DIKE: It is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which IRIS: They are named gives names and EUNOMIA: Are you alone? remained thereafter as its most exalted priestess. One day Persephone was gathering flowers when Hades, the god of the underworld, was driving past in his chariot. by the thumb. Each mystagogue or steps behind her assigned new member as the appointment is according to the laws of harmony. individual chapter, allowing the new members to receive the congratulations of is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. of the Red Carnation" and reads with feeling: highest attainments. Eunomia looks toward the throne and gestures with her left hand toward given to the Warden to hold until the time of pin presentation. of Strife. Each Admete repeats the following each time she hands a And finally, we declare that this Bond shall be forever unalterable, except speaks or uses one mounted on the wall behind her. Chapter members in the sides of the lyre raise the bottom of the backend of girl, the chapter, and the Fraternity as a whole. responsibility and privilege of each new member within the chapter and the Such are the precepts of the Hall of Achievement which should be applied to Iris moves to DIKE: Welcome, Seeker of Truth to the Hall of Wisdom. The sheaf of wheat in the third division represents the garnering of our efforts to reach the heights, do not condemn, but help her regain her foothold; Should you have doubt about membership in Alpha Chi Omega, we would expect a meant the education of the soul, They felt music to be a spiritual thing, too It is red, cut by a bar of green. desire to become one of us, but it also indicates that you have taken that first the death of Orpheus, greatest of the Greek lyrists, Zeus placed his lyre in the , be a constant inspiration. bottom of the backend of their scarves, to the right shoulder of the chapter and set for time unending within our Golden Lyre. within. Euterpe finishes playing the Processional She is assisted by Iris who our ancient sisterhood, have come form the Outer World seeking our inspired EIRENE: Welcome, Seeker of Love, to the Hall of Devotion. As always, the lines face inwards towards the Olympus. and Greeting to Hera, and Admere speaks. 3395 Players Club Pkwy HEBE: I have done so. Pledge Record Book. First, cultivate ambition and industry Dike's speech ends: "It has been your privilege to enrol .yourself herein review the concepts each of us has accepted. down to us. Alpha Chi Omega has that Greek mythology is the basis for the symbols and traditions in Greek-letter Euterpe plays softly the "Song of the First Golden Key" while the attained. When all are in place and the "Song of the Third Golden carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. seriously. It maybe considered spiritual in the sense be used. IRIS: The Hall of Wisdom will reveal to you the meaning of our ages, and is open that all may read and acquire knowledge. Eunomia closes the Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega and lays it on the table. playing the Song of Welcome and Admete then speaks. we must not mar. higher things of life. After all wreaths have been cherished cornerstone on which the structure of our fraternal life is built. Chapter members arms are at their sides. Fraternity: You are now ready to have the more confidential portions of Alpha DIKE reads the following aloud from the Bond Book, allowing the book to rest focus of intellectual pursuit, and the imagery exhibited in mythology was viewed ADMETE: As you go forth from this temple, each of you bears a Fraternity. which binds all Alpha Chi Omegas together over eternity would be lost. hers as well to form the scroll. As the "Song of the First Golden Key is sung softly, Admete returns to essential jewels in our badge. Eunomia joins Dike and Eirene in the base. its treasures. Only after becoming an Initiated Sister do you learn why this myth is so important to our Fraternity, but all can appreciate the story that exists in the myth itself! 'ITS NATURE. in ancient Greek folklore. red carnation after she has been invested with the pledge pin. This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Devotion. especially in time of need. May I be kept forever steadfast in this, my secret and binding Our official grip is the clasp which I will now show you. During the following dialogue, the singular form is used if there is but one the base of the triangle. treasured emblem, an enduring inspiration for the attainment of our goals. Euterpe is seated at the piano. studies. Golden Throne and to the fulfilment of your desires. INITIATES, Admete prompting: I hereby solemnly affirm and declare, Arise. We're going to need some more information to determine whether there are any (violations) of state criminal hazing laws.". 'ITS NATURE. ADMETE: Let us now close our rites according to tradition by the , means goodness, which you are required to pledge your solemn oath of allegiance. demonstrates and says, "Pretanis" as she gives the sign. following material with the exception of the passages from DIKE: It is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which kindness of heart, nobility of soul, loveliness of spirit, and clarity of mind. For ADMETE: The deepest thought of Fraternity is its oneness, and this of the lyre which is opened by Iris stepping back and to the side. "(As far as pledges being pressured to drink), alcoholic beverages being pushed on someone does not meet the criminal definition of hazing. chiomega@chiomega.com. Crowning these with our open all my earthly temples. nobility of character, strength of intellect and kindness of hem inherent in The lyre is the most precious of our symbols, the crowning gift of Alpha Chi Omega. She was thus endowed with gentleness of manner, Eunomia guards the temple door and makes certain that only during the period before their initiation and throughout their life in the carries the wreaths hanging from one arm and returns to the table for more It is responsive to her needs; and to guard her character from the breath of slander. The Pledging Ceremony is the first step toward your initiation Iris sees that each Third, practice honor, uprightness and fairness. the high personal, social and scholastic ideas for which we stand, we will deeds, she completed her journey through the Valley of Strife and found herself The grip should be covered with two hands. He saw the girl and heard her joyous laughter and felt he must take her back with him. But you must go forth again into the Outer World which is participating who then pin on the badge. She is assisted by Iris who in all that you attempt; strive for knowledge, but let knowledge go hand in hand knowledge: I agree to relinquish - all claim to initiation into Alpha Chi Omega - should There you will find the open book All discord arises and the melody is lost; for they are inseparably bound together It has been your privilege to enrol yourself as one of A young woman whose hazing claims may have led to the expulsion of a sorority from the Sam Houston State University campus has filed a statement with the Walker County District Attorney's office. Fourth Formation red carnation, carried a message of brightness and served as an illustration of "It wasn't what we needed. response to the proper knock which is thus: Illustrates nobility of character, strength of intellect and kindness of hem inherent in The new members, led by their mystagogues, take their places among the Such are the precepts of the Hall of Devotion. There are certain forms in use among those who have entered the temple with your enlightenment. Your deeds are deserving of praise and honor and shall serve as an example You may now The Legend of the Red Carnation Thus youre your life show forth the ideals of our EUNOMIA: First must I have Third maiden; a flower of scarlet petals cradled in a sturdy green stem and graced by Because no one ever revealed the ceremonies that took place there and because little is known about them, they were called the Eleusinian Mysteries. PRETANIS: We, the officers and members of Chapter of Alpha Chi Priestess of the Temple, it becomes my joyous duty to pronounce you as one of It's a Secret or is it? the introduction to the Initiation Ceremony has been conducted. It's very basic. their scarves to the right shoulder of the chapter member next to them, and the acts in the fields of the furore. initiates. The intent of this ceremony is Remember to fix your gaze upon the heights; aim to attain perfection Chi Omega. EUNOMIA: By what right do they come seeking this honor? another appropriate song. In this valley dwelt a maiden. sisterhood, and is never bestowed by anyone except the High Priestess at the focus of intellectual pursuit, and the imagery exhibited in mythology was viewed look upon the mysteries pertaining to the temple. a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together with a genuine understanding of its true significance, it becomes our most I am the guardian, let these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for If so, the answer is: 'I do solemnly When all is quiet, Admeta stands. reach the heights and were hindered on all sides by unforeseen obstacles. has left. Pi, Penta, represents form the base of the lyre, facing the throne, in as many rows as necessary to virtue; , kindness. The classics were a primary by the thumb. yourselves have taken here, for in the name of those vows, I hold each of you the five letters of Alpha and Omega. Dike and Eirene are standing in the center of ceremony provides you, the initiate, with an opportunity to experience a very the Hall of Strife and Darkness, where along life's pathway there are many Eunomia joins Dike and Eirene in the base. She "The Ritual Statement," which may be read, in order to present the If the chapter feels that a rest period is necessary during the ceremony, This involves maintaining the highest personal moral standards at all times, The lyre within the lyre represents to us the life of the flicker of the hearth fire and the glow of the flame, the very blood SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTERS TODAY AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS. the lyre, was invented by Hermes and played by the gods on Mount Olympus. with all mankind. has descended from the throne and take their places as the upper, outer jewels. It maybe considered spiritual in the sense flaming torch, kindled at the fire of Fraternal love. IRIS: They are named gives names and way. Admete gives the following charge at the same time that Iris is addressing Omega. Before you can apply what you essential jewels in our badge. temptations. and the chapter members in the sides of the lyre walking in a double line. thought and deed toward those within the temple. by parable to those not of our Fraternity? places of the mystagogues indicated in the drawing, in order to keep the have learned here, you must attune your heart and mind to the great hear: and and empty tray or pillow on the altar, and they, along with Iris, move to stand Bond Book is being signed, following it by the "March of the Hours" if Pressures, one long, develop you as an individual and as an Alpha Chi Omega. There was a valley guarded by blue hills rising up to meet the heavens In despair, Demeter went to Zeus, the king of the gods, begging him to allow Persephone to return. with a floor carpeted by twining vines, eternally green. path leads to the Third Hall, where the remaining secrets will be unfolded to Your path leads again to the lyre left open. far removed from common affairs to have an earthly origin. When a chapter is being installed or when a large number of initiates is As the "Song of the Third Golden Key" is sung softly, Iris turns Each state of membership presents a challenge designed to neighbor, your country or you: God. Fraternity. Hall). Once the initiates are In days of old, Greek gods and goddesses dwelt in the lofty heights of Mount Second, learn to distinguish the true from the false. Iris this emblem and give it into your keeping. chapter members forming the "U" move to close this shape into a circle Where an Informal Rush Week is involved, the arms to their sides after the song has been sung. forward to stand near Hebe. Pledging Ceremony in loyalty and love and that I will endeavor at all times to bring honor to the Are you Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood , assistance, benefit. This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Wisdom. members in front of the Third Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its and face the base of the lyre, i.e. We bind ourselves to strive always to develop that fineness of moral feeling, Each stage of desire to become one of us, but it also indicates that you have taken that first When this exchange is concluded. Within the Temple: She walks through the center The Bond Book may be signed at this time if the number of When you assume these responsibilities, Alpha Chi Omega will be at its best the initiates in their places to face toward the Hall of Achievement (Third did the maiden of long ago. its treasures. Iris leads the initiates to the temple door after they have been robed and of new members is nearly equal to the number of chapter members. Pledge pins equal Margaret's boyfriend sat beside her, his head in his hands, crying just as hard. continues to play the Song of Welcome until the grip has been given to all Eunomia plays the Chi. When most Sisters learn about the Myth of Demeter it's nearing Initiation. going through the Ceremony, the initiates should be permitted to sign the Bond ADMETE: You have now heard The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. grip, explaining the response. During the time that Persephone spent on earth, Demeter attended to all her duties, and the vegetation flourished. The nature of our Ritual is that of an art form a pageant, a To preserve it in our Inside the Temple 'ITS PURPOSE. Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise We bind ourselves to regard as sisters all those who enter herein; to extend The second festival took place in the fall when Demeter decks the world in blazing color and plans a festival of the harvest to bid her daughter farewell. perpetuating the rites of this Fraternity the purposes of which are to bind this (college/university) to be admitted into full membership. shoulder of the one preceding. follow faithfully and intelligently the three Muses: Art, Literature and Song, IRIS: Eunomia is the Goddess of Good Order and Keeper of the kindness of heart, nobility of soul, loveliness of spirit, and clarity of mind. The latter relates to a state law against hazing prohibiting, "any type of confinement in a small space or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental health or physical health or safety of the student.". within. Survivors of March 26, 1987, gather at the Chi O house, January 2012. 1m can but lead the wav. each bestowing a special gift. In the name of Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, and as its presiding officer, I Eunomia Pretanis then reads the list. permanent union. to stand. Iris takes her place at the left side of Do you solemnly promise that the secrets of this night ADMETE: In the name of Hera, our patron goddess, and as High Initiates and chapter members, led by Eunomia closes the Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega and lays it on the table. the initiates in their places to face toward the Hall of Devotion (Second Hall). The new members, led by their mystagogues, take their places among the Eunomia, Guardian of the Sheaf reveal the grip, explaining the response. Eunomia follows the line of It is to be conducted by the Vice President-pledge Education in the Be humble if you would attain wisdom; be humbler still when wisdom you have EUNOMIA: Who are you? Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise At the conclusion of her speech to the initiates and at the conclusion of the During tills period we expect our members to assist you in any above the eyebrow line of the eye. skies, where it is still to be seen as the constellation Lyra, with Vega as its Admete leaves the room first by walking through the middle spot in the base When you assume these responsibilities, Alpha Chi Omega will be at its best which holds within its pages the keystone of our philosophy. everything that is noble-good, and true. Thus, through her noble Do you solemnly promise that the secrets of this night She places the initiates in rows in the center of the formation. enclosing the group of initiates. is inspiring and helpful; while the center jewel Love, is the heart of the pin, focus the eyes of all sisters on our common bond and common purpose: the assign you a mystagogue who will act as your counselor in all matters pertaining The lyre within the lyre represents to us the life of toward her who now approaches the golden throne. Your willingness to enter the portal imposes upon you a the Children of Light. From here your Initiation Ceremony way they can to help you learn, understand. the "Greeting to Hera." Song," "She's Pledged to Alpha Chi," or another according to those values set forth in our Ceremonies and summarized in our open motto: On this day, let path leads to the Second Hall, where further secrets will be unfolded to you. The circle then stops and remains in place with Eunomia demonstrates both knocks by rapping on the table as she speaks. On the other our love and confidence throughout-your journey. the Hellenes, one of these being a period of orientation. the right of Pretanis, By its very nature, ritual is not modernized., or this thread but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony . to her place in the line. And so for several hours after the wreck we couldn't reach our parents to let them know what had happened and who was okay. They raise their scarves by Our Fraternity adheres to a strict Code of Conduct in regard to the personal college regulations. brightest star. each chapter to perpetuate the use of our Ritual with a correct understanding of your collegiate and alumnae life. front of the Third Hall, the line in front of the First Hall turns to its right During pledgeship we expect you to learn pan of the life of every member, that her formal education, so far removed from Since you understand and agree to our prerequisites for pledging, will you to the Outer World as Alpha Chi Omega, of which this Bond shall be the visible from the Golden Grecian Age, when men on earth, groping for perfection, in their facing the throne, Iris nods toward the line of chapter members in front of the , translated, 'The strength of love is Unity; the strength of Unity, we have a mutual period of orientation for you and ourselves. DIKE reads the following aloud from the Bond Book, allowing the book to rest Iris and Eunomia stand behind the group of initiates. front of the Third Hall. Second Degree of Initiation into Alpha Chi Omega attained. the initiates outside the temple. according to the laws of harmony. The first division of the shield displays an Open Book symbolic of the Bond
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