Spanish and English Family Names Easy Readers, Spanish and English School Supplies Easy Reader, Dual Language Early Kindergarten Beginning Letter Sound Bundle, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Places in my School, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Position Words, Girl Scout Junior Guide on the Agent of Change Junior Journey, Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. Buying handbooks, badge guides, journey books, and badges can be very costly, so the Volunteer Toolkit is a great free resource. You can hand these out to the girls as they complete each step or have one ceremony where you hand out all four badges at the same time. Allow your scouts time to research the endangered habitat to learn more about why it is in danger? Then print and create your own star wheels to use on your nighttime hike while exploring the campground right before the bonfire. Build a campfire with your scouts. Preparing before you go will help you to follow the Leave No Trace principles too. Always remember to respect the wildlife and other visitors too. However, you could easily add these in if you choose to have a snack during the journey meeting. During hikes and other active activities, they will want 2 cups per hour. It will take some time to gather enough wood, but this will help to protect the environment. Created Date: 10/10/2017 9:44:50 AM . You are so welcome, Martina. 4) Juniors uncover different ways they can combine their powers to form an unstoppable team who can accomplish anything. Take Action Project Name: Sea Shell Overcome Allyson Willis. Junior Girl Scout Leaders can extends their scouts new exploration and leadership skills to the outdoors. We have found that purchasing one leaders guide and one girls handbook is usually enough for our troop. Pairs well with Junior Staying Fit Badge, Im Being Framed 20 minutes: Have the girls create a collage showcasing all their powers, strengths or skills that they can use to make a difference in the world. Get Moving Journey in a Day for Juniors During this Journey in a Day program for Juniors you will explore what energy is, the importance of being energy efficient, and steps to take action towards living an energy efficient lifestyle. 2. As your Junior scouts focus on earning their animal habitat badge, they will need to understand habitats. Sometimes these badges are easier to pair than other times. While speaking with a first responder, be sure to talk about how to handle urgent first aid issues such as allergies, asthma, snakebites, and poison. We would love to connect with you on your parenting journey. Through this journey, your scouts will discover themselves, learn about teams and leadership, and how they can impact their community and world. <> Thank you Rachel. However, ceremonies and celebrations are such an important part of Girl Scouts and journeys. The girls examine stereotypes & learn to recognize them. You could ask your girls to turn their Im Being Framed or Power of Team Comic into animated artwork such as a flipbook or thaumatrope. Complete a Take Action Project The capstone "Take Action Project" should focus on making the outdoor world a better place. Use page 15 from the Girls Agent of Change handbook or create your own. Learna special skill that might come in handy at camp: knot tying! Girls And remember, keep your fires small. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. The most important part is to allow your girls the opportunity to plan the celebrations throughout the journey or the celebration at the end of the journey. Use page 13 in the Girls Agent of Change handbook. And if you are looking for more Girl Scout leader tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below. In todays world, this can be done in person, via a zoom meeting, or even at a studio. Depending on your available funds or parents willingness to pay for materials, your troop can decide the best way to use their funds. Tying in your Take Action Project would work here as well. Juniors earn the new Eco Camper badge Step Four: When all three badges are complete, girls plan and carry out a Take Action project using the skills they learned, and earn their Take Action Award which shows they earned their Outdoor Journey! For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers Theyre designed to change something for the betterforever. The scouts will decide on an issue in their community that they care about changing and will help their community. If you're a Girl Scout volunteer, go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and activity instructions. Pairs well with Junior Musician Badge, Junior Entertainment Technology Badge, and Junior Scribe Badge. Moreover, they will discover more about animal habitats and how to protect these habitats today. This helps to protect the plants and animals, but also keeps the water sources in the area clean as well. Time for the hike depends on how long your girls want to hike. Opening Activity 15 minutes: What makes a great leader brainstorm. This is especially important when they are working on the Take Action Project for the reflection and celebration. Activity Zone Keep it up. Then allow the girls to take turns sharing their cards and see if their friends can guess if the statement they share is their Truth, False, or Wish statement. Keep a list of the animals that you see and their special features that allow them to live here. The Brownies got to make handmade ice cream, create tie-dye milk, use static electricity to make salt and pepper dance, blow up balloons without using their breath, and make raisins dance in liquid. When you take a snack break, play the Leave No Trace game with your troop. Next, the girls create a short story, which works well with their Power of Team Comic. Each Take Action Project involves the outdoors or educating people about outdoors. Girl Scout Take Action projects address an issue by tackling the factors that cause or contribute to it. It also extends to the Cadette Journey aMaze, the Seniors Journey GIRLtopia, and the Ambassadors Journey Your Voice, Your World. 0000004367 00000 n 0000002848 00000 n What a comprehensive overview of the Outdoor Junior Journey. 5) Your girls learn about value resources in their community and how communities work together. The junior girl scouts should also take part in an outdoor take action project focused on helping their environment. As you hike make notes about plants and animals that you see as well as any problems with the area, including trash, abandoned campsites, other hikers, signs of erosion, etc. Pairs well with Junior Geocacher Badge, Junior Outdoor Art Explorer Badge, Junior Digital Photographer Badge, Junior Girl Scout Way Badge and Junior Space Science Investigator Badge. We hope you found our Outdoor Junior Journey plans helpful and the are ready to tackle a girl scout camping trip! Each girl can write down their name under the line from the Girl Scout Law where they want to focus on growing this year. You could allow the girls to create their own ringtone to use with their Power of Team comic presentation or their Im Being Framed sharing. Finally the Animal Habitats badge worked well at the end for us. You can find these in rivers, tree branches, lightning, plants, and clouds. Working with your campsite hosts to create signs to visually mark the hiking trails so that future hikers can easily follow the trails without fear of getting lost. This is a great step to include when planning out your activities for your Outdoor Junior Journey. Basically this means that you will leave no trace that you were there besides your footprints. Educate and inspire others to be part of the change. Let the girls make this their own and take turns reading or acting out the story. As you are camping, have a plan to carry out everything that you bring in. These are great skills for girls to learn! Play the Real Me Game 15 minutes: Provide 3 notecards to each girl. Join our newsletter to receive family freebies and tips in your inbox. Leaders can introduce any skills needed into the Junior Outdoor Journey. Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. Pairs well with Junior Musician Badge. Choose the Right Path find durable surfaces for camping and stay on established hiking trails. The girls begin by preparing for their adventure. Not only do they bring a lot of energy to their work, they are able to motivate others through their pep talks. Make a pamphlet to educate others on the wildlife, where to see them, and how to keep themselves and the wildlife safe. As your troop arrives for the camping trip, provide the girls a checklist for setting up camp using the minimal impact camping tips found on page 5 of the Eco Camper packet. While on the geocaching site, be sure to find a Travel Bug and follow its trip on a map. Sing a few songs together as you enjoy your special campfire treats and views of the nighttime sky. Pairs nicely with Junior Simple Meals Badge. They will explore endangered animals, their habitats and learn more about protecting animal habitats, especially while camping and enjoying the outdoors. The measurement should be taken about 4.5ft from the ground, which is a little shorter than most of your girl scouts. Gather friends and family to complete the girls Take Action Project. Your email address will not be published. Then they practiced editing the pictures to use in their Im Being Framed. To find the area of the leaf, trace the leaf on a piece of graph paper. Take Action project ideas for the Engineering: Think Like an Engineer Journey. Explore an Animal Habitat 30 minutes. Be sure to provide some time to share.. Pairs well with Junior Digital Photography Badge, Junior Entertainment Technology Badge, Junior Scribe Badge, Make Herstory Trading Cards 30 minutes: Share the Herstory short biographies on page 17 19 of the Girls Agent of Change handbook. And I love all the tips youve included also, Id love to do these things with nephews and nieces. To find the perimeter of a leaf, simply lay a string around the outside edge all the way around the leaf. Enter your Name and E-mail to to Get Your FREE Girl Scout Leaders Campsite Guide with all the best questions to ask and a done for you packing list. Instead, guide them to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, and come up with a plan. Build a special project for your campgrounds. Yes, I learned a lot from my Girl Scout experience back then, my daughter too. Become a Volunteer. To earn this Junior Girl Scout Badge, simply plan and prepare for your hike, gather all your gear, set your goal, and then go on your hike. They are commonly short-term projects that almost always multiply efforts that are already in place. The girls may see this in pineapples, cut open apples or bananas, sunflowers, and pinecones. The Junior Animal Habitats packet includes the Arctic, Gulf of Mexico or the Amazon Rainforest. Leave a comment below and let us know if youve tried the Agent of Change Junior journey. Mobilize to motivate a group of people to take action together towards a common goal. They have confidence in themselves to make the action come to fruition. Instead, guide them to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, and come up with a plan. Begin with teaching your girl scouts the steps to take in an emergency such as Check the scene for safety, call 911 or for other help, and Care for the injured person or animal. I know little about these kinds of programs so its really nice to read blogs like this. Take Action Project Ideas. 0000004815 00000 n Then time how long it takes to walk the distance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then prepare your meals while on the trip. Object Height = (Girls Height x Objects Shadow) / Girls Shadow. They will need to strategically back to fit all their necessary supplies in their suitcase or backpack. Let them practice and take charge using page 7 of the Camper packet for Junior Girl Scouts. Each shape or form is unique Begin by calculating your walking pace. As you may expect, these projects have a far-reaching influence. When the contour lines are further apart, the elevation is more flat. The Junior Simple Meals badge fits perfectly with any camping trip with your girl scouts since they will need to eat during their adventure. Girl Scout Cookie Flavors, About Girl Scout Cookies About Girl Scout Cookies. Take Action Quiz. If your pinky finger is below the horizon, the sun will set very soon. Moxie refers to the energy, pep, courage, determination, know-how, and expertise of a person or team of people. Then look at your list of issues within the community and decide as a group which issue your troop would like to focus on, practicing building a consensus together. 1 Map It: Investigate community needs and problem causes. This journey has 6 main goals for the girls to explore and discover amazing possibilities. Thank you for your kind words. We did not pair this with the journey, but instead held this prior to beginning this journey. This will also cover the final step to share your photos, since you will be sharing them at the celebration! In this Journey, you will: Deepen your outdoor skills when you earn your Animal Habitat, Camper, and Eco Camper badges. Open with visiting an animal habitat while the scouts list all the animals who live here and those they actually see, listing their special adaptive features. 0000003074 00000 n This looks like a really nice program. We did not pair these with the Agent of Change journey, but instead did this at a separate meeting. 3) Juniors will connect their own strengths to the values in the Girl Scout Law. CreatingButterflies is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you plan to use wood from the land, use sticks that have already fallen to the ground and are easy to break with your hands. How will you prepare them? The girls can place one special trade item inside their geocache box such as a friendship bracelet or SWAP. 0000009116 00000 n The fourth step is a make a digital photo project. This badge beings by asking the girls to write a poem, where step 3 asks them to share who they are. This will let you begin the plan prior to putting it into place. If your girls can handle a full day of Girl Scouts, you may plan to start early in the morning and continue through the afternoon to include the entire Take Action Project or additional badge work. Thank you x. You will need string, a measuring tool, and some graph paper. Some plants and flowers have circular symmetry. On the other hand, many troops prefer for each scout to have their own journey handbook. This can be extra fun to use with if you have the girls taking photographs throughout the journey. 0000000016 00000 n febrero 28, 2023. When earning the Junior Camper badge, your girls will learn all about planning a camping adventure including preparing food when camping, tying knots, building a fire, and hiking. Your troop will need to apply what they learned to a take action project to earn the Outdoor Junior Journey. So let's get started! Then discuss how to care for someone who is more mildly sick with issues such as the flu, cold, or fever. They also make a trade item. Step four asks the scouts to learn the truth about health. They can play around with a blue or green screen with their photos or even try being a make up artist. It is important to help the scouts recognize that animal habitats are much bigger than just a home. Discover Girl Scouts. As the Journey progresses, girls continue to develop their leadership skills, applying their new skills and knowledge to help their community in a Take Action project. The Power of Community award requirements focus on the take action project. 0000001133 00000 n 0000137155 00000 n Be sure to add information about using the garden and caring for the herbs. Allow the girls to brainstorm what these words mean to them. Deciding on a Take Action Project can be tricky for the girl scouts. Opening Activity 5 minutes. Remember, a Take Action Project is more than community service. What meals will your prepare? All Rights Reserved. Did your girls love the journey as much as ours? This is so thorough! 6) Your girls will take action to benefit their community using their individual powers, team powers, and community powers. Choosing a Take Action Project for the Junior Outdoor Journey can be fairly simple and accomplished during your camping trip, especially when camping with younger girl scouts. Every Girl Scout journey offers opportunities to individualize and customize the journey to best meet the needs of your scouts. Before you leave the campground, be sure to leave the campsite better than you found it. You scouts can create this art as part of the Outdoor Art Explorer Junior Badge or separately as they explore shapes in nature. Leave a comment below and let us know if youve tried the Outdoor Junior journey or camping with your girl scout juniors. Meghan, you are so welcome. Then we share the girls handbook throughout the meeting. Girl Scouts of the USA suggests three ways to make a project sustainable: Make your solution permanent. 1. They'll learn something new and grow their leadership skills. Some of these badges are easier to pair than others, but each one can tie to the Outdoor Junior journey. 0000006663 00000 n Community a group of people living in the same general area, share a common background or interest, or have a common history or goal. To find the height of the object (such as a tall tree or building), simply multiply the girls height by the length of the objects shadow. Sunday Afternoon prepare lunch, explore endangered animals and their habitats, learn about baby animals and special adaptations to their habitats. Your troop learns different ways to prepare a campsite with minimal impact to the environment. A very interesting and informative post. Use page 34 in the Girls Agent of Change handbook for a starting point. And if you are looking for more Girl Scout leader tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below. Then these badges can be displayed proudly on the front girls left side of their vest (or the right side when looking at the vest). Well done! Animals need more than just one tree or burrow to survive. Minimal impact campsite is a big part of the Junior Eco Camper badge and involves setting up a campsite that changes the environment as little as possible. However your scouts can pick any endangered area. This sounds like a great program, thanks for sharing your insights! Take Action and community service projects are different, but both are essential to Girl Scouting. However, our plan does help to meet at least a few requirements of the badges which Girl Scouts suggest pair best with this journey. You could also skip the Real Me game, thus saving yourself 30 minutes. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Pairs well with Junior Geocacher Badge, Junior Outdoor Art Explorer Badge, Junior Digital Photographer Badge, Junior Girl Scout Way Badge and Junior Space Science Investigator Badge. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This post may contain affiliate links. If you are completing the Outdoor Junior Journey at a campout, adding in Junior Geogracher, Outdoor Art Creator and Space Investigator Junior badges are fairly easy since they can fit into already planned activities and extra time here and there. Next, look at a topographic map of the same trail (or a different trail if you cannot find one). Take Action projects look like. Oh my goodness, isnt it Ronald. Make a Take Action Plan 30 minutes or more: Give your scouts time to make a plan for their take action project. What is Energy? Head out on your trip and have some nighttime fun! To complete this journey, Juniors should: Earn Animal Habitats badge Earn Camper badge Earn Eco Camper badge. The Outdoor Junior Journey specifically focuses on combining learning the skills necessary for camping in the outdoors, especially camping in a way that is environmentally friendly. The Junior Eco Camper badge focuses on camping while leaving minimal impact on the environment. If you choose to make a geocache, you could create a special time capsule of Girl Scouts. Series. 2) Your girls will explore the strengths of women in their past and present, including heroines, community members, and family members. 549 0 obj Often times people forget when we set up camp that we are intruding on the local wildlife around us. When the contour lines are close together, the elevation is more steep. The next step asks the scouts to learn more about the foods that they eat. 1. Power Log 15 minutes: Ask each girl to complete a power log detailing their day from yesterday. Girl Scouts - Take Action Project ideas 35 Pins 10y L Collection by Cathy Braun Similar ideas popular now Girl Scouts Service Projects Girl Scout Crafts Brownie Girl Scouts Girl Scout Daisy Daisy Girl Scouts Girl Scout Troop Cub Scouts Scout Leader Service Projects For Kids Community Service Projects American Heritage Girls Brownie Girl Scouts Step 4 and 5 look at writing an article and essay. So we have usually opted for certificates to show the progress after each step and presentation of badges at the end of the journey. Before your camping trip, you will want to plan with your Junior Girl Scouts. Explore badges, activities, and more. 0000002962 00000 n Work with your troop to plan your camping adventure. Use shadows to help estimate the height of tall objects in nature. While planning for your camping trip, speak with an expert or tour your kitchen to learn about which tools you will need to prepare your food and clean up. It can be nice to brush up on these skills right before your camping trip or during the trip. Projects associated with Journeys and the highest awards (the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award) are Take Action projects. Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer Deciding on a Take Action Project (30 min) Opening Ceremony: Why Is Our Project Important? . This would be an assignment that each scout does at home over the course of the next few weeks. Same goes for the journey award badges. The scouts will be able to determine how much uphill and downhill hiking they will do on this trail. Include items that show different ways you live by the Girl Scout Law and your Girl Scout values to place into your geocache. Please do not choose a project from this list for girls to do! Each Girl Scout journey has key takeaways for the girls who complete it. Take a picture instead. Observe from a distance and try to keep noises down so as not to scare away the animals who live here. When they use their power to help out in everyday situations, they can do amazing things even when its just them. Then discuss the words as a group. Finally, the last step involves helping your family stay fit. The girls can either search for the boxes together or individually. Ceremony a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. Leave No Trace Activities 15 minutes. The most important part is to allow your girls the opportunity to plan the celebrations throughout the journey or the celebration at the end of the journey. 0000006064 00000 n Earn the new Outdoor Journey for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadette, Seniors and Ambassadors by implementing these outdoor badges in order with the final step being a TAKE ACTION Project. %%EOF Ask the scouts to brainstorm community issues at a prior meeting and decide on a Take Action Project. Then look at your pinky finger and the horizon. Try to find an already established campsite or other flat, durable surface that is likely to stay dry to set up camp. Be sure to provide some time for sharing, you can schedule that now or at the ceremony to present the award. 0000003737 00000 n The girls can then determine if their water bottles will hold enough water and how they will bring along extra water for their camping trip.