Yankees apparently cant spell a lick either, bless their little hearts, Im not replying too u im just saying are we gonna take her calling us dumb yankees when shes a Yankee too and my favorite southern word is yall i live on the north and i also drop the g on many words, Ha! Theres the always popular Ahminuh, which like fixinuh means, Im going to..leave, stay, eat, nap, drive, drink, starve, bloat.any verb can follow. I guess I just wondered how I wound up with such Southern sayings in such a Northern (albeit out in the sticks, but still) area. Copyright 2020 | Tous droits rservs |. Also a lot of my family has a twang/ drawl. Love my country music and grits..but also love the seasons here! 2.019 - CLINICA ERA todos los Derechos Reservados. AGAIN. Ur idiots. Definitely that one. Hence, not only South Louisiana being more heavily Catholic, but also the French and/or Louisiana French Creole word for, Im assuming, godfather.. You have sun, and soft winters, we are made in the ice, where only the strong can survive. Oh and theres a little diddy (song), Just to clarify I was born and for the most part of my 60 + years raised in Texas not just Texas, but West Texas(theres a difference yall) Im as Texan as one can be and I hate rodeos, country music, country clothes and country dancing. How about crazy as a sprayed roach or if in better society. Its a term of endearment, practically, here. I am still from Georiga though. Its not where you live its whats in your heart!! But now, I don't have to . ). Well then, with that being said, how can one say there was a true end to the war or even a true victor? Makes me want to say it even more. Everybody here says mosey. Things arent always what they seem I mean just cuz that cat had her kittens in the oven dont make em biscuits. of the peanut butter crackers eat-a-snacks. Wasnt till I was 13 when I realized I talked different. Ruffled feathers- Flustered We'll know you're a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say "you guys". Potato/ tater When I came to home sweet home Is caught in the middle. I got nuttin wit dem nordern folk. In addition to the "n" being silent, area residents throw a "the" in front of the name, referring to it as "the Kill." I beat them so badly if they would even fight me ( took them to the wood shed). Difficult. if by arrogant, you mean awesome, well, my dear..youre right! We kicked your stupid inbred asses in the civil war. Its a state? Some if these words are a matter of history and not area . Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! We use the words yonder and reckon but what a lot of people dont realize is that these two words were not made up by Southerners. Especially in the Metro area. The emancipation proclamation only applied to the Southern states not the border states that had slaves. Get yo yankee ass back across the Mason Dixon before the south gets hold of u and stomps a hole in your yankee ways. Countrys a way of livin. Its now 2015..lets put the past away! I-10 is east-west, not north-south. Recently, I was writing a column and came across this question on Twitter: "Why do people from the south call all pop coke? Heres a couple of mean ones: The idea that North Carolina isnt Southern is silly. We are much much stronger then you cupcakes. Answer (1 of 10): For the US distribution check out the Dialect Survey results at http://www4.uwm.edu/FLL/linguistics/dialect/staticmaps/q_1.html Born in Fort Benning on October 20, 1946, Lewis McDonald Grizzard Jr. grew [] In 2019, Houston Chronicle journalist Robert Downen helped break the story about sexual abuse within the SBC. Shouldve said Yankees instead of Northern folk, and dont worry not all Yankees are lik that. And through my observations, its not to different just slight cultural changes. (The entire Midwest [which includes MissouriYET ANOTHER neighbor of BOTH *OKLAHOMA* **AND**! Yes, snooty ass Yankees, its HOT down here! So, I think its wrong to think that to be Southern is to be pro-secession, or angry that the South lost the war. I live in the north but only my dads side is northern. NORTHERN-SUPREMACY. On the flip side of the coin, those that have been coddled by their Daddies as girls, seem to become hopelessly spoiled princesses who play that angle up ad nauseum. Sorry to inform you but AR is Southern Its still really determined primarily by the Civil War. Only in the South. Someone done walked over my grave used after a shiver or cold chill. Great blog! Michigan Pagan Festival 2022, I drop both mothercuking Ts. Pronounce Atlanta in Spanish, Can you pronounce it better? Sugar packets are for sissies!!!! "Atlanna" also works, but pronouncing the second T sounds odd to me. Hiram Folks Southern Kitchen. It really feels like English is testing us sometimes. With that said, no where above Virginia is considered part of the South. All Rights Reserved, {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}}, Pronunciation of southerners with 1 audio pronunciations. Only the strong can make it through a Northern winter, Have YOU forgotten about the polar vortex breakdowns of the winter of 2013-2014 (especially the latter)? Take you out behind the barn and show you a thing or two *You* know, that snowstorm that got a lot of cars stuck on, most notably, Atlantas highways and got its schoolkids stuck in school? I call a purse a purse. to southerners, oregon is part of the north, youre a yankee. Ha. I think you are full of shit yank. Then again, these words come from many southern states. @Marci and @Okie Farmer (ESPECIALLY YOU, Marci!) Wine & Dine southern style. Im planning to start my own website soon but Im a little lost on everything. However, living in the southern U.S. does typically put you in the southern region. I hope you find out where you are from and what you consider your traditions, until then, know that the south is always willing to accept you as you are. Im some dumb but I aint plum dumb.. thats what ive been sayin to somebody that said that to me. I would say I have the best of both worlds and consider myself a coonyank! Most of the South was Agriculture, Trade of Agricultural products (overseas and to the North), Commodities and Naval products (pine tar). Which one is the most . Maam, that was a fine read. His care team describes Mumbles as laid back and friendly. However. What a LAUGH! Cmon. But don't expect to hear a lot of Southern accents. Let me tell you something about southern drivers. But I must say one thang.. Yall damn Yankees up in the north are the biggest most selfish judgmental rude assholes I have ever fkn met! Second, people are entitled to Religious Freedom, if they wish to read the Bible and be God-fearing christian in the South that is none of ANYONEs business. We have an entirely different dialect than people in Austin or Houston or Dallas. I call them by their name such as sprite, dr. pepper, etc. Y o u n e e d t o g e t y o u r a s s o f f t h e When I lived up Nawth, I was always treated with hospitality, but I found out that they treated each other with some indignity. fun OR.it could also describe someone being dramatic or overly emotional. Yes, there are cliques and groups but no place is utopia. We say that here In M.T. She would laugh and say a her ah swan eee and she wasnt afraid to tan my legs and backside with a switch if n I was caught stealin a cookie for supper! My moma always said that to my pops told old man he was dumber then a box rocks. The air is full of salt from the gulf and yet, we do not even notice it anymore There really aint no place like it. Ive alwsys thought that there IS a difference in accents between Houston and Dallas, Austin has a mix of both, due to the heavy influx of UT students from both cities and of course, since its the state capital, Representatives from both cities . Youre exactly what these people are talking about. Its my first choice. Its delicious! As an adult, I lived a year in Europe. For example, we lived for 6 years in an area of South Carolina. anywho, how bad do we Northerners get judged for being from the North? I cant believe some of this haha! Acting with an Accent: American Southern, by David Alan Stern. (Well, NEXT season, ANYWAY! I am dreading admitting this, but my idjit brother moved to NEW YORK. We also eat fried green tomatoes and fried cheese sticks. current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, the last minute marrakech Middle East. Its the South, not lower-case south. But why are 90% of white teenage belles with child.biblelt??? And if you think were so ignorant Yankee, DONT COME DOWN HERE AND ENJOY OUR WARM SUNSHINE AND BEAUTIFUL BEACHES! Willamette. @Denise Lived in Tampa 3 years. Monarch Mind Control, Kinyour family. The only ones that make fun, are the ones that get jealous cause they cant speak it. Awesome way of life, none to compare. OK dumb assgo up north to live in an area that your obviously low class, uneducated self can afford and see how well you are treated there. 3. well butter my bisquet and call it done This isn't just a nickname for someone's crazy neighbor. Hurts like a risin (a risin would be a skin infection, usually a boil, which are typically very painful) 2. We understand that yonder is over there, and yander is a little bit farther over there. This is great! I forgive you anyway. Pasture Land Rental Rates, We are not narrow minded like you dumb inbred asses. My family is country so alotta da sayins I hear errday. Im born and raised in the south and Im not racist.I think everyone should own 2 or 3 of em . Reminds me of the Yankee sayin, Hey! Bless their little pea-pickin hearts. You are an embarrassment to humanity. I just hate how its affected your spelling and capitalization skills, you being so smart and all . Im from Dayton,tx and our way of saying thank you is fuck you with something hard and sandpapery bitch!! 7. We were always fixin to do something. It can also be situational. Same thing for I-85 in the Carolinas. We would fix a mess of peas, collards, etc., meaning enough for a meal, a lot or some undefined quantity. in the server error log. You dont understand is a polite way of telling you to butt out. In my opinion, TX has thicker, deeper accents with more throaty drawls. Those always get people going. LOL. hes so stupid he he cant poor his own piss out of his boot with instructions written on the heel Instead of saying something is none of your business. As for racial tensions, the south has no monopoly on that, the United States for that matter nor of recent history. how Southerners pronounce the verb "to have" when stressed? Boil water 2.) Youre a stupid ignoramus and probably a bleeding heart liberal too. I was born in southeast Michigan, technically a Yankee. Hopefully, you get something more than a piddling raise from your company this year! I have never heard that. Id like to buy you fer what youre worth and sell you fer what you think youre worth Add ${headword} to one of your lists below, or create a new one. He had no value for their lives. Hey Billy Bob: We have some of the finest universities in the country. Eat it on New Year's and it's said to bring good luckthe beans symbolize a hefty pile of coins coming your way. We have a few terms that may not be used by the rest of the country, shit-eatin grin is one of them. I am going to take a wild guess. There are several cases of hyper-intelligent people choosing not to leave the South. My family is from Oak Grove, LA, but weve lived in Washington (the state, not the capital) for decades. I said, well, Gen.Robert E. Lee was from Virginia, and Richmond was the Capital of the Confederacy, and it is definitly S of the Mason Dixon Lineso what are your reasons for saying it isnt Southern? Is it because we are below the mason Dixon? In the meantime, try one of these options: Pptidos, Nutricin Intracelular e Inmunoregulador Antiaging, Proyecto REAL: VIVE Al estilo Antivejez en este nuevo orden. Here in NC we say drop cord, not extension cord. Oh wait, I forgot, the redneckers lost that war. the letter g is not necessary in the words you are referring to. Bad table manners and rarely thanked you, said excuse me,or said bless you.I was regarded as uncool when I said those things Id heard and said my whole life. Non-rhoticity used to be a widespread feature of English in the American South. Edge Fitness Membership, Our family is from PA and all used dumber than a box of rocks, and I now live in NC and hear it used hear as well. 1. Congrats! It occurs when a speaker swallows the T sound in a word rather than speaking it aloud. Southerners don't pronounce "I" the way others do. Im from WV. I would love nothing more than to send a video just 10 minutes of my life .you cant make this s*** up !thank you thank you thank you and I am going to be sending a email to the pretty Southern editor @pretty southern.com excuse me I had lipstick on my teeth anyway about the blog and the advertisement the whole business side of pretty Southern and Im doing talk-to-text and you know that makes you ramble so I will say thank you once again!!!! Except, im in the midwest.no southern food until i get back home to Louisiana! Cory the fact that you think Yankees are superior than Southern folk shows how uneducated your are. Nonetheless, I live in the suburbs and my neighbors are truly Southern in their ways and accents, which I love. Makes the sentence 1/3 shorter by dropping 1 of the 3 syllables. But we beat up some ignorant skin heads at the arcade and ripped their old confederate flag off and burned it in front of them bird brain idiots. I swear, I cannot understand the notions Northern folks have about Southerners. I wonder if that is a Jersey thing? Jersey shore robbed the North of any right to call Southerners stupid. We ask what in the cattywampus youre on about, and were often discombobulated by a good many things. I grew up in an educated, musical family. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. I lived in both and honestly was told up north at least once a day to say this or that and then laughed at. We know how to cook, fix things, and take care of our own kind. Us dont play around! We still go to prayer meetin on Wednesday nights, and yes, evenin starts just after noon, and night sets in right after sundown. Well, we actually have three classifications of Yankee: 1) Yankee: someone who comes to the South to visit and then returns back to the North. People dont all have accents or say stereotypical NE FL is basically part of Southern GA, but I still cannot wait until we are back in the mountains. The truth is is that probably over half of the people that you hear yelling something negative about the Yankees or the north havent even been there. views.. when will that be? It is stronger and not soft like yall in the south who are charmin extra extra extra soft. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Im gonna beat yore tail *The Maybe you should just give me a ride there in your car. all yall yanks need to take yer bad attitudes and get! How many southerners you know who retire in yankeeland? Seriously, have. More information about this error may be available and the South (AR (the pig farms, at the very least), TX and OK (their cattle ranches, most notably). edmonton journal obituaries Yup. Well, ya know we wanted to leave the country but yalls president forced us to be apart of yalls country which is something we didnt want to do. When someone was of a bad temper he was ill and if feeling poorly was stove up or even all stove up and if one overindulged at the table was full as a tick. They are still doing it and have been at it for 40 years so thats why our kids dont know who Audie Murphy is but know who Jesse Jackson is. Just summin to chew over. It is really very simple why there was a Civil war.