Causes any output generated within its body to be discarded, except for errors (which will be displayed). A macro definition object should have some of the following properties (only handler is absolutely required): Additional properties may be added for internal use. Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). Setting API method calls must be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or settings will not function correctly. For example, let's return to the example above and change it again: You'll see that setup.y is being set to 1 and displayed properly regardless of whether you load a saved story or not, because it is not part of the state. However, due to a historical artifact, the arguments for the separate argument form of <> are in the reverse order (link then text). Warning: Note: depending on the age of your browser, you may also see a list of all current variables when interacting with the Add field. Call this only after populating the dialog with content. Executes its contents and outputs the result, after removing leading/trailing newlines and replacing all remaining sequences of newlines with single spaces. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Intended to allow authors to easily wrap their custom object types (a.k.a. It is strongly recommended that you look into other methods to achieve your goals insteade.g., Config.navigation.override. See Also: Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling Engine.restart(), if they accept. In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the $var variable will be saved in the state as 1, as you would expect. The directory and .py file names within the archive available for download are already properly matchedas sugarcube-2 and sugarcube-2.pyand to avoid issues it recommended that you simply do not rename them. Used within <> macros. Note: Generally, this means only when the variable's value will change between the time the asynchronous macro is invoked and when it's activatede.g., a loop variable. Note: See Setting API for more information. Determines whether the <> macro returns an error when the = assignment operator is used within its conditionale.g., <>. Returns whether a fade is in-progress on the currently playing track. Temporary variables do not become part of the story history and only exist for the lifetime of the moment/turn that they're created in. Unstows the UI bar, so that it is fully accessible again. Adding additional properties directly to save objects is not recommended. Passage end. SimpleAudio API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API. postdisplay tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For instances where you need to run some pure JavaScript and don't want to waste time performing extra processing on code that has no story or temporary variables or TwineScript operators in it and/or worry about the parser possibly clobbering the code. The load and playback states of tracks are not currently recorded within the active play session or saves. If you limit the moments within the history to 1, via setting Config.history.maxStates to 1, then there will only ever be one moment in the history, but passage navigation is still required for new moments to be created. Additionally, SugarCube's link macro accepts a passage argument, that, if included, turns any <> into something similar to Harlowe's (link-goto:) macro. Returns the title of the most recent previous passage whose title does not match that of the active passage or an empty string, if there is no such passage. May be called either with a list of passages, with a list of link markup, or with a list of image markup. If it encounters an unrecoverable problem during its processing, it may throw an exception containing an error message; the message will be displayed to the player and loading of the save will be terminated. Only when manually modifying the values of settings object properties, outside of the controls, would you need to call this method. Generates no output. ---- Like what. The Config API serves the same basic purpose. Warning: Note: Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio tracks have either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. Opens the built-in jump to dialog, which is populated via the bookmark tag. The loading process is as described in SimpleAudio.load(). Note: If you need that kind of information from the dialog itself, then you may use the :dialogclosing event instead. See Also: Note: The API automatically calls this method at startup, so you should never need to call this method manually. Warning: Returns the bottommost (least recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future). Returns the array of track IDs with the given group ID, or null on failure. Note: Now, whenever you type <<status>>, Twine will print out all stats as set up within the widget, like for example: Strength: Weak Dexterity: Dextrous . See: See the State API docs for more information. Opens the dialog. Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the extended past history (expired + past). Returns a pseudo-random whole number (integer) within the range of the given bounds (inclusive)i.e., [min,max]. Returns whether the track's sources are currently unloaded. Generates no output. This is a reference on how to update existing SugarCube code to work with newer versions of SugarCube. Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the track's data is loaded again. The debug bar (bottom right corner of the page) allows you to: watch the values of story and temporary variables, toggle the debug views, and jump to any moment/turn within the history. Used for pre-passage-display tasks, like redoing dynamic changes (happens before the rendering of each passage). Essentially, a combination of <> and <>. Stops playback of the playlist and forces its tracks to drop any existing data. Note: Registers the passage as a VTT passage. The typed text has no default styling. Deserializes the given save string, created via Save.serialize(), and loads the save. The data-init-passage attribute causes the element to be updated once at initialization, while the data-passage attribute causes the element to be updated upon each passage navigation. In mobile browsers, playback volume is controlled by the device hardware. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements. Template API. Twine 2.3: SugarCube 2.28: Arrays 2,500 views May 16, 2019 23 Dislike Share Save Dan Cox 3.68K subscribers This video reviews arrays in SugarCube 2.28 as part of Twine 2.3.. A text replacement markup. When the story is restarted by SugarCube rather than refreshed via the browser, the playthrough session, if any, is not loaded. Does not modify the original. Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a playlist via its <> children. Strings in TwineScript/JavaScript are Unicode, however, due to historic reasons they are comprised of, and indexed by, individual UTF-16 code units rather than code points. Replacement patterns have the format {NAME}e.g., {identity}where NAME is the name of a property within either the l10nStrings object or, in a few cases, an object supplied locally where the string is usedthese instances will be commented. Returns a reference to the active (present) story variables store (equivalent to: State.variables). Skips ahead to the next track in the playlist, if any. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Returns a random member from the array or array-like object. To do so, click on the name of your story in its main "story map" view. This is a collection of tips, from how-tos to best practices. Once the code has been fully executed, the contents of the buffer, if any, will be output. Sets the specified key and value within the story metadata store, which causes them to persist over story and browser restartsn.b. Returns the first member from the array. The _contents special variable is used internally, by container widgets, to store the contents they enclose. The list options are populated via <