A, title V, 526, Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. L. 109364, div. (2)At the same time that the Secretary submits the annual report under paragraph (1), Secretary of Defense on Westlaw FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction. The Secretary shall notify the congressional defense committees (and the congressional intelligence committees with respect to matters relating to members of the intelligence community) of requests made by the Secretary to a non-. 1989Subsec. 375, which required the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence, to submit to the Committees on Armed Services and Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives reports describing and assessing any support provided to anti-coalition forces in Iraq by Iran or its agents, the strategy and ambitions in Iraq of Iran, and any strategy or efforts by the United States to counter the activities of agents of Iran in Iraq, was repealed by Pub. L. 11591, div. A, title XII, 1229, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. A, title XII, 1231(a)(d), Nov. 25, 2015, 129 Stat. Pub. The types of emergency response cyber capabilities of other, In maintaining the database required by subsection (a), the Secretary shall identify and revise the information required to be reported and included in the database at least once every two years for purposes of keeping the database current., an assessment of the impact on military readiness caused by undocumented immigrants whose entry into the. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding The Secretary may enter into an interagency agreement with the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to provide for acquisition by the, that is approved under section 505(a) of the. A, title X, 1052(a), Pub. The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. L. 11591, div. 6, 5, eff. A, title XII, 1260H, Pub. 1853, which directed the insertion of or transportation network company after transportation company in section 346(d)(3)(A)(i) of Pub. 1990, provided that: Pub. 4223, authorized the Secretary of Defense to conduct a program to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, authorized the establishment of a Department of Defense Korean War Commemoration Fund, and directed the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to submit to Congress a report containing an accounting of various funds no later than 60 days after the end of the commemorative program. 1736. the fitness of military judges. A, title VI, 637, Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 762, which directed Secretary of Defense to monitor capability of domestic textile and apparel industrial base to support defense mobilization requirements and to make annual reports to Congress on status of such industrial base, was repealed and restated in section 2510 of this title by Pub. Projected funding requirements for implementing planned actions. L. 115232, set out as a note below, and redesignated as subsec. A, title V, 564, Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. The Secretary of Defense may redelegate the authority delegated to him by this order, in accordance with applicable law. ensure that such processes and procedures provide for integrated defense-wide strategy, planning, and budgeting with respect to the conduct of such operations by the Department, including activities conducted to counter and deter such operations by malign actors. The Secretary is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the. 2545, which provided that on and after Sept. 30, 1996, no appropriated funds may be used to support an end strength level of members of the Armed Forces of the United States assigned to permanent duty ashore in nations outside the United States at any level in excess of 60 percent of the end strength level of such members on Sept. 30, 1992, with exceptions in the event of declarations of war or emergency, was repealed and restated as section 123b of this title by Pub. the ability of weapon systems to perform missions in contested electromagnetic spectrum environments; and. L. 11281, 933(a), amended subsec. 1875, which authorized the Secretary of Defense to transfer the responsibilities and functions of the Commander of the United States Strategic Command relating to electromagnetic spectrum operations, was transferred to section 1053 of Pub. A, title XII, 1233, Pub. A, title V, 563, Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 912, 913; Pub. 1866, directed the designation, by no later than 90 days after Jan. 2, 2013, of a Department of Defense senior official with principal responsibility for coordination and management oversight of data conversion for all enterprise resource planning systems of the Department. In extraordinary circumstances necessary to protect operations security or the sensitivity of the execute order, the Secretary may limit review of an execute order. L. 11692, div. L. 11281, div. (e)(2). 2531; Pub. 113. a plan for the implementation of measures to prevent such trespass. (m)(7)(B), see section 5382 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. L. 11591, div. Crimes of a similar nature are not so difficult to prove: e.g., Espionage is a separate crime to treason and does not meet the standards however it could be treasonous too. A plan under clause (i) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.. an assessment of the evolving posture of peer competitors and impacts to deployment and operations of peer competitors due to extreme weather; an assessment of the impacts of expanding requirements for Department humanitarian assistance and disaster response due to extreme weather; a threat assessment of the impacts of extreme weather, drought, and desertification on regional stability; an assessment of risks to home station strategic and operational support area readiness, including the strategic highway network, the strategic rail network, and strategic air and sea ports; and. L. 100370, 1(o). L. 11692, div. The standards to be established by the Secretary of a military department under subsection (a) shall reflect those spare parts and similar logistics capabilities that the Secretary considers sufficient for the units of each of the Armed Forces under the Secretarys jurisdiction to successfully execute their missions under the conditions described in subsection (b). L. 100456, 1101, added subsec. Throughout this Commemoration, let us strive to live up to their example by showing our Vietnam veterans, their families, and all who have served the fullest respect and support of a grateful Nation. 2614, as amended by Pub. Armed Forces 113. 1986Pub. A, title XI, 1183, Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1257, 702(c), 68 Stat. (j). An assessment of the number of civilian and enemy combatant casualties, including a differentiation between those killed and those injured. 1228, established a commission to review and make recommendations regarding the celebration of victory in the Cold War, directed the President to transmit to Congress a report on the content of a Presidential proclamation and a plan for appropriate ceremonies and activities, and authorized funds. L. 101510, div. The committee believes that such a requirement may be unnecessarily burdensome and in any case, if such a requirement is intended, should be stated in the statute. 757, provided that: Pub. Iranian strategy regarding offensive cyber capabilities and defensive cyber capabilities. L. 108375, div. A description of processes of each Armed Force described in subsection (b) to identify, document, and report alleged instances of hazing or bullying. 775, provided that: Pub. Not later than 270 days after the date of [the enactment of] the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report that includes the following: On a semiannual basis during the five-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, the Secretary shall provide to the congressional defense committees a briefing on the status of the implementation of the electromagnetic spectrum superiority strategy. A, title VIII, 8083, Dec. 30, 2005, 119 Stat. L. 91121, title IV, 405, Nov. 19, 1969, 83 Stat. L. 116283, div. An assessment of security cooperation activities or resources required to achieve such objectives. The UCMJ doesn't list treason as a crime -- the closest is "aiding the enemy". L. 102190, div. (2) which read as follows: Each report under this subsection shall be prepared in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce.. 1996Subsec. L. 108136, div. A, title XII, 1211(a), Pub. the development of standards for data collection to assist decision-making processes for research, development, and acquisition priorities for installation and infrastructure resilience to extreme weather. A, title XII, 1245, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. L. 114328, div. 3494, which provided for protection of Department of Defense leadership and certain additional individuals within the military, Department of Defense, and certain foreign government representatives, was repealed by Pub. L. 110116, div. L. 11366, div. L. 10665, set out above, and provisions set out as a note under section 311 of this title] shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 28, 2009], and shall apply with respect to reports required to be submitted under subsection (a) of section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 [Pub. A, title X, 1062(j)(2), Dec. 31, 2011, 125 Stat. A, title XII, 1232(b), Pub. C, title VIII, 8067, Pub. L. 100202, 101(b) [title VIII, 8042], Pub. Pub. A, title III, 360(c), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. L. 11781, div. A, title XII, 1241(e)(5)(C), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. L. 101510, div. 88, as amended by Pub. As part of the preparation of the strategic plan, the Secretary shall conduct an evaluation of the following: The strategic plan shall include the following: Improvement of Update Process for Populating Mission Data Files Used in Advanced Combat Aircraft. A description of the programs designed to carry out antiterrorism activities of the, An assessment of the current policies and practices of the, A detailed description of the roles of the Office of the, A description of the actions taken by the. A, title III, 370, Pub. So in original. advocacy for joint electronic warfare capabilities; providing contingency electronic warfare support to other combatant commands; and. the date on which the overseas contingency operation exceeds 60 days. L. 11591, div. Conduct exercises, wargames, education, training, experimentation, and innovation for the joint force. (e). [Uncodified: 1953 Reorg. A, title III, 360(c), Pub. L. 116283, set out as a note preceding section 3001 of this title. (A)national security objectives and policies; (B)the priorities of military missions; and. A description of the costs associated with the participation of the additional members proposed by the Secretary. Pub. A copy of the report submitted under paragraph (1) without change. L. 105129, 1(b)(1), Dec. 1, 1997, 111 Stat. 2520, directed the Secretary of Defense to carry out a defense employees work safety demonstration program under which work safety models used by employers in the private sector would be adopted and any improvement to work safety records would be assessed, directed that such program would terminate on Sept. 30, 2003, and required the Secretary to submit interim and final reports on such program to committees of Congress not later than Dec. 1, 2003. a description of how the Secretary will ensure that such implementation will be successful. L. 114328, div. 1582; Pub. The purpose of the cooperative program under subsection (a) is to carry out the following activities: Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Defense Reform Pillar of the National Defense Strategy, Prototyping Activities Aligned to Use Cases., Safeguarding Defense-Sensitive United States Intellectual Property, Technology, and Other Data and Information. (2) A person may not be appointed as Secretary of Defense. See 1996 Amendment note above. Not less frequently than twice each year until. L. 11492, div. Pub. In developing the plan required by subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall consider the following: Not later than 180 days before the date of the transfer of responsibilities required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to. A, title X, 1053(8), Pub. (d)Unless specifically prohibited by law, the Secretary may, without being relieved Not later than 180 days before the date of the transfer of responsibilities required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall develop a plan to carry out the transfer. . a written explanation of the extraordinary circumstances that led to the determination by the Secretary to limit review of the execute order; and. L. 11591, div. The Secretary shall collect such data as may be necessary to track the correlation between noise complaints and incidents of military aircraft lazing. L. 11781, 311(a)(1)(B), added cl. Subsecs. A, title XII, 1208, Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. A, title IX, 901(n)(1), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. A, title XII, 1271(c), National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, Pub. all incremental costs of military personnel accompanying the equipment, including food, lodging, and local transportation; all incremental transportation costs incurred in moving such equipment from its normally assigned location to the airshow or trade exhibition and return; and. 1101, which is set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. A, title XII, 1221, Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. A, title III, 354, Pub. L. 94431, title VI, 610, Sept. 30, 1976, 90 Stat. Seditious conspiracy 2385. L. 103337, div. Law Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for legal professionals, students, and others with experience or interest in law. The establishment and operation of associated joint electromagnetic spectrum operations cells. (B), and added par. (d) of section 1215 of Pub. (k). Please. Pub. directly affect their respective responsibilities. 2629, which required Secretary of Defense to develop a financial management enterprise architecture for all budgetary, accounting, finance, enterprise resource planning, and mixed information systems of the Department of Defense by May 1, 2003, was repealed by Pub. 756, as amended by Pub. A, title II, 262, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. A, title X, 1051(h), Pub. L. 85599, 3(b), 72 Stat. L. 109163, div. Improve infrastructure to enhance the responsiveness and resiliency of the Armed Forces. 1572, as amended by Pub. The types of measures to be implemented to improve prevention of trespass of undocumented immigrants upon operational ranges, including the specific physical methods, such as barriers and increased patrols or monitoring, to be implemented and any legal or other policy changes recommended by the Secretaries. (3)The Secretary shall transmit to Congress the report required for each year under Not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the. any activity that is not directed at a sunken military craft; or. L. 113291, div. If the Secretary concerned determines that there is an imminent risk of disturbance of, removal of, or injury to any sunken military craft, or that there has been actual disturbance of, removal of, or injury to a sunken military craft, the Attorney General, upon request of the Secretary concerned, may seek such relief as may be necessary to abate such risk or actual disturbance, removal, or injury and to return or restore the sunken military craft. L. 9894, title X, 1033, Sept. 24, 1983, 97 Stat. L. 111383, div. A, title V, 523, Dec. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. Pub. 15, 1999, and for termination of Commission 60 days after submission of final report. Pub. 739, which directed Secretary of Defense to report to Congress on any letter proposing to transfer $50,000,000 or more of defense articles, detailing impact of such a sale on readiness, adequacy of price for replacement, and armed forces needs and supply for each article, was repealed and restated as section 133b (renumbered 118 and repealed) of this title by Pub. A, title XV, 1502(f)(1), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. The assessment required by paragraph (1) shall include the following: An analysis of, and recommended changes to achieve, the required force structure and posture of assigned and allocated forces within the Arctic region for fiscal year 2027 necessary to achieve the objectives described in paragraph (1), which shall be informed by, Not later than 30 days after the date on which the Secretary receives the report under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall provide to the congressional defense committees [Committees on Armed Services and Appropriations of the, The plan required by subparagraph (A) shall be. A, title V, 571(a), Pub. L. 104106, 1503(a)(1), substituted the period covered by the future-years defense program submitted to Congress during that year pursuant to section 221 for the five years covered by the five-year defense program submitted to Congress during that year pursuant to section 114(g). A, title X, 1041, Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. does not significantly interfere with the mission or functions of the Department; or, significantly interferes with the mission or functions of the Department but is in the national security interest of the, may provide notification under paragraph (1) after providing the support; and. A, title X, 1041(a)(1),(b), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. L. 111383, div. This is a quick look at what is the Military code 11.3 The First Marker of his responsibility, perform any of his functions or duties, or exercise any of the efforts of the armed forces to generate and maintain a ready military force that will prevail in war, prevent and deter conflict, defeat adversaries, and succeed in a wide range of contingencies. 3445. No. A plan, and the estimated cost and schedule of implementing the plan, to conduct joint campaign modeling and wargaming for joint electromagnetic spectrum operations. 1604, provided that: Pub. a comprehensive net assessment of the defense capabilities and programs of the armed A, title X, 1062(j)(2), Pub. A, title III, 346, Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. L. 10665, div. 3463, which provided that, no later than April 30 of each year, the Secretary of Defense was to submit a report to certain congressional committees on Department of Defense costs during the preceding fiscal year to carry out United Nations resolutions, was repealed by Pub. 1691, provided that: Pub. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The standards to be established for a unit under subsection (a) shall be based upon the following: Survey of Members Leaving Military Service on Attitudes Toward Military Service, Annual Report on United States Military Activities in Colombia, Report on NATO Defense Capabilities Initiative, Commemoration of the Victory of Freedom in the Cold War, Annual Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the Peoples Republic of China. A specification of costs of procurement funding requested since fiscal year 2003, together with end-item quantities requested and the purpose of the request (such as replacement for battle losses, improved capability, increase in force size, restructuring of forces), shown by service. L. 101510, div. Pub. L. 114328, div. Pub. L. 102190, div. The major investments in defense capabilities, force structure, force readiness, force posture, and technological innovation that the Department will make over the following five-year period in accordance with the strategic framework described in clause (iii). 2325, provided: [Pub. The comprehensive policy developed under subsection (a) shall address the following matters: Database of Emergency Response Capabilities, Use of existing database or system for certain capabilities., The Secretary may meet the requirement with respect to the capabilities described in subsection (a)(1) of section 1406 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, as so amended, in connection with the database required by that section through the use or modification of current databases and tracking systems of the, The types of emergency response cyber capabilities that the National Guard of each State and territory may be able to provide in response to domestic or natural man-made disasters, as reported by the States and territories, including, Information Required To Keep Database Current., Report Regarding Effect on Military Readiness of Undocumented Immigrants Trespassing Upon Operational Ranges, Report Containing Assessment and Response Plan., The assessment required by subsection (a)(1) shall be prepared by the, The plan required by subsection (a)(2) shall be prepared jointly by the, Reports by Officers and Senior Enlisted Members of Conviction of Criminal Law, Preservation of Records Pertaining to Radioactive Fallout From Nuclear Weapons Testing, Prohibition of Destruction of Certain Records., Preservation and Publication of Information., Safe Delivery of Mail in Military Mail System, Plan for Safe Delivery of Military Mail., Mail Within the Military Mail System Defined., In this section, the term mail within the military mail system means, Report Required for Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Noble Eagle., A cost comparison of the requirements for equipment maintenance expenditures during peacetime and for such requirements during wartime, as shown by the requirements in each of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Noble Eagle. philadelphia 76ers draft picks 2022,
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