed wire fences. So this walkthrough guide will help . He'll join your party, netting you: Now, talk to Eleven in the living room. If you do well you'll get five tickets maximum. Open the hack panel here and send Erica through the vent in the next room to grab a keycard. He'll give you a keycard which will open the door heading SE close to where you started here. Hitting both floor switches will activate the alarm, but you may want to wait a few minutes and let the game auto-save before attempting it if needed. Find Billy by following the clues, and Eleven will insist you head to Max's house (in the Suburbs, at the far NW corner of the map). Use your partner in order to stop the dumpster path and reposition the dumpster accordingly. Head out the only new path and down to the next locked door. Head to Hawkins Square. This doesnt appear to be a sidequest, but if you search farther east in the woods, youll find a path leading to his Convertible Key. For the Shooting Gallery, Will should work pretty well. He will task you with smuggling? Backtrack to the previous fork and head SE. It was developed by BonusXP who currently has not given a reason as to why the game is being pulled. Head inside and on the way to the "girl's store", hit up Cheryl again (she'll have a bluish-purple exclamation mark above her head.) Continuing on, you'll reach an area with two closed doors and a vent nearby. You'll get on that once you get the plans. You will not be able to return to the rooms inside it. Before exiting the Farm entirely, head to the SE to the shed (it's technically called the Hess Farm Barn). Talk to Hopper and then head left at the fork to find some enemies and a chest of loot. First, head to the vent in the Scoops Ahoy back room and loot the chest inside. You'll re-enter The Void. An alarm will go off immediately when entering the 2nd room, and you need to use Dustin to unlock a series of 3 panels in order to hit the alarm switch. Proceed onward to the next floor. *Avoid all fights you don't need in the second half of the game. Report back to get your next task; straightening some photos. So excluding 0, the first 6 numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 (and 1 is a duplicate in relation to these switches). Head back out and follow the waypoint and you'll get an introduction to the world map you use to fast travel. If you loop back to the holding cells, you'll find that they've moved Robin, so head back up through the Lv2 keycard door NE to proceed. [88] It was developed by BonusXP and published by Netflix [89] The game was criticized by reviewers for being an exact scene-by-scene replica of the season. Enter and talk to Eleven to surprise Dustin. You probably already picked up the coffee and filters if you ransacked the place and hit the storeroom. After the Flayer's incapacitated you'll head back to the Russian base. Gnome #33: Willie ~ Hawkins Square ~ Inside City Hall in the bathroom behind sink. Proceeding on, you'll have to take out the guard and silence the alarm before time runs out. Mrs. Driscoll isn't here, but you can hack another panel to open the path NE. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. Then turn off the power here. Head NE and go into the aide's office to find a switch and Gnome #30: Ripley. You should have 12 by now, so we need at least 18 more to make a total of 30. Bust out them bolt cutters for the bolted door and go inside. stranger things 3 game murray's warehouse buttons. She will join your party, granting you: Before you head to the conference room, perform the usual tossing and smashing of the premises (and ruin Jonathan's photos.) Head down to the basement and you'll get your first boss fight with the Flayed Mrs. Driscoll. Bring it back to complete the quest, then head into the Hawkins Town Hall. Now, head around the street to the library. If you take a beeline SW you'll run into Gnome #8 Flynn hiding behind a green station wagon. FINALLY! To start with, talk to Will to complete what you're up to, and then head over to the other side of the room to talk to Max. Crack it with Joyce and grab the Gnome #20: Burt beyond. In the back will be a vent, which you should remember for later. Youll find a Workbench if you need it, then again hit the switch to move onward. Head into Hawkins Town Hall and talk to Anton right in the lobby. Rewards: Hidden Room, Gnome #42: Samantha. Is best when steamed. Now head through the door to your east, and youll come across a chest containing x3 Random Items. Keep toggling the cameras and turning back on the power until you reach an area with pressure plates. Fast travel to Hopper's Woods (man, the guy's got the forest named after him?) You'll eventually find a note that gives Samantha something more concrete to remember; head back and prompt her until she realizes it's in the back office and slides you the key. This isn't really as confusing as it initially seems, though. Head SE and you'll see another quest icon in the Hardware Store; enter. Note the locked door that cant be opened when Murray is here, well come back to this shortly. You'll be ambushed in here, but a quick area-of-effect attack will help clear them out. You'll start in Mike's Basement. Before you head through the door, make sure you enter the last room here with a TV in the corner; the Gnome #7: Jack is hiding along the SW wall here. Make the fuse, then turn off the power to head back to the Rift Room door. To turn off the alarm, walk on the switches in the order of (left to right/SW to NE) 3, 1, 2, 4. Stranger Things 3: The Game is the official companion game to Season 3 of the hit original series, Play through familiar events from the series while also uncovering never-before-seen quests, character interactions, and secrets. I recommend just running past these enemies to talk to Murray in the vents. Return to the Pool, head into the Men's Locker Room, and turn off all the lights. Residential satellites Garage Conspiracy wall Kitchen/Dining room Living room After Nancy and Jonathan recorded Dr. Owen's confession regarding the cover-up of Barbara's death and the Gate, the two . Pick up Antons Note on the floor. If you're in a similar predicament, you've come to . Completing the mission nets you: Before you leave, grab Gnome #13: Marty from the SE wall of the main room. Before you head to the mall, head SW along the street past Mike's house, to the house with the green station wagon parked outside it and the pool in the side yard. Hell reward you with money, a Medkit, and x2 Cokes. Seeing as how Lawn Darts usually cost 5$, and Plush Toys cost 3$, the Lawn Darts are the more cost-effective purchase. You can now access the vent in Dustin's House, which leads to another chest and Gnome #43: Alexandre. US $23.98. When youre ready to continue, head on over to Murrays Warehouse from the world map. Back inside, head SE and keep looting the side rooms as you go. Talk to the receptionist, who will tell you where to look in the shelves behind her due NW. Now head through the door at the end of the hallway to reach The Device. You can actually follow the fence SW to where there's a small gap hidden by trees to get beyond the fence and grab Gnome #27: Falco. You can talk to Kline, who will evade you by walking slowly away. Open the gate with your new-found combination and loop around the house for another chest before going inside. Get the last piece of material you need in here, and then head outside to the workbench. Before you leave, check the sink for Gnome #33: Willie, then head back to the aide's office and flip the switch there., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. This is the Nondescript House, where you're officially tasked with finding the gnomes. Exit the house and head NE to the Pool. Give Chet his shake, and then Susan the hairdryer, to get a bunch of coin and also: You'll now need to fast travel to Driscoll Farm. Tiny #11: Hess Farm, Hess Farm Barn, NE room. Murray Bauman.--- Errands ---30 Minutes Or Less Gather ingredients to make a pizza for Anton Anton is missing the pizza of his motherland. when checking for breathing and you hear gasps; isakmp protocol number; roadhouse gold steak sauce recipe Walkthrough of Stranger Things: The Game - How to get all Gnomes Gnome 1 | . Grigori has escaped, so just head out the slide, punch Kline, and leave for Hopper's Cabin. Next, we need to talk to Kline, but before we do, lets explore first. Now head through the SW locked door. In the clearing to the NE, youll find some enemies and x2 Prize Tickets in a chest, and also x2 Medkits on the ground. If you go SE, NE, SE, NE, SE, youll find Gnome #48: Slash. Spoilers ahead for Stranger Things season 4, volume 1. Continue on and eventually you'll hit a third riddle. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Cut into the locked room here to orient the rat towards the sink, and you'll see the door opens. You'll need everyone's player manuals: Mike's is in his house, on the ground floor in the SW room; Dustin's is in his house's bathroom; and Lucas' manual is in the clearing NW of Max's house. Gnome #34: Arnold ~ Murray's Warehouse ~ On the outside, pass between the house and the car and follow the fence. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . If you head NW, you'll run into the electronics store, where Dustin will immediately suggest larceny. His special attack will fire some tracking bullets, which are pretty tough to avoid. Back here, you can find Gnome #47: Coleman. The keycard door requires a Lv2 keycard, so head SE instead to find Robin. Anyone else gotten to this point? Tiny #4: Weathertop, Weathertop Shack, entrance room. Location: Stay outside and follow the fence until you see Arnold's red pointy hat. First, head to the vent in the Scoops Ahoy back room and loot the chest inside. Examine the TV to enter the Void. Tiny #9: Hawkins Square, Hardware Store, N end. My main recommendations are pump up your health as much as possible and then any trinkets that boost Joyce's power. Follow the path around the barn and you'll fine Gnome #15: Denver sitting out in the open. Funhouse Floor 1Heres the path you should take to reach Floor 2: SE, NE, SE, NE, NE, NW (basically just follow Grigori). 1:48. Head SW from there to find a question mark leading you into Granny's House. Funhouse ExitGrigori will run, so kill all the Russians he sends at you, then walk over to the slide to exit. Now move the Mini-Truck again to the 3rd area. Run like hell until you get a cutscene, and an achievement: Head to Starcourt Mall and meet the crew outside the loading dock. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Developer and publisher BonusXP announced on August 25th, 2021 that the Steam release of Stranger Things 3: The Game would be delisted on August 31st. Stranger Things 3. The access panel for this is actually a hack panel two rooms back. Sneakers, Brass Knuckle, Toy Robot, Gauze, Binoculars, Rag. Stranger Things. Finish off the enemies and you can finally leave. In the next area, position your characters at each button, and then hit one and quickly switch to the other and hit the other button to proceed. In the next area you'll get a cinematic and then the task of fighting Flayed Billy. In here, head to the back, use the vent to get in the locked room and open the path, and then press both pressure plates to leave. Keep going all the way SW and the NW through the woods to find Gnome #45: Gunther. Run through the Russian bases as much as you can. Starcourt MallTalk to Erica and shell join your party. If you head through the wooden door, you'll find some enemies and then a switch; read the bulletin board to find out the combination, and then hit the relevant switches in the rooms beyond (from left to right: R L R R L L R).
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