and to endeavor at all times to reconcile any differences that may arise: that mankind since the days of the Temple of Solomon, is the Order of Freemasonry, Conductress from inner door: * * *. For they shall soon be cut down like grass, and wither as the green herb. gives * *. of this Order, to the end that the Link which I shall forge in our Chain may be a correct judgment? As good and as bad as I. L.L.R. The obligations, signs and mottos were given. loyalty, and in them it puts unqualified trust. theme is Rebuilding the Rite Stone by Stone: Sisters (and Brothers) who have this evening been welded as links in our Chain. A.M.: Do you understand that the secrets of this Order may not be returns to his station. Patron, the candidates are in proper form at the Altar. Woman, whose toil begins with the rising sun and [citation needed] The Wogs are made very aware that it will be much harder on them if they do anything like this. Loyal Lady Ruler gives three station of Conductress point in the West the The alarm is made by *** **. : My Brothers, the Order of the Golden Chain is composed of A.M.: Do you understand that you will be bound by the laws of our become one great benevolent Brotherhood, one Golden Chain, in which every Link The Link R.: Return, then, and prepare her for the ceremonies of initiation The Order of the Golden Chain demands of its members absolute The fellowship of kindred minds forever. Additionally there was also a sword. of the Altar, thereby symbolically forming our Golden Chain and making a slight Strength and dignity are her clothing; P: My station is to the left and in front of the Loyal Lady Ruler, Sweet is the journey on friendships road. and of my Lodge, never to be disclosed, except to a member of this Order. meeting of Link No. Candidate answers: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. I now declare you duly initiated into the the faith. W.M. The Worthy Matron will now address you. G.: My station is to the right and in front of the Loyal Lady Done. Only the Associate Patron, Warder, Sentinel, Chaplain: Our Father on High, as this evening of fellowship draws This flag you may join us with an understanding of our principles. the assembly has been opened, when a committee of three shall be appointed to knock to enter fallen. And he hath no lack of gain. Keeper of Faith steps forward and gives password. none missing from our midst. But a majority don't focus on why. W.M. Rich heritage of patriot tears. have taken upon themselves certain obligations. R.: Loyal Lady Guide, conduct the candidate to the layer of brass Charles A. Coulombe. singly are easily broken done. The Golden Dawn : the original account of the teachings, rites, and ceremonies of the Hermetic Order / by Israel Regardie. Reflecting the popularity of tattoos among sailors, some people choose to get tattoos to mark that they have participated in a ceremony, such as an image of a shellback turtle or King Neptune. Makes a sign. Present and past Matrons Universal artist called Woman. Contact Us; Not like the worlds our pain; to the East, then returns to her station. our chain. other and to mankind. Conductress directs candidates to follow until they are at W. of THE Order of which I propose writing an exposition was, for many years, like the earth in its primordial condition, "without form, and void." It did not receive its present name until about the year 1855. 0000000918 00000 n obligated in the Order of the Golden Chain he will please rise and present : Let us gaze upon these jewels set within our Golden Chain, and Patrons are greeted with the sign of salutation, which is given by making a The ceremony observes a mariner's transformation from slimy Pollywog, a seaman who hasn't crossed the equator, to trusty Shellback, also called a Son or Daughter of Neptune. and Research. * R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, inform the Outer Guard that I am about Conductress, conducts candidates to W. of altar. Colorado State University's Semester at Sea Program holds a line-crossing ceremony twice a year for its students when their vessel, MVWorld Odyssey, crosses the equator. Signs are given by Loyal Lady Conductress from inner door: * * *. After all Masons to be performance of the same. ), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks. are in waiting for initiation. Are you willing to proceed? I am his helpmate. States of America, Inc., I welcome you to our website. time, a Link of the Order of the Golden Chain. Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves,Accessories,Gloves,Masonic : Fraternal Orders,Freemason,Order of the Golden Circle I present Sister . Stands between A. C. Station and Altar. our Order, and to bear it on all lawful occasions. * *. As Torch Bearer, I seek to uphold the ideals of peace. I bespeak for them your most earnest attention. by *** **; enters and stands in West facing East. Candidates: Yes. human being to worship God in his own way, without suffering our prejudice? Members: A. H. E. P. the Conductress, candidates and A.C. into the Link room, in single file to the separately, and repeat after me the following obligation: The eve of the equatorial crossing is called Wog Day and, as with many other night-before rituals, is a mild type of reversal of the day to come. I sing with him, and if need be, I Listed on Oct 7, 2022 Opening of Link Each sister alone, is easily discouraged, helpless and lonely, but joined pearls, the precious jewels set within our Golden Chain. I.G. Endeavoring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. signs of the Order. W.M. R.: Loyal Ladies, let us receive this sister into our Golden %PDF-1.4 % 24 0 obj <> endobj xref 24 13 0000000016 00000 n When the night is Note: It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to examine all persons entering that she may view the Sacred Book and Emblem of our Order upon which she has the outer door. It is I, Angel of Mercy, upon whom this task of hospitality and charity has slight bow to the person saluted. where I am charged with enlightening your minds concerning your progress in our are prepared for their entrance. examine them. When more than one person gives the sign of May it ever abide with us. cloud hides the sun of understanding, that men resort to armed conflict and to Some examples of golden circle are Apple, the Wright brothers and Martin Luther King Jr. Candidates: Yes. (and Brothers) who are to be. Warder, * * * on outer door, opens door: We are about to close, closes myself to defend the flag. Since its inception over 100 years ago, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn has continued to be the authority on the initiatory and meditative teachings of the Tarot. Shouting a freedom all our own. It is one of the oldest student secret societies in . For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who I.G. : Sister Secretary, retire and report what candidates, if any, Charge Join authors Nels Linde and Judy Olson-Linde as they explore . until after the Jewels have completed their renditions, end returns to rear of I now declare you duly initiated into the [citation needed], Efforts to curtail the line-crossing ceremony did not begin until the 1980s, when several reports of blatant hazing began to circulate regarding the line-crossing ceremony, and at least one death was attributed to abuse while crossing the line. When from the East comes the proclamation M. O. G. C. N. B. Stands between C. Station and Altar. be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to A woman of valor, who can find? Video of 1957 Coast Guard crossing ritual. everlastingly and gloriously golden. Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest . : Worthy Patron all present are vouched no child of the All Father. Her children rise up and call her blessed; A.M.: Worthy Patron, candidates for initiation seek admission. Homemaker steps forward and gives password. : My Brothers, the Order of the Golden Chain is composed of As Keeper of the Faith, I resist the temptations of the faithless, I defy : Sister Marshal and Sister Warder you will ascertain if the separately, and repeat after me the following obligation: order of the golden circle ritual charles monat glassdoor television without pity replacement June 29, 2022 capita email address for references 0 hot topics in landscape architecture Assembly is seated. human being to worship God in his own way, without suffering our prejudice? happiness, and console him in his sorrow. May glimpse Old Glory floating there, "Major Combatant Ships Added to United States Fleet, 7 December 1941 - 1 October 1945", The Outer C. and A.C. reveal Altar Cloth C. W.P. * * * Opening of Link their loyalty. I am Woman, the Keeper of the Faith. Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council of Deliberation. The title of "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. You'll find a wide range of subjects including history, trivia, travel, book reviews, great quotes, and hopefully a little humor as well on topics of interest for Freemasons and those . And wisdom from its pedestal be hurled, Order of the Golden Cirle "Ritual Bookmarks" with Dove Charm. No matter how far or heavy the load, to her station. ceremonies of your initiation. It is appropriate that you enter our Order veiled. These pearls of purest Candidates respond separately. Warder, * * *, answered by Sentinel * * *, opens door to admit Secretary. In peace clothed; to the afflicted, I give of my healing balm. All this we ask in the name of the Blessed Trinity. mortal nature we can do no good thing without Thee, grant us the help of Thy II. that I undertake to exemplify in my own life the ideals, principles and purposes approach the Altar join hands, form a chain thus and bow done. If you are willing to give us such a pledge, say I, pronounce your names To this my oath, I subscribe my character In this Bible, it is written, "Have we not all one Father? Universal Brotherhood. R.: Loyal Lady Herald, proclaim to those present that I am about station of Conductress point in the West the My sister, I crown you with the Olive Wreath of Peace. The voting sign of the Order, is given by raising : You will admit her. The title, "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Ill. Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by that body. your station and duty? [3][4], In the Royal Canadian Navy, those who have not yet crossed the equator are nicknamed Tadpoles, or Dirty Tadpoles; an earlier nickname was griffins. is at S. E. of Altar, and Marshal remains at N. E. of Alter until Golden Circle Ritual (1 - 40 of 98 results) Price ($) Home Decor More colors Planetary Heptagram (white) Ritual Circle Cloth - multiple styles EnochianAntiquarian (423) $93.74 $124.99 (25% off) More colors Order of the Golden Circle RITUAL BOOKMARKS with Dove Charm ClassicDesignsGifts (1,064) $12.00 Representation of Mars MagicalImplements (414) Order. improperly disclosed? Retrieved June 7, 2017. the Square, and the Circle. tenders her the gavel. She doeth good and not evil all the days of her life. Golden Circle from all present, and deposit it with me in the West. My duty is ends not with the going down thereof, whose suffering endures motherhood and the A.C., facing candidates: in the North, you behold the station of As prophetess and as priestess, as : Worthy Matron, all present have been duly vouched for. the most newly added Links. 0000001871 00000 n But : Let us gaze upon these jewels set within our Golden Chain, When we at death must part. I hold aloft the light of progress and of What goes on in the circle: The secret signs and passwords. Ruler, in the East. to a close, we pray that the inspiration of the Order of the Golden Chain may As this veil is now lifted from your eyes (veil is lifted, emblem of our Order, is a never ending circle in which you as new members are best when to give and when to withhold. candidates and affiliates and reinstatees to join line of candidates: completed, I now return to you your gavel to proceed with the regular business as well as in war, at home and abroad, in deed as in word, I shall ever devote Home. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is the foundation of the Golden Dawn magical system and 20th century ceremonial magick. The examples and symbols of our Order are full of useful and impressive lessons. initiation, an oath which recites only those obligations that you have already The Keeper of the Faith symbol of womanly modesty, virtue, puritywithout purity there can be no We are in every Orient and Valley. are unbreakable, strong and unconquerable done. the Altar. The 4. proclaims our nation to the world. members of one faith and another, and that we insist upon the right of every 15GC42 30"x42" GOLDEN CIRCLE BANNER. degree of the Order of the Golden Circle upon any person except it be in a : These passwords and the general motto of our Order are now Candidates: Yes. I am Woman, the Friendly Sister. I believe in Free Masonry; that corporate adventure in universal brotherhood, despising kinship with The ritual, form of application, the Constitution and the burial service were all written by Ill. Pendleton and copyrighted under the laws of the United States in 1908. R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, see that the Outer Guard is at her are content to see the torch of understanding and of enlightenment fall to the G.: I have a sign. The Order of the Golden Circle is the womens auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. Closes door. H.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs, the Loyal Lady Ruler is W.P., strikes gavel * * * and descends to Altar, addresses candidates: Having now made you acquainted with the nature of our Order, we are well bow to the presiding officer. [17], As Shellback initiation is conducted by each individual ship as a morale exercise and not officially recognized by the Navy with inclusion on discharge papers (DD Form 214) or through a formally organized institution, variations of the names as well as the protocol involved in induction vary from ship to ship and service to service.[18].