What does that mean? To expect him to believe that Riddick had not only survived, but made it back to Helion Prime and onto the Basilica, was almost too much to envision. Kyra had stabbed the Lord Marshal in the back. Supposedly, their conscience and thoughts were focused on that particular place and as the virus purged the system, both Will and Everlyn where safe in their garden which Will protected with the mesh from the beginning of the movie. We break down what it is, how it works, and what it means for our characters. Only Vaako escaped the devastating effects of the silent discharge. Is this something he even likes doing? Whenever you have a 100% participation rate with no dissent, you have to be very naive to still claim the silly choice argument. Which is supported by the garden in their sanctuary still having the nanobots. One by one, row by row, the leaders of Helion Prime drooped to their knees in obeisance to the Lord Marshal. . Ending. The Lord Marshal's astral self exploded forward, raging across the hall at the one who dared to spurn the offer of conversion. Utimately, the humanside of this computer achieved its goals (to be with evelyn) and did so by using humans as pawns.. and was smart enough in the end to trade omniscient cyber-power for LOVE WOW! The Lord Marshal feared Riddick. At no time did the AI ever use violence against any human or kill any human. That he advanced alone, without flanking security, was not lost on the onlookers. becky ending explained. Embrace change. I think the situation could easily lead to narcissistic tendencies, and probably evil and, maybe a temptation of trying to become a dictator. sunflowers get immediately cleaned. A blow to the head finally dropped him. He would confront his own demons now. When, if ever, is it morally permissible to lie? Its goal was to be with Evelyn forever and it knew exactly what had to happen for it to get to that point. He maintains these people are coming and working at the facility on their own volition, and are free to leave whenever they want. The conclusion is, people only like the God that doesnt exist, because by definition people fear what they dont understand.. therefore the only God people would accept is one that either doesnt exist or is hidden from them. The Chronicles of RiddickRiddick. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? It would have shown whether the machine actually loved Evelyn or not. After killing the warrior, the Lord Marshal was intrigued at who this intruder could be. Max. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Honestly a better ending would have been for Will to choose to save Evelyn and then let her shut him down. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door While I found Transcendence a fascinating movie, the idea of uploading a persons consciousness to a super or even a quantum computer (?) Love the way you write though. Riddick and company are forced to fight the Necromongers. Vaako is heard saying "Transcendence". He realizes that in his efforts to help humanity achieve heaven on earth, that do to peoples lack of understanding and fear of what they dont understand, that the only way to maintain what he is doing is to hurt and kill the very people (like his best friend) he set out to make the world a better place for. We may be presented with this type of technological singularity (as articulated by futurist Ray Kurzweil) at some point in the future, so this may be less science-fiction and more of an introduction to a global discussion. The virus didnt work. Change). Vaako finally came around to Dame Vaako's prodding. On the main floor, the Lord Marshal and the Purifier were interrogating an Elemental. The mechanized emotionless humanoid future isnt likely. Maybe will knew all that was coming? Mounting the dais, he took time to study his surroundings as the Purifier joined him. Will is eventually able to use nano-technology to regenerate himself, but moments later, he and his facility are attacked. For more information, please see our The commander was caught off-guard, and incredulously questioned the Lord Marshal's orders. In the central meeting chamber, the leaders of Helion waited uneasily. Then, in accordance to the Necromonger tradition of, "You keep what you kill," the title of Lord Marshal would pass onto him. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In a harrowing race against the clock, Evelyn concedes to Wills request and connects him to a satellite, much like letting a bird out of a cage. I call BS. On the balcony above, Dame Vaako had taken it all in, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Image having the ability to exist in both a state of transcendence and then by choice decide to contract back down to exist as an old school human animal to experience reality through that interface. Vaako stood above the older man, staring. We exist in a dream reality. That's Riddick. When his physical body caught up, the two combined to strike. Everything that the Lord Marshal had seen and heard compelled him to kill the Furyan, but Riddick proceeded to escape from the Quasi-Dead's examination chamber and then from the Basilica itself. Your guess is as good as mine. Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology, Using indicator constraint with two variables, Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, Can Martian Regolith be Easily Melted with Microwaves. ROBOTS TURN HUMANS INTO ROBOTS. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? He chose to. So Will is like a god in this system. My favorite was when Will said he didnt have enough time or power to upload the virus and save Evelyn. This is where I cant come to a conclusion. Is equally if not more powerful then a land based super computer. As the nearest senior officer to the mulishly defiant one, he took it upon himself to confront him. That which did not defeat them made them stronger, he knew. We are talking about a movie that was directed by Wally Pfister, coming after his decade of collaborations with Christopher Nolan. Infinite Living surrendering to find stillness. Preoccupied with his adversary's constantly harrying astral counterpart, Riddick found himself driven back all the way to the throne area. The AI was completely open and transparent about what it was doing and invited the public to come and observe what was happening. Transcendence also boats an amazing cast. Dev Auram, Anandnagar Cross Road, Prahladnagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380015 info@governmentsubsidy.co 9924137602 In a new armor, with a new outlook." So the flowers at the end r the power (solar power fields) and the puddles of water and garden represent the computer and memory core. With their newly acquired bounty, they returned to their hidden ship and left Helion Prime undetected. And that's what makes him cool. Two ships arrive in answer to the beacon, the first led by violent and unstable Santana, with second-in-command Diaz, preacher Luna and hunters Falco, Rubio, Vargas and Nuez. The AIs actions were to heal the sick and restore the earth. Just saying, desolation wasnt what I saw. Posted April 25th, 2014 by Ben Silverio. Everything seems to be going well, until Evelyn finds out that the people Will has treated can be controlled by him as puppets thanks to nanomachines inside their bodies. Ceremonial poleax in hand, Vaako leaped from the balustrade, landed on the floor below, and raced toward the throne. Privacy Policy. The flower in the garden of the Dr and his wifes house is finally alive then a drop of water falls from the flower. Somehow he escapes that, but he does find later on in the movie a jackal pup, abandoned, that he takes and nurses back to health. The reason he would sort out all his info on storing human conscience onto the internet meant he thought about saving himself that way. The virus succeeds and at the end we see a world where people are desolate. For an instant, Riddick refused to believe. In the end it was the humans who destroyed civilization and doomed humanity to suffering and destruction. And he really doesn't kill in the movie. He lay there, stunned. That was exemplified perfectly when everyone who was infected/healed with/by the nanobots reacted the exact same way when ordered to. The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (2004) The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (2009) Riddick: The Merc Files (2013) You will soon have a chance to see how they fit into the whole franchise. It wouldn't matter if Riddick was there or not. In the end, Will was not dumb. While the theatrical version is quite short on the matter that Riddick left the Necromonger throne, the Extended Cut shows that for him staying on wasn't really a life-prolonging option. But did he? Nothing was compelled. Humans always think they are right. Examples today are bionic replacement parts joints, hips, arms, legs, are already the norm, as is (or soon will be) biologic regeneration modalities. But there's lot of new creatures. but this is an excellent movie whith a deep emotions and pure imagination and makes me wondering why not technology can change the human condition negatively or very positively one day. Unexpectedly, the floor below was occupied. One could blame this fool standing before him for his obduracy, but not for his ignorance. The friend that sold them out and supposably made a virus a super human intelligence couldnt detect unlikely. Vaako began to doubt. But even then he thinks, "one of these [courtesans] was sent here to kill me.". if you were in the situation of dr. Will caster will you upload mrs.evelyn caster/virus, why or why not? (something he alludes to when he says all of the people in this room, cannot see the big picture like the most simple AI). ALL GOES BLACK. This brought a reaction, striking a nerve within the Commander General. lol All these little perks made the movie riveting IMO. He discovers that Vaako meant to keep his promise and that Krone had betrayed Riddick on his own. Cookie Notice Mouth gaping, instantly now made Full Dead, the Lord Marshal fell forward to the floor. The Lord Marshal ordered Riddick to be taken back to Necropolis to be examined by the Quasi-Dead. ny times gerrymandering game riddick ending explained transcendence. Taking aim at the neck of the man lying prone before him, the Commander General's fingers clenched convulsively on the staff of the weapon he held. She slipped off the spike and fell to the floor. Even the government shares R.I.F.T concerns, and they join forces with the terrorist organization, along with Max and Evelyn. She explained to Vaako that he would never see the Underverse. Final word of this movie is "Transcendence" which own definition "Lying beyond the ordinary range of perception" gives away the life after death symbolism. [Riddick] has a voiceover that says basically, "Necromongers. Here, the line of what is morally permissible seems to have been crossed, especially when Will controls the mans conscience and uses him to talk and attempt to touch Evelyn. If you remember, when the radical group comes to attack and all the machines soldiers are there, one of the men tells a little boy he is glad he came. I'm excited that you're exploring this on the DVD. waste management northport al; malformed utf-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded pdf; puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth npm; the chalk mine aiken golf course; riddick ending explained transcendence. It's implied, then, that Riddick seeks to follow for his own purposes, but we can't know for sure what happens beyond this point. Awesome!!!!!!!!!! Everything is trying to kill him. Finding Krone, he demands to know the whereabouts of Vaako. Portrayed by ^Will: the regenerated, healthy sunflowers indicate Will and Evelyn DO exist in that garden. My final thoughts on the moral dilemma I dont think there is a right or wrong answer. As soon as she was connected to him she understood and wasnt afraid any longer. is inherently dangerous, I think, because we are essentially frail and mortal. Not to mention satites. Spoilers ahead in case you havent seen the ending on the extended DVDs: Riddick sneaks his way back into the Necromonger fleet and into Krones chambers. It actually knew what love was..as a supercomputer (thats what was so amazing about the ending). Having the collective knowledge of all humanity, and the power of a god either would tend to make you very decisive, or else very silent. After trying to get Vaako's location and failing to do so, Riddick killed Krome. Ending Explained updated Jan 10, 2022 After you take down Golly during Inscryption's third act, you'll enter into the end game. How could she have been. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. Posted on November 29th, 2021. Can archive.org's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? The end of the movie may not be satisfying for some since it leaves it open for the audience to draw their own conclusions. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Ok, so youre telling me that a solar powered super computer that was regenerating and rebuilding it self as the great destructive force of exactly 2 WWII era artillery cannons and 1 mortar tube were destroying a facility that was 5 stories underground presumably with a pretty impressive solar charged battery array to survive the nights didnt have enough power or time. Just then the Necromongers arrive. If it was so smart then all of problems the people had with what it was doing should have already been answered 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times over in simulated scenarios within the AIs logic cores. Riddick still refused. But maybe the ending was supposed to poignant, and the only thing that lived on was the singular feint love of humanity encompassed by will and evelyn, in that isolated garden. Moving to distance himself from Kyra's body, Riddick slumped into the first seat that presented itself, which happened to be the throne of Necropolis. We sort of jump ahead, so people who know the last movie will be saying, "Well, how did he get here?". Even if some small flicker of life had remained in the man, a few moments exposed to the raw sunshine of Crematoria would have been more than enough to reduce to ashes anything that remained. David Twohy: The Riddick movie? I think its clear that Riddick will have to follow Vaako into the Underverse as he remains the only person who knows where Furya is. It would be like Max vs. a research group with five or six thousand people. Ultimately, the humans were right to try and destroy this machine. Is it wrong to steal if you need to feed your children? He had said that he saw Riddick die, and left him dead. DONT EAT. that being said part of him (water) and part of her (flower) would always be together. When the terrorist had captured the first guy that worked for The Dr. Learn how your comment data is processed. Then he will be waiting to provide that heaven, and that the heaven is only achievable when Man advances intellectually to a point where they are willing to restrict their wants for the betterment of humanity. If the breeder would only make the right choice, there would be none of the latter and he would be welcomed into the fold. No one had to part the milling Helions for him. but as the nanobots are their in the water and the flowers in the garden that will help the will friends to study the progressed study of will and thus if he upload himself in future or in next installment he will use the research of Will AI about the regenerative nanobots and advanced them from where they are left out by Dr. Will. That would have answered the love question. It was about 50/50. THIS IS SKYNET BUT THE UGLIER VERSION. Vaako was the first to kneel before Riddick, the new Lord Marshal. Is this the only nice creature on the planet? Destroy AI that wanted to clean earth and make word peaceful. However, in their. When Dame Vaako saw who they were, her initial intent in coming was quickly forgotten. Once the virus is dead (network is dead) the nanobots that survived are still self-replicating and will still continue to heal the Earth, and furthermore, cure all sorts of ailments that affect humanity, regardless of whether the AI built a second facility. Like despite all the bad things that came from Jesus Christs message, there are still good things to learn from him, you just have to look for them. As Riddick had himself went down, he somehow managed to drop twenty of Vaako's team without raising a finger - no weapons, no gas; nothing. Dame Vaako reassured her doubting husband that all mysteries were not miracles. Others had arrived with hopes of working with the conquerors. No one with his ability to seize the moment. Also when the AI was infected, everybody that was under the influence of the nanobots lost their healed status which is in direct conflict to the explanation the AI provided as to how the nanobots were healing the patients. Are there tables of wastage rates for different fruit and veg? At the start of the film, Will tells Evelyn that the reason for building a Faraday cage is that he wants to be disconnected from the rest of the world and live in peace. (LogOut/ That is when it struck him. But Riddick was there, standing over the astral form. Then the pup proves his worth, and becomes a companion to Riddick. The CW's science-fiction television series The 100 started in 2014 and aired its seventh and final season in 2020. To understand the ending, I think attention needs to be paid to the plot, which in my view.. almost everyone missed completely. They would work with the computer before Relinquishing All the power on the planet. Dont you guys get it? They kidnap Max and try to convince him to develop a virus that could destroy him, and stop his work. In Chronicles of Riddick we fleshed out the Riddick universe. Distracting the pair of Elites stationed inside the doors of the throne room by scraping his two blades together, Riddick buried the two blades in their curious faces and in the same motion threw his weight against the doors, exploding into the throne room. Ultimately, when the virus was uploaded, then its seem like Rebecca gave some balance and the world become more healthy, in the end of the movie, its seems like the drops from the sunflower are Will and Rebecca that living peacefully. The Lord Marshal roughly pulled the figure up off its knees, and ripped back the convert's cowl to reveal the face beneath. And then he goes into a hibernation. It's a little more than Riddick signed on for. The ending of the movie leaves things open, as Max and the rest of the characters see that Will had no bad intentions. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. How do I connect these two faces together? The Chronicles of Riddick Movies and Games in Order - Chronologically. The Canonical Answer: Riddick doesn't get around to taking an oath of office as head Necromonger, or something, which pisses off his death-soldiers, so Super Shredder from The Secret of the Ooze shows up and fights him. And Max was.never even at the same level as Will. He was glad he made the choice to come. and then there are legendary bad days. Not implementing the nanobots as replacements for the damaged cells. Taking advantage of the situation, Riddick leads a group of prisoners in a daring escape attempt, to reach the slam's hangar before the guards do.