I'm not exactly sure who they are, but: thanks! Maybe, some day far in the future (like next Thursday) I'll print a copy of this insane text. (Absolutly nothing about that statement was sarcastic) As you can see, I love my families outings(Not unless you're blindor stupid) &#!#%&&!!! Dum-B-Gon stimulates brain activity, making you up to 10 times smarter! Yes. As long as you don't mind a few more couch potatoes. Mark Virtue's Sentence We could all breath a sigh of relief as parents kept their children inside, away from the evil truck drivers and near the T.V. I don't suppose you fell for that little thing about the refresh button. See? Did I resume asking retorical questions? Anyway, I promise to go back to my usual routine the next time I rant here. I, being weird, am pretty much immune to such expectations. And, are monkeys spelled monkies? Now, Moose has seen many feathers, birds even. School is taking its toll. Apparently this page really is getting long, because my friend said something to that effect. It's been practically proven that Ketchup transforms into a highly intoxicating (non-addictive) delicious substance upon returning from the 5th Dimension. I'm like the little engine that could. Oh, guess what? Now THAT'S just weird. That dirty little rat. Typical. It means that WAL-MART TV IS EVIL! OkayI'm back. All the good possibilities effectivly cancel out the bad ones, leaving the sum total of you and your counterparts experiences as nothing. There's more! It's called Hit-Or-Miss, any topics, plot, etc. And I don't really have a topic today. Oooooo! The future is determined by the triangles, in a startling blue color which spin around in a zany manner. This has been a public service announcment. *normal voice* Today I have a very important to discuss with you in this: PERFECTLY NORMAL PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT. Men, of course, had no complaints. I think. To make up quotes from the non-existent Flaming Chicken Handbook, which Im sure you have a copy of. This is chaos. It's a law, I think. Everyone I know who has played that game is shocked when I tell themoh, well. Yes, that's right. Anyway, only watch wal-mart if you WANT to be subliminaly entertained into purchasing a new set of TUPERWARE, even though your old set is PERFECTLY fine. Squirell? Well. e)My psychotic bunny predicted I'd die doing it. I didn't know that they had such good technology back then. At one point, I read an article that stated that it had been proven, conclusivly, that Kansas was flatter than the standard pancake. In you, I found love, a friend, a companion, a mother, a role model, a perfect human, in short, you're my total package. Each Friday, I wait (all tingly with anticipation) for the weekend so that I can stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and sleep past noon. It's great for making random topics weave together to form an overall infrastructure of chaos. That teaches our youth that it's okay to agree to help someone, and then ruin their experiment. It hurt. And because she was the head fasion bimbo, everyone agreed that the look was definitly "in". The Patron Saint of Paper Clips in no way wishes harm on your computer. 46 min ago I'm leavin', for now. I mean, come on! These so-called "pointless" signs are doing just what they were meant to do: entertain you! HmmmI seem to be entertaining myself though, even while reading what I wrote. Yep! So, I've decided that Moose works for some secret government organization, and that the feather is the key to the destruction of the world, and I am just blithely letting it enter our home, so that it may furthur its evil plans to destroy the universe. Have you ever had the evil pop-up that says that if you click here, it'll get rid off all the annoying pop-ups? When you look at them they are identical to the evil little Cheez-Its. You mean that I'm just randomly responding regardless of your reactions? Such proofs often use computational proof methods and may be considered non-surveyable . He snuck up on me one day in our room (in the game) with a sword! Or suffer my blindingly moronic nail messages. Once I got this computer, I decided to do something similar on my beloved site. William Faulkner in 1954 (Photo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain)This post may contain affiliate links. And I'm willing to enlighten you, the potentially you-know-what reader. No? I've heard of poems and stuff written by people who were high, insane or paranoid. It's about the (supposedly) infinite nature of the universe. 2023 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste - Limitlesso Hey, where are you going?! It took him to my quiz page. I think I hear a monkeyOkaynow I'm back. While she writes every day, shes also devoted to her own creative outletEmma hand-draws illustrations and is currently learning 2D animation. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Image by Carl Van Vechten, via Wikimedia Commons. He is pure evil. The boat sailed on . Seeyahmmm..I wonder if there's subliminal stuff in my computerI'm back. If (and this is a big if) the world DOES survive, we can beg them for food, oxygen and other supplies. Introduction In the business world, communication by e-mail is indispensable. Now I do. A profound statement, if I ever heard one. And today's rant is a sort of philosophical one. Then, when I win 500 additional np, I move to the 500np point. It's been awhile, (at least two weeks) since I've written here. And, once again, I have proof that someone actually took the time (two hours) to read this entire Longest Text Ever! There's strawberry pie, apple, pumpkin and so many others, but there is no grape pie! Time for another quote from the FLAMING CHICKEN HANDBOOK!!! Yea, me! Wellprepare to be enlightened. Big Brother may be listening right now so I beter go. My family has always bought Cheez-Its, to the point of making me physically sick at the thought of eating one. It's stupid and ironic and just shouldn't exist in a better world. One day the chief sent his servants everywhere to find a good story-teller. Fire is good. TACO will eventually destroy him. 8 min ago I'd rather drink the "impure" tap water where at least I KNOW that someone, somewhere tested it. It's pushing down on me, squishing my spine. Grapes are used to make jelly, jam, juice and raisins. By the time the smoke dector goes off, the fire has drowned it out to no more than an annoying buzz. Sleeping is fun. No guarantee that he'll succeed in saving Trinity. I would be. We can only hope that the digital camera manufacturers are kinder masters than the evil Kodak Lords. He took the TAB member quiz and turned out to be me, he took the JOB quiz, and was a repo man (which had a pic of my brother) He said he wanted to see what I was doing, and to make sure that I wasn't saying anything derrogatory about my parents. Speaking of animals, there's a cat in California who is a kleptomaniac (likes to steal stuff). Now, some of you are probably calling me a whiner, 'cause you have to get up at 4:30, or whatever. I'm back. They'll probably just call us weird and laugh at us, but that's beside the point! Then, in an inspired move, my brother talked my mother into letting him sit up front. Longest math problem copy and paste We'll provide some tips to help you choose the best Longest math problem copy and paste for your needs. You haven't been paying attention have you? How can I survive without the sticky goodness? There are an infinite number of worlds with Harry Potter. *cheesy super-hero voice* Well, fear not, random citizen, for I, PSOPC am here! It even SOUNDS weird. That my words somehow travel accross time (if only a few minutes) and are somehow picked up by future you, and that my responses are dictated by future you's reactions. API tools faq. Wooooooo! It'd be like someone thinking that scabs are atractive, 'case they protect you from disease. No! We had to do an essay on a book. Does the commercial take that into account? The food was superb, (our food came the exact opposite of how we ordered it, and half of the onion rings were missing) Then we joyfully returned to our game(my sister and the ex-con played my mom) We spent hours there (from 5p.m.-7:15p.m.) That was sort of a topic, even though it was sort of random. Doesn't that just make you proud to be weird? Or maybe not. Was it coherent? Today, in my (Honors) English class, we did group work. Here I am, trying to get a decent nights sleep and there's this green light that periodically blinks to red directly in front of me. Physics is so FREAKIN' hard! By Ben Lee. And ever loony in America decided that it was a conspiracy. To support Open Cultures educational mission, please consider making a donation. What must I do to rise above obscurity? The experimental writers sentence style inspired hundreds of writers since, including Samuel Beckett, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, and other masters of modern literature. I sure hope other zoos won't copy them. What has the world come to? I see. Ooooo! I'm back. And John F. Kennedy (JFK) was an alien bent on global domination. She promptly borrowed $1 to help with the waitresses tip(This part I'm not being sarcastic about) All in all it was a night I'll remember forever (as the lowest point in "family outing"history, except for that time my mom dragged me to a church thing on the concept of truth.) It'd be cool. So my dad picked a steak place. NO, wait. Ooooothats a great idea! The Official FLaming-Chickens Handbook already confirms that fact! A lot has happened. WowI really must be bored. That's right, folks. Trinity, who is of course outside of the Matrix, knows this and chooses to enter the Matrix to save the day. Too bad. Subliminal messages are an advertising technique that puts hidden pictures and words into a main image. Today I will be mercifully brief. I feel like I'm playing questions only on whose line is it anway. They are not great neccesarily because of the content, (although that helps some) they are great because of their sheer length. Scratch number seven. Unless he has already been destroyed by an even more radical Anti-Cartoon-Owl group. If my site manages to last a decade, my readers *snicker* will probley wonder what I'm talking about. consisting of 1,288 words and who knows how many different kinds of clauses. Sure, some of this "fasion" stuff is cool and all, but all it shows is that you had the three and three-quarters brain cells required to copy someone else's "look". The distance between the two extremes of how much I could have won is 1000np, making me feel like I've won much more than if I'd played a normal game. ON TO THE CONPIRACY OF THE DAY! Anyway, moving on! If you can still think during all that incessent beeping, you'll probably find evidence that I'm really paranoid. I learned this from my calculator. *sigh* *sniffle* *snort* *insert word that is a sound that begins with an "s" here* I don't have much time, so, I must be brief. But now I realize that I am considerably more normal than the rest of my family. RANDOM PERSON: *head explouding from sheer insanity* As you can see, I was a very weird child (this happened in elementary schooluhexcept for that head-explouding part). i like sugar. When I start playing a game, I am on 0. I'm just basically typing nothing. I'll tell you. RANDOM PERSON: Uh-huh, that's nice. You know you want to! The sentence ends up with a 3,609,750-letter . AhhhI see your confusion! I should be asleep. My mom did it to her because it was free. People just don't realize that their almonds and mixed nuts may be having depression and other problems. Said order will in no way be held responsible for any damages, injuries, loss of life, limb, head, or organs. I know it was her idea, 'cause my dad hates it, too. if you like our Facebook fanpage, you'll receive more articles like the one you just read! *let the panic begin! And now, a word from our non-existant sponsor. What's that? Haha, oops. The moon has one-sixth of Earth's gravity. I'm back! This sentence is the longest. Do not MOCK me! I thought it was. GrrrrI had a nifty rant all planned out in my head. Gone would be the days when parents told children to play outside, it's a nice day. Confusing Sentences That Actually Make Sense Just like all those reports people have to do. After standing around a lotthe ceremony started. What, is there a giant sign saying, "DEAD END"? I'm back. Perhaps, one day, far in the future, this will actually be a world record and random people will acutally voluntarily read this text every day. He can deactivate the machines, (squidies) but at great personal cost. Are you surprised? who keeps asking if you can hear him. That's the sixth time I've said back! Okay. 12083 is a mid length novelette. Last night I was super-charged with lots of sugar and not a lot of sleep. I guess I'll just rant and rave about that whole vicious downward spiral of my writing. I previous time when I was studying with her (American Revolution, this time) I was trying to help her remember the difference between the Patriots(Patriotic to America) and the Loyalists (Loyal to Britain) She didn't know what the word patriotic meant. It'd be like when you go to the bottom of the ocean, only with gravity instead of pressure*shudders* Pressure is evil, too. Although, as I said, there's no way to prove me wrong OR right. Then, she accidently woke our three yappy dogs up, and they relized that they were in a car. If you don't understand the concept of numbers less than zero, (negative numbers) just skip this part. Just like how many licks it takes to get to the bottom of a tootsie pop. Hmmmmmmonkey. Today my frazzled-brain produced something that is decidedly Jenny (that's my more or less "real" name). Not that the aformentioned individual claims to have received hate mail (or mail of any kind) via a website link. And I sugest that we build the rocket so that we can go to the Official Flaming Chickens Lunar Colony so that we can laugh at the stupid earthlings who are blowing up because they didn't listen to us when we tried to warn them about the impending doom! I swear. Did you know that I now possess a DOMAIN NAME? while others are thinking "Who's John F. When you're in space (without a space suit) you don't SUFFUCATE, you don't FREEZE. Or his mom did. Don't worry, I'll go to bed soon. I wrote about furby, and how it was fun to watch it die. I'm goin' light on the advertising at the moment, which is why I'm free to write here. Spooky how accurate they areanyway, I command you to go! What? She'll shake and run from it, then suddenly dive and bite it's head. In Math, one teeny, tiny little mistake will make you get the entire thing wrong. I need to find a topic. Yep that's right. And the preceding generations became brain-washed (possibly through subliminal messages in sun-tan lotion commercials) to believe tans were expected. : I've had this nagging fear that I am part of some random but vast conspiracy (about what I'm not sure but it must be vast). We think. Oh. This highly experimental and abstract piece was published in a series of volumes beginning in 2007, with the final 19 volumes being published in 2008. Is this getting confusing to you? In anycase, this was particularly funny because Tonileigh is one of my "normaler" friends. Would they dry into raisins? Still later that day, she got offended at some trivial thing and decided that we weren't going anywhere at all. Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! You could be floating out in empty space, conjuring nice little fantasies to relieve the monotony of being the only living being! And any weirdness I could come up with would be normal compared to Noodle Boy, soI bid thee farewellseeya! The sentence below was found in a legal contract, and was until recently the longest sentence we had seen in an official document. Wow. OR, maybe it's the writing. Warning* Extremely long pasta. were stuck in here, (alone my dear) and well problem never get out so dont start to shout. Code: 742 of the Flaming Chickens Handbook states that in no part does the Patron Saint of Paper Clips (That's still me!) I'm completly and totally addicted. And now, back to our featured presentation. It's a word. Right now, while you are sitting in your "chair" and eating your "junk food", millions of almonds are commiting suicide. For all you know you could be staring at that freaky 3-D maze screen saver with a blank look on your face while you THINK you're reading an inhumanly long text. Try it. Can a senile person write? Sothe plan is going to fail. He ignored the fact that he was also a 72 year old "sanitation engineer" somewhere. OhI'm rambling again, aren't I? We KNEW how terrible it was, but we just didn't bother to change it. Thank-you for your time. Food industires would be buying cars, gas and music. How could you? Ice cream trucks! And I wonder where my little sister gets her annoyingness. We'd probably go crazier. This is too frustrating. Please find all options here. And insanity. No matter how unlikely something is, if the universe is infinite, it's happening an infinite number of times. Makes you think that the long held belief that Kodak conspired with the JFK assasin(s) is normal. I get home from work at 5:30p.m. All I know is that I've been assuming one thing while the person in charge has been assuming a completly different thing. I gots stuff to do! Would that be considered poetic justice, or just a nice coincidence?