(4) The pharmacy shall have access to a copy of the written pharmaceutical care policies. (a) A nursing care unit, regardless of size, including special care units, shall be equipped as described in this regulation. (ii) The soiled area shall allow for sorting and washing soiled laundry. (c) Within 24 hours of admission, notify and direct residents to the nursing homes emergency plans and maps, including evacuation procedures. After meeting requirements of the Board of Nursing (Maryland application, Criminal History Record Check, Declaration of State Primary Residence Form, TOEFL iBT or IELTS CES report), complete registration with NCLEX. (1) A nursing home shall providea separate room or rooms[shall be provided]for the administrator andadministrative supportstaff. Licensed[comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities]nursing homesand any premises[proposed]that an applicant for a license proposes to[be operated by an applicant for a license]operate shall be open at all times to inspection by the Secretary and by any agency designated by the Secretary. Consequently, OHCQ has observed inadequate discharge planning and lack of coordination of care transitions. a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution has not made a determination of whether the curriculum meets educational requirements. The pharmacy shall agree in writing to maintain at the pharmacy a resident profile record system for each resident in the nursing home for whom prescriptions are dispensed. accessible and convenient, and A. Mandated Reporting Requirements FAQs. [Statutory exceptions for certain confidential and privileged communications]. The, H. Closed or Inactive Records. The physician shall[note on]document inthe[patients]residentschart any restrictions applicable to the[patients]residentsparticipation in the activities program. The[facility]nursing homeshall[be]: (a) Bemaintained free of insects and rodents by operation of an active pest-control program, either by use of maintenance personnel or by contract withapest-control company[. customers, and stakeholders with Please enable scripts and reload this page. (i) Shall be at least 30 square feet per bed, not including corridors; (ii) May not include toilet rooms in the 30 square feet per bed; and. Open at all Times for Inspection. In laundries in new facilities there shall be a physical separation between the clean and soil areas. A janitorscloset or service alcove fortheexclusive use of food service areas shall be provided in, or adjacent to, the dietetic service department. (3) A new employee shall be assessed for risk of tuberculosis through: (a) A two-step tuberculin skin testing at the time of hire following guidelines referenced in the Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings; or. (d) At least quarterly, submit a report to the pharmaceutical services committee on the status of the nursing homes pharmaceutical services and staff adherence to policies and procedures. Contact the Discipline & Compliance Division, For general inquiries (Discipline): To Search COMAR online, go to the MD Division of State Documents website. (j) If applicable, lighting in toilet rooms of the common area of refuge. 3. An interdisciplinary team shall complete. [E.]D.The[facilitys]nursing homescommunication mechanism shall ensure that theadministrator, director of nursing, and the medical director receive and address reports of infectionprevention andcontrol findings and recommendations in a timely manner. You will need to provide evidence of completing the Continuing Education requirements specified in 18 VAC 90-19-160 during the two (2) years immediately preceding application for reinstatement. Temperatures. For this reason, they will not be printed in the Maryland Register or the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). When the resident is transferred from the nursing home for any reason or at time of death, the administrator or the administrators designee shall notify the attending physician and the: (3) Responsible party designated by the resident. (4)A nursing home shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the NFPA 101Life Safety Code. D. Unusual Occurrences. (i) In the event of failure of the normal electrical service, be activated immediately; (ii) Come to full speed and load acceptance within 10 seconds; (iii) Have a capacity of 48 hours of operation from fuel stored on-site; and. InfectionPrevention andControl Program. (5) A nursing home that administers Schedule II drugs shall maintain a drug record that documents: (b) The date, time, kind, dosage, and method of administration of all Schedule II drugs; and. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. Provision for Dental Care. (7) The call system shall enable residents in the rehabilitation area to summon rehabilitation staff. Yes. C.Heating System. OHCQ through this proposal intends to require that after January 1, 2021 all social work services be provided by a licensed certified social worker. A. The quality assurance committee shall: (1) Designate[a chairperson to manage]an individual to overseecommittee activities; (2) Meet monthly to[accomplish]carry outquality assurance activities; (3)[Assist in developing]Help developand approve the[facilitys]nursing homesquality assurance plan; (4) Submit the quality assurance plan to the Departments Office of Health Care Quality at the time ofinitialapplicationforlicensure or at the time of licensure renewal; (5) Submit any[change in]changes tothe quality assurance plan to the Office of Health Care Quality within 30 days of the[change]changes; F. Quality Assurance CommitteeNon-members. Summary of Economic Impact. (b)The person in charge of the service to which the employee is assigned shall[have]: (i) Haveinput into the contents of the orientation program;[Policies for the orientation program shall include], (ii) Determinethe number of hours of orientation required for the various levels of[supportive]supportpersonnel;and. B. One of these is the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, which offers software engineering degree programs at the bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. levels. A. The State of Maryland pledges certain fraudulent activities and protect C. A new nursing home shall adhere to the requirements of this chapter. (1)Written administrative and[patient]residentcare policies and procedures shall be developed for rehabilitative services by appropriate rehabilitation team members and representatives of the medical, administrative, and nursing staff. (1)When the director of nursing is absent, the individual shall designate an experienced, qualified registered nurse to direct the nursing service. The audible signal may not be turned off at the nursing station. C.Cleanliness and Maintenance. Updated (c)The Department shall approve the increase in beds within 72 hours following receipt of the[facilitys]nursing homesdocumentation that the required additional staff is[]in[place]positionto serve the increased number of beds. As described in the chart below, health care providers must make these reports in specific oral and written forms, however, any person, is also required to make either an oral or written report of suspected child abuse. Proof of immunity to these diseases shall be verified by: (a) Documented evidence of administration of vaccine; or. (1)[Effective with employees hired on or after July 1, 1990, the]Thegeriatric nursing assistanttraining program[course]shall consist of 75 hours or more, and include at least 37.5 hours of classroom instruction and[not less than]at least37.5 hours of supervised clinical experience in long-term care. (43) Nurse practitioner has the meaning stated in Health Occupations Article, 8-101(k), Annotated Code of Maryland. The[facility]nursing homeshall select[a resident]eligibleresidents based on the: E. State-Approved Training. We're available on the following channels. The training on cognitive impairment and mental illness shall be designed to meet the specific needs of the. The resident care management system shall. (3)[Thenotification shall include]Includean invitation for the family member or residents representative to attend the conference. (2)There shall be an allowance of at least 12 square feet per[ambulatory patient]resident[;this]. (2)A substantial evening meal is an offering of three or more menu items at one time, one of which includes a high quality protein such as meat, fish, eggs, or cheese. (39)Minimum Data Set (MDS) means acore set of screening, clinical, and functional status elements, including common definitions and coding categories, which: (a) Forms the foundation of a comprehensive assessment for all nursing home and swing bed residents; and. This program shall include: (1) Periodic service and testing of items as recommended by manufacturers of at least the following: (e) Resident bathing and shower equipment; (2) Ongoing staff monitoring for evidence of malfunction or deterioration; and. Please enable scripts and reload this page. E. The social work industry and trade groups would benefit due to the increase in hiring and contracting with licensed social workers. (1)[Each facility]A nursing homeshall conduct or arrange a[nurses aide]geriatric nursing assistanttraining program for unlicensed personnel assignedtodirect[patient]residentcare duties. (d) A filter or filter efficiency shall comply with the standards ofthe Guidelines for Design and Construction of Residential Health, Care, and Support Facilities. The nursing home shall develop written policies, consistent with this chapter and COMAR 10.07.09, to govern the nursing care, related medical, and other services that the nursing home provides regarding: (1) Admissions, transfers, and discharges; (3) Medical Assistance program information. This table refers to the pressure relationships and ventilation of certain areas of a nursing home other than chronic disease hospitals. The director of a medical laboratory must submit a report of a positive HIV test or of a CD4+ lymphocyte count less than 200 per cubic millimeter, within 48 hours to the health officer. (55) Plan of correction means a written response from the nursing home addressing each deficiency cited as a result of an inspection by the Department. Karen E. B. Evans. C. Locked Doors Prohibited. Unless otherwiseindicated, all generalrequirementsapply to both new construction and anexisting nursing home unless a waiver has been granted by the Office of Health Care Qualityin accordance with Regulation .03G of this chapter. Resident Dining, Occupational Therapy, and Activities Program. M. SpecialMedical Wastes. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. The staff shall document[progression]progressof the condition or conditions weekly until the condition or conditions have healed. B. (2) Private water systems shall comply with all federal, State, and local requirements. (4) 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HIPAC), 2007). D. Nursing Service Personnel on Duty. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Activities Program. Director of Nursing. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. If the patient becomes too difficult to manage, the patient shall be transferred to a suitable facility selected by the attending physician. (1)Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. The event must be reported within ten days of any change made by the hospital. A license or certificate exists even if it is inactive, G. Program of Restorative Nursing Care. Mandated reporting is required when: Title 24 M.R.S. Licensed, (1) The licensee, if not acting as an administrator, shall appoint as administrator a responsible person who is. Each hospital, freestanding laboratory or ambulatory care center, or physician must submit a cancer report for all patients initially diagnosed , treated, or admitted, Circumstances Under Which Report Required, Infectious or contagious diseases specified by MD DHMH or regulation, Health-General 18-201 (diseases specified in COMAR 10.06.01), Health-Gen 18-205 (laboratory directors), A physician with reason to suspect that a patient under the physicians care has an infectious or contagious disease [except HIV/AIDs] that endangers public health.. A. .44 Physical PlantHeating and Cooling. accessible and convenient, and The medical director is responsible for: (2) Monitoring and evaluating thehealth care services andoutcomes[of the health care], including clinical and physician services provided to the[facilitys]nursing homesresidents; and. [Each]. (2) Existing Facility. (2) The charge nurse or nurses shall have the ability to recognize significant changes in the condition of residents and to take necessary action. (2)Existing Facilities. (a) A residents room shall have direct access to an exit in accordance with the requirements applicable to nursing homes specified in NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. (2)Standardized recipes adjusted to appropriate yield shall be followed. O. prefilter is employed, the prefilter shall be upstream of the equipment and the main filter bed may be located further downstream. Comments will be accepted throughMarch 18, 2019. If you EVER held a Maryland license and it is currently listed as Inactive, Non-Renewed, or Invalid, you must request a renewal packet from Comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities shall develop written policies, consistent with these regulations, to govern the nursing care and related medical or other services they provide covering the following: (1) Admission, transfer, and discharge policies including categories of patients accepted and not accepted by the facility, or those who are required to transfer to another level of care. In a culture change nursing home, service areas shall be provided for resident care needs as approved bythe Department. The[facility]nursing homeshall give appropriate health care information to such volunteers to provide maximum protection to residents. (1) The size and location of the food service area shall comply with COMAR 10.15.03. (1) The building and all its parts and facilities shall be kept in good repair, neat, (2) All walls, floors, ceilings, windows, and fixtures shall be kept clean. Maryland Board of Physicians | 4201 Patterson Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21215. (b) Give the employee acertificate[evidencing]signed by the programs teacher or trainer asevidence ofcompletion of the program[shall be issued to the employee. (1) Schedule II drugs shall be kept in separately locked, securely fixed boxes or drawers in the storage area, under two locks. (8) During training, a trainee may provide only that care for which the trainee has demonstrated competency to the satisfaction of the appropriate program instructor. (c) Maintenanceof an[optional]optimallevel of psychosocial functioning. The[facility]nursing homeshall submit to the Department and obtain approval of the following: (1) All documents required in Regulation[.14-1].23of this chapter; (2) Policies and procedures for all aspects of care as outlined in Regulation[.14-1C(6)].23of this chapter, and the following: (a) Qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of staff, including the staff who are permitted to perform the following procedures: (iv) Therapeuticchestpercussion and vibration; C. Physician Coordinator. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate The agreement shall provide for sufficient hours of consultation to assure that the staffs services meet the medically related social and emotional needs of the patients.]. (a) Relocation means the movement of a resident from one room to another within: (i) The same Medicare-certified nursing home; (ii) A Medicaid-only certified nursing home; or. (7) Corridors may not be used to supply air to or exhaust air from any room, except that air from corridors may be used to ventilate bathrooms, toilet rooms, janitors closets, and small electrical or telephone closets opening directly on corridors. A health practitioner, police officer, or human service worker who contacts, examines, attends, or treats an alleged vulnerable adult, and who has reason to believe that the adult has been subject to abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation shall notify the local department, and if acting as a staff member of a hospital . C. Social History. Unless otherwise indicated, all general requirements apply to both new construction and an existing nursing home. [B.] B. The janitors closet shall be equipped for, (a) There shall be separate clean and soiled utility rooms in each nursing unit. The following table lists the minimum lighting requirements in the followinggiven areas: (7) Medicine storage and preparation area. reporting and/or correcting unsafe working conditions, equipment repair and maintenance needs. A. (b) Haveartificial light adequate for reading and other uses as required. All rights reserved. Members of the residents family or the responsible party for the resident may not deliver medications to the resident or to the nursing home.