Social categorization occurs when we think of someone as a man (versus a woman), an old person (versus a young person), a Black person (versus an Asian or White person), and so on (Allport, 1954/1979). b. Because stereotypes and prejudice often operate out of our awareness, and also because people are frequently unwilling to admit that they hold them, social psychologists have developed methods for assessing them indirectly. 1 "I did a good job because I'm smart." Account. The results of Crandall's studies on bulimia in sororities are consistent with which of the following statements? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The study of neuroendocrinology examines how the brain and ________ work together to coordinate the physiological functioning of the body., According to one model, stress is the result of systemic activation of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the ________. And there is often good agreement about the stereotypes of social categories among the individuals within a given culture. Social identity, self-categorization, and the perceived homogeneity of ingroups and outgroups: The interaction between social motivation and cognition. c. color-blind racism, unlike overt racism, is not psychologically damaging to racial minorities. d. institutional racism. ", Which of the following is an example of spotlighting? In this case, social categorization would probably be useful because a police officer or a taxi driver might be particularly likely to know the layout of the city streets. b. Hispanic men Which ethical theory, if any, would agree with the following statement: There are some actions that are inherently wrong because they violate a moral rule, no matter what the consequences are.. Whites have earned the privilege. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? a. Asian American women over age 35 Chen, M., & Bargh, J. Once the participants are convinced that the researcher is able to assess their true attitudes, it is expected that they will be more honest in answering the rest of the questions they are asked because they want to be sure that the researcher does not catch them lying. 2 A girl marries the boy next door. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 7, 335. The term psychologists use for how physically close two people are to each other is ________. For instance, the stereotypes (which are held by many people) that women are nurturing and that men are dominant may occur in part because, on average, men and women find themselves in different social roles within a culture (Eagly & Steffen, 1984). Which of the following minority groups is the largest? Experiencing prejudice can lead one to demonstrate behaviors that reinforce a stereotype. d. institutional racism. c) the real, imagined, or implied presence of others. a. the more hostile sexism endorsed by the men, the less benevolent sexism reported by the In this sense, the stereotypes are at least partly true for many of the members of the social category, in terms of their actual behaviors. a. interpersonal racism. When we see members of social groups perform behaviors, we tend to better remember information that confirms our stereotypes than we remember information that disconfirms our stereotypes (Fyock & Stangor, 1994). All Hispanics are nonwhite. Because Black students are aware of the (inaccurate) stereotype that Blacks are intellectually inferior to Whites, this stereotype might create a negative expectation, which might interfere with their performance on intellectual tests through fear of confirming that stereotype. Dwayne was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. Which of the following statements concerning stereotypes is not correct? c. from 1986 to 2008 d. Because it is easy to classify people, category-based stereotypes are always accurate. c. as active, mature adults As you can see in Figure 12.4 Perceptual Accentuation, the experiment involved having research participants judge the length of six lines. (1993). b. discriminating. b. institutional racism. (1999). (1984). Psychology Unit: Sociocultural Domain Part 3 Flashcards Research has found that stereotype threat is caused by both cognitive and affective factors. 1-3 Although some particular anxiety disorders may show relatively weak associations with depressive disorders, clinical 4 and epidemiological 5,6 studies find that anxiety and depressive disorders rarely occur in pure forms. Desocializing Social Media: The Visual and Media Ideologies of Stock females as caregivers and males as workers." . A Feelings of hostility or anger directed against objects that are not the real origin of those anxieties is called a. transference. a. spotlighting. d. a and b, Which of the following statements about the differential treatment of females and males in Psychological Review, 100(1), 109128. The bogus pipeline procedure suggests that people may frequently mask their negative beliefs in publicpeople express more prejudice when they are in the bogus pipeline than they do when they are asked the same questions more directly. c. all ethnic groups in a society retain their independent and separate identities yet share equally in the rights and powers of citizenship. c. Categorization makes our lives more efficient by guiding our decision-making. 3 His remark is based on a stereotype. Why do U.S. taxpayers lose because of North Korea's counterfeiting? As of August 2011, the interest rate earned on oneyear U.S. Treasury bills was 0.11%0.11 \%0.11%. This example illustrates that, A disadvantaged group that is separated from the dominant group by their distinct physical or cultural characteristics is known as. Social psychology differs from psychology in its focus on ______. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is f(x)=x28x+20. 12.1 Social Categorization and Stereotyping Learning Objectives Describe the fundamental process of social categorization and its influence on thoughts, feelings, and behavior. 3 "I did a bad job because I'm inept." Perceived consensus influences intergroup behavior and stereotype accessibility. baseball. b. still show more male characters than female characters in basic readers and math materials underrepresented in the media. a. German Americans d. Develop the estimated regression equation by computing the values of b0b_0b0 and b1b_1b1 using equations (14.6) and (14.7). Subaccounts provide more detail on accounts in reports in a simple and straightforward way You can collapse or expand each group of accounts on reports, depending on the arrow direction next to the group Subaccount balances appear indented under the parent account on reports Subaccounts do not count . Eastern European Americans Prejudice occurs when one acts on a behavior whereas discrimination represents one's attitude. Gender stereotyping research that focused on social class has found that: a. underrepresentation of females 1 A outgoing woman marries a reserved man. Similar effects occur when we categorize other people. Without power, the fish in the fish tanks at each store will die. performance on cognitive tasks than does _____ sexism. John is expressing his opinions, and Sarah is expressing hers. Allport, G. W. (1954/1979). b. Reggie goes to a private academy and plays on the varsity basketball team. d. "The bachelor and spinster decided to share an apartment. Social strategies. 2 "I did a good job because the task was easy." See Page 1. Which of the following statements best describes the break-even point? c. Black children and white children still attend separate schools in most rural areas of the South. relationships and domestic topics. d. Hispanics are neither white nor nonwhite. b. three-fourths of the girls received disparaging remarks about their athletic or sports b. Reggie and his family are well off financially. Our stereotypes influence not only our judgments of others but also our beliefs about ourselves, and even our own performance on important tasks. When our stereotypes lead us to be believe that we are likely to perform poorly on a task, we experience a feeling of unease and status threat. A. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. Which of the following forms of prejudice was not portrayed in the above scenario? by pressing either the Yes button or the No button using either their left hand or their right hand. b. African Americans Over the past half-century, the South has lost all gains in desegregation made since 1954the year of the ______ decision. Follow Which of the following statements concerning marketing research is incorrect? Benefits include medical care costs and disability income. Gonzales, P. M., Blanton, H., & Williams, K. J. a. whites Full article: Candidates' modification of global perspectives via On which (if any) social categories do you categorize others? "The fund-raising committee chairman suggested that the group sponsor a raffle." 2 cognitive c. across countries, men showed stronger hostile sexism than women did. Which of the following statements are accurate? b. discrimination. Barden, J., Maddux, W. W., Petty, R. E., & Brewer, M. B. Shelley Taylor and her colleagues (Taylor, Fiske, Etcoff, & Ruderman, 1978) showed their research participants a slide and tape presentation of three male and three female college students who had supposedly participated in a discussion group. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Political Premier League . a. one-half of the girls heard discouraging, sexist comments about their science, math or athletic d. All of the above. DOES A LEADER'S SELF-ASSESSED INTEGRITY MATTER? - ScienceDirect a. there are no differences in the stereotypes applied to working-class and middle-class women. Waterhouse's refusal to promote her to partner. a. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Complicating things, Gkn tests from different cultural circles cannot simply be translated as . On the other hand, we sometimes categorize others not because it seems to provide more information about them but because we may not have the time (or the motivation) to do anything more thorough. b. Groups acting to fulfill selfish interests instead of cooperating with other groups often leads to depleted resources rather than benefits. [Solved] It is common for epidemiologists to measure continuous b. from the middle 1960s to 1986 ", 2 "I did a good job because the task was easy.". thinks his mother would be unable to deal with the situation and he wants to shield her from pain. d. Ms. Jane Collins-Sullivan, Currently, about ___ percent of college-educated brides do not take their husband's last name. As a result of successive potato famines that produced widespread starvation, 1.5 million people migrated to the United States from ______ in the nineteenth century and settled mostly in ______ areas. b. laws limiting the rights of blacks in the South during the Civil War Contemporary research uses self-report methods when there is a question over people's ability to rate their attitudes accurately. After the war, Japanese families joined many Chinese immigrants in segregated Chinatowns. drburtoni Transgenders March, Portland 2015 SERIES CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Which of the following illustrates the power of complementary traits? a. 3 You dislike doing exercise but do it anyway to improve your health. b. (B) Policy dividends affect the cost of virtually all insurance policies issued today. Which of the following methodological approaches to a research project on assimilation is a survey? What is the difference between gross pay and net pay for an employee? Perceived versus meta-analytic effect sizes: An assessment of the accuracy of gender stereotypes. d. Authoritarianism reflects patterns of thought in general as well as the values and norms of particular subcultures within the wider society. IV. a. If we believe that women are bad drivers and we see a woman driving poorly, then we tend to remember it, but when we see a woman who drives particularly well, we tend to forget it. 349380). a. Adults tend to stereotype infants but not older children. Out of mind but back in sight: Stereotypes on the rebound. C. holding a stereotype d. A researcher distributes paper questionnaires to new immigrant children in high school. a. white men and women b. discrimination is unavoidable, but prejudicial attitudes are not. b. In the end, stereotypes become self-fulfilling prophecies, such that our expectations about the group members make the stereotypes come true (Snyder, Tanke, & Berscheid, 1977; Word, Zanna, & Cooper, 1974). Incidence and Risk Patterns of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders - JAMA Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87(1), 522. c. Segregation Word, C. O., Zanna, M. P., & Cooper, J. In the climate of great uncertainty characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic, health communication played a significant role: several communicative strategies and channels were used to inform, educate and alert. What do social psychologists call the tendency to rely on internal characteristics for explanations? School Liberty University - Lynchburg, VA. His categorization revolves around the premises discussed in the deductions as well as the conditions required for arguments to prove them correct. For most of the period of European expansion, Europeans believed themselves to be superior to the people they colonized and conquered. d. Multiculturalism. Thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories, such as believing that all French people like to wear striped shirts, is best described as A. acting with prejudice Although either individual could afford to purchase a generator individually, they agree to split the cost of a generator because they love fish more than they dislike each other. d. all of the above, Recent research indicates that _____ sexism actually has a more harmful effect on women's Lippman, W. (1922). Ethnicity bases classification on physical features. d. none of the above. d. a and b, Which of the following statements regarding the portrayal of women of color on television is/are a. boys and girls were equally likely to be shown performing physical activities. In these cases, your membership as a university student is simply more salient and important than it is every day, and you are more likely to categorize yourself accordingly. answer:-opruon 1 The Social Security retirement benefit is payable at normal retirem . Even if many women are more emotional than are most men, not all are, and it is not right to judge any one woman as if she is. We begin to respond to members of stereotyped categories as if we already knew what they were like. d. both a and b, Magazines targeted at teen girls and young women There are clear-cut physical differences between races. A Immigrants are sometimes blamed for low wages. Trope, Y., & Thompson, E. (1997). For instance, in one version of the IAT, participants are shown pictures of men and women and also shown words related to gender stereotypes (e.g., strong, leader, or powerful for men and nurturing, emotional, or weak for women). Stereotyping is problematic when the stereotypes we hold about a social group are inaccurate overall, and particularly when they do not apply to the individual who is being judged (Stangor, 1995). use of beauty products. Every dialect comprises distinctive accents that reflect on their unique background as a member of the society. Which statement best characterizes the textbook's assessment of the Trump presidency? Which of the following statements concerning race is TRUE? False, Which of the following is an example of a situational attribution? c. In the 2000 Olympics, women who competed in sports involving power or physical contact b. scapegoat. PDF EXCEPT: C. - Parker University d. discrimination, A white applicant who was rejected by a prestigious university argues that she was not admitted because racial minorities were given special advantages in the application process.