In their rematch, the Molecule Man managed to defeat the Beyonder, but Kubik arrived and begged the Molecule Man to return the Beyonder's essense to Kosmos. [3][2][1] The other Beyonders created a universea "womb-space"[1]to incubate this Beyonder. Each Cosmic Cube is a receptacle for energy that comes from their dimension. Strange finally tells Havok the final secret: this is not really the Beyonder. Then the Beyonder appeared. Owen Reece saw a newspaper story about his new approach, and started to get nervous. The Beyonder was driven into complete despair, and took to drinking. He also saved Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, then known as Talisman, from entrapment in an other-dimensional world. He disintegrated Warlock, Cypher, and Wolfsbane. The Defenders went further beyond into the White Hot Room and the Beyonder followed as he was caught in Loki's narrative arc. In the original Secret Wars storyline, he was the be-all and end-all of the Marvel universe that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. For instance, they hired the Nuwali to conduct experiments in evolution in the Savage Land. As he matured, he discovered love. He tries to make Phoenix stop--but she will not. This is known as the second retcon. One such matter had to do with Power Pack. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. Even though Strange had seen so many mysteries and beings of power, and had "stood unafraid before Eternity himself," he recoiled at the sight of the Beyonder's true nature and power. He then has a sword fight with the Black Knight, during which the Knight stuck him square in the stomach with his sword. She was so much happier now, and it was all because of him--but pointedly, he understood, she loved him for what he had given her emotionally, and not because he was the overlord of the world. [28], Now the Beyonder's mood began to change. However, it can be inferred that her powers were more or less on the level of other sentient Cosmic Cubes like Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds, which are in essence limited omnipotents. They beat up the Beyonder, but he didn't mind because he liked learning from experiences like this. Thus, The Beyonder, once an immortal, omnipotent god, falls victim to his strange obsession with desire, purpose, and death. Where he existed he was everything and everything was him, in a sense he was like God before there was Genesis. He couldn't believe the people of Earth were still "hounding" him. Magneto agreed with her final choice, as he had earlier counselled mercy against the student who had tried to kill Xavier. In classic continuity, the thing that attracted his attention in both instances was the presence of the Molecule Man. His powers' applications are nearly endless. An example being when the Celestials lost to Beyonder; in the revised story line they wanted to observe his actions. Living in a self imposed exile for centuries, Druig led his secret . The Beyonder, however, just stood there staring at him. He thought that the action would teach her that she was a hero and not a killer, but she just felt used like a puppet, and once again the Beyonder failed in his role of helping others find their own path. Druig is a member of the genetically engineered Eternals, which came to Earth around 5000 BC. Doom uses his powers to force Spider-Man and the heros against a wall. The heros attempt to stop the assult and don't suceed until Iron Man fires a laser to knock the Lizard out. Cadwall ran amok in his new identity, and was opposed and defeated by various costumed adventurers. However, the Beyonder was dissatisfied with this and found neither pleasure in, nor a point to, the servitude of others when they were compelled through subterfuge to act like automatons. Unlike his creators who were content to observe, The Beyonder seeks to fulfill his desires and discover his purpose. But he could tell that soon he would have to make a decision. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! Doom, however, began to wrestle with his new limitless nature, and started to become unstable. And so, as the narrative ended,"within the new universe begat by the Beyonder's powermortal beings live their mortal livesgiving meaning to the infinity in which they dwellthus, finally, is the desire of the One from Beyondfulfilled!". Then he effortlessly erased the armada, as well as all their homeworlds, and every planet that had ever had any contact with any of those worlds. Thousands of years later, the Beyonders created the Fortisquians as agents to observe other worlds, including Max. His body had been destroyed in a battle with Terrax and the Silver Surfer, and he had transferred his mind to that of an onlooker. Nonetheless, the Beyonder retained his reality-warping powers, allowing him to control and manipulate matter, energy, and reality at a cosmic level beyond all but the strongest and most powerful of cosmic entities. The Beyonder, however, simply teleported Fireheart to Japan. He claims that through the Beyonder's power he had had attained the only thing he wanted in life, total control. He went inside and the Beyonder explained his new plan. [12] Finally, the Beyonder creates a form for himself based on that of Captain America after witnessing him defeat Armadillo. The Beyonder stood thinking on his own for a while, now understanding how the experience of being in a fight and being hurt was quite different from observing others being in a fight--experience was indeed the best teacher. Powers and Stats Tier: Low 1-A The Beyonder later met a street walker named Toots. The Beyonder became a much lesser super being, and his previous super feats were all, or at least partially, in his mind. Black Cat later thanks Spider-Man with a kiss, meanwhile on Earth, Blade watches his mothers castle from a distant ledge while Morbius explains that he has connection with Black Cat and knows she is in safe hands. [42], After his creator, Jim Shooter, left Marvel, writer-editor Tom DeFalco re-tooled the Beyonder, diminishing his power greatly: He was no longer nearly omnipotent, and several of the cosmic beings who were previously established to be below him in power were vastly upgraded in conjunction.[23][43][44][45]. He quickly pulled himself out of this dead end and changed his angle of thinking. Now, they had to fight, or die; they all meant less to him than an amoeba, other than perhaps Rachel, who he called a "starsoul." The Beyonder then returned to his original bar to do more drinking. She was found guilty and sentenced to the Kyln in Creche confinement. While Cloak and Dagger had in the past acted as judge, jury, and executioners for many drug dealers, they realized now that this was going too far, and that perhaps some of them might have reformed, if they had been given more mercy. The heroes argued over what to do: some thought they should kill him, while other could not stomach such a deed. He single-handedly defeated them, including the Juggernaut. The Beyonder simpily turns intangiable and proceeds to explain his plans to Spider-Man. Beyonder showed the ability to teleport himself and others, forward time over one place without causing a chain reaction over the rest of the universe. After the Puma failed to kill him, he became convinced that he was wasting his time in trying to enlighten others. as a help to the upcoming war. Frank was, in a sense, all grown up now. The Illuminati departed, having succeeded their in goal. Gladiator volunteered to be placed in the Kyln to keep an eye on her and destroy her if necessary. Klaw then went out to fight the heroes. It is this encounter that marks the beginning of the High Evolutionary's mental instability. The Beyonder first became aware of our universe when the Molecule Man gained his powers through an atomic accident. This was the first appearance of Boom Boom. He first visited Owen Reece and Marsha Rosenberg (Volcana), since the Molecule Man was one of the only beings anywhere near his power. He then sent her to "convert" the other New Mutants to his cause of purity and peace. He found Bruce Banner there in near-suicidal despair. By overlapping two people's appearances, even if they are disguised, the Astrologer can determine if whether or not the two are the same person. However, he and Doom were, as Captain America said, "swatted back like flies!" [17] Following this, the Beyonder is recruited to be a professional wrestler and is nearly killed by Thing in a wrestling match. The Beyonder then left after using Parker's toilet. I also added scans and references. Galactus was left in a coma, and Doom gained Galactus' god-like powers, becoming largely omniscient and omnipotent. [12], His time as a Cosmic Cube was short-lived and he eventually returned to being the Beyonder. The Beyonder went out into space again, contemplating existence. The Beyonder tried to court Dazzler by zapping her around to a number of exotic places throughout space, but she reacted with anger and fear, not knowing who he was or what he was trying to do! He met a Unlimited Class Wrestling promotor at a bar as he downed Heinekens. It is possible for the Beyonder to be weakened, albeit by performing such a great feat as destroying a fundamental force of the universe such as Death. Powers and Abilities; Character Bios. The Cube then developed on its own over a period of time, and eventually expelled Reece's mind back to Earth. Childlike and vastly powerful, he grew up in a universe created by the other Beyonders for their young. True love was when there was a free and limitless exchange of love between both partners; it couldn't be a "business deal" where there were other obligations. He insists than Ben must take him to this lab. (It is unclear why Kubik did not help her.) Finally the Shaper and Kubik explained the origin of the Beyonder's and the Molecule Man's power. Fantastic was surprised, since he had had sensors targeting the Beyonder's energy signature, and they had not gone off. [13], The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". [29], Deciding he could not simply return to the Beyond-Realm and forget that he had ever experienced desire, the Beyonder remained on Earth but fell into despair. Dave the reporter, who had started to work for the Beyonder in his tower, intervened. [16][10][12], While he was still growing up,[3] the other Beyonders orchestrated the "accident" of Owen Reece, the Molecule Man. Not really caring, Beyonder brought them all back to New York, where he and Cage went off for lunch at a soul food restaurant. [52], In the Spider-Ham universe, "The Bee-Yonder" gives Spider-Ham a version of the black uniform. While there an army of superhuman criminals assembled by Mephisto attacked him, but he was saved by the Thing. Doctor Doom explains when the villains were being transported through space he traced the coordinates of the power being used to transport them from a lab. Allistar Smythe stays behind, Smythe agrees to help Spider-Man. But, he warned, "love gone wrong can be dangerous--even to guys like us!" AzureSky2099 Believing that he must take what seemed to him the only chance he might have to save the multiverse from being destroyed by the Beyonder eventually, the Molecule Man destroyed the machine, thereby killing the infant within. The Beyonders were first mentioned in the team-up comic Marvel Two-in-One #63 (May 1980), by Mark Gruenwald and Jerry Bingham. As she was being held there, she was revered but rarely seen. It is also capable of absorbing the energy and life-force from a foe. Marvel had two God's, then changed to the One Above All as one God. Although Fantastic Four #319 didn't arrive on newsstands until 1988, two years after Secret Wars II ended, the issue is the best place to start for new and returning fans. There are many Marvel characters on Earth that have are no match for their incredible powers. Part of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with near-infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man . This, in conjunction with the fact that he thinks Black Bolt died long ago raises the possibility that he is actually coming from a future timeline somehow. The Puma was now brought to the absolute limit of his anger and his sense of righteousness in his cause. He said that when he was drunk, Dr. Possible 1-A Beyonder Embodies the Beyonder Realm, a place beyond space, time, and all dimensions. When the Beyonder's personality resurfaced and drove her insane, Thanos was forced to shut her mind down and turn her into a living prison so that the Beyonder could never escape unless Kosmos was somehow killed. He next visited Peter Parker, of whom he said, "I like you better than anyone I've met!" So he might possibly be 1-A in his realm Does this upscale beyonder to 1-a? It was a shocking revelation -- a whole new world of existence was revealed. The Beyonder was very apprehensive of the power of the Tribunal, Eternity, and Scathan the Celestial, but he joined Protege in fighting them. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. [51][full citation needed], In Mutant X, the Beyonder allies with Dracula to wage war on Earth's forces and to confront the entity known as the 'Goblyn Queen'. Jones was dying of cancer; Clark missed her lover Rom and her previous incarnation as the Space Knight Starshine, and Adams was tortured by the presence of a Dire Wraith in her mind. Surprisingly, he was unable to use his power to find Havok directly, and so he tried to telepathically search the minds of many of the humans around him. Owen Reece had been taken over by his "dark side," and turned back into a crazed Molecule Man. Because of this, Strange decided to let him out of the illusion. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Reece had been distraught, but had eventually come to terms with everything, and now felt stronger than ever. After the Beyonder and the Molecule Man learned that their power derived from the dimension that created Cosmic Cubes, they merged themselves together into a new Cube. Doom was unsure what to do with his newfound omnipotence, which was even greater than it was when he had Galactus' power. [31], Furious, the Beyonder now believed that he had no role in the universe at all, and decided that he would be happier if he destroyed the Multiverse so that he would be alone once more. The process of becoming a Cosmic Cube, then Kosmos and the Maker, then back to the Beyonder supposedly fixed him and matured him, though he admitted that he may always be a little broken. Impressed, the Beyonder appeared and asked what he should do with Kurse now. He then sent Doom and Klaw away, and disappeared himself, never to reappear again in this story. The Cosmic Cube retcon made the Beyonder and Molecule Man far less powerful than they were before. The Puma was enraged at this, and swore he would kill him. After discovering that the Maker was the Beyonder, Thanos came to see her, and in a deranged state, she destroyed a large portion of the Kyln. He learned about Havok and became obsessed with him, although he wasn't sure why: he just had a subconscious feeling that he need to find him. The Beyonder also had to exert himself in battle against the Molecule Man (who was a multiversal level entity), and he was overloaded by the Rachel Summers Phoenix, after which he collapsed on the ground, though only after granting her enough power to do so. The Beyonder wanted to help so he mimicked the super-hero costumes he had seen, and created a new super-suit for himself. This was the beginning of his philosophical journey, and of his symbiotic relationship with Reece. [22] When the Molecule Man's lover Volcana leaves him, he becomes angry, extracts the Beyonder from Kosmos, and proceeds to attack him until Kubik intervenes. He decided to limit himself in order to enjoy life since reality and his mind were indistinguishable; by doing this he showed some emotional progress. He is in essence foreshadowing what is going to happen before it happens. However, just as Galactus destroyed Taa II, Dr. Doom was able to steal the resulting energy and possess it for himself. He lifted them into the sky and looked through their minds, but couldn't find anything, so he just dropped them to their deaths. Ultimately, this story has not been referenced in other stories since it was published, so it may or may not become canon. They view themselves as scientists and see the Marvel multiverse as an experiment, something for them to play with. He then used his powers to pull the old male Beyonder essence out of Kosmos and brought him to Earth to fight. [23], At some unknown point, Kosmos becomes insane and assumes a mortal form, now calling itself the Maker. But he also made plans with the other cosmic entities of the universe; they would share their power, so Beyondersbane would also have all the power in the universe in addition to the Beyonder's spent power. Spider-Man takes notes on his tape recorder and makes a pun "I feel doom hiding behind every corner." He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. Mephisto convinced him to make a wager: if Mephisto won, the Beyonder would wait 24 hours before destroying everything. For the book by Brandon Mull, see, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 06:33. It was this energy that the Beyonder (singular) was made of. A great light then shone out of a hole in space, and infamously said, "I am from Beyond! Angry at Kurse, Power Pack dropped a building on him. (His appearance happened to stymie an attack on Alpha Flight by Omega Flight.) The Beyonder accepts. He clearly realized how he was himself acting like a child feeling the need to strike out. Sphinx quotes: "He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions." The Beyonder was created by Jim Shooter and first appeared in Secret Wars #1. Strange creatures come from a vortex and fly towards Ben. He was peacefully sitting on Alcatraz, contemplating existence, when she blasted him with the full power of the Phoenix, creating an enormous mushroom cloud in the shape of a firebird. With this purpose in mind, The Beyonders create the Savage Land to analyze the evolution of mortal beings on Earth. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. The Beyonder took Storm on a tour of the boy's sad past, showing him that his heroic exploits had in fact provided the only bright spots in his short life. Fantastic Four #319 (by Steve Englehart, Keith Pollard, Joe Sinnott, and George Roussos) is the definitive origin story for The Beyonder. Kubik said that he and Kosmos were pure power--that if their power was taken, they would be nothing. He looked for more advice about life from Peter. If Doom truly had Beyonder's power all the heros would have been wiped out with a mere thought. What Sequence number is he?
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