In North America, airports tend to look at MAGs as the least amount of acceptable rent. The FAA regional office must approve if the airport receives federal funding and is a primary airport with commercial service and the revenue generated by concessions exceeds $200,000. Airports should consider alternative methodologies for managing and operating their concession programs for concessions to remain viable business options. One of the keys, however, to the success of this model is the realization that each partner brings particular strengths, skills, and abilities. How Airports Handle Non-Aeronautical Revenue | Aviation Pros That may limit the ability for new entrants, as well as making some concession opportunities less attractive to vendors. Besides giving each airport blanket permission to decide its own strategy, the emphasis on shifting costs between various classes of airport tenants is crucial. Minimum Annual Guarantee. Like their partners in the airline industry, airports have been dramatically affected by the slowdown in flights and passenger traffic associated with COVID-19. Airport Cargo Community system Bid Opening Date: 07/13/2021 05:00:00 PM Purchaser: Kevin Hanagan Organization: City of Philadelphia . Primarily, in residual agreements, the rates vary based on airport revenue. That is no longer possible. Airport Actions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Airports would also have to establish supply lines for products that they have not procured in the past. them from immediately acquiescing to their advertisers' perfectly justifiable requests is the cold draught of the minimum annual guarantee (MAG). If the basis for a MAG is what the airport thought it should be earning, the amount may never be supportable even if a concessionaire signed the contract. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The FAA released guidance for airport administrators, but questions still linger and issues have gone unaddressed. The future of airport concessions in a post-COVID-19 world - Duty Free The $10 billion in funding is divided into four main categories: For airport grants, after the Secretary of Transportation announces awards under the CARES Act, each airport sponsor must submit a grant application to access those funds. Airports would also have to hire and manage many additional hourly employees. SFO gives $21.3 million for airport businesses hurt by coronavirus Percentage (privilege) Fees - 10% of gross revenue from airport related car rentals, or a minimum annual guarantee, whichever is greater. What this option does do is change the distribution of risk. The fallacy of Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) In times of continued and prolonged growth, airports have learned to depend upon MAGs. a minimum annual guarantee or MAG annually, which more or less translates to rent. Minimum Annual Guarantee Definition | Law Insider Page 3 of 61 - Non-exclusive On-airport Rental Car Concession - Proposal documents 3. As such, most airports should stay out of active management of the concession location, leaving that to the expert partner. $100 million is distributed to general aviation airports in accordance with categories established by the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Relaxing in a $4 Million Lounge Under the Dulles Control Tower Could If FAA does not receive emergency approval, the economic recovery of the nation's air It was suspended in June, following the severe decline of passenger traffic over those . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Match. The FAA has published a map showing airports that are receiving the funds and the allocations made to them. Airlines, while they may be able to reduce some operating costs associated with vacated premises, must still cover all their fixed and operating costs associated with the vacated space. Using one unnamed airport as an example, with which 3Sixty is in constant dialogue and has a strong relationship Anson said: "The sum total of the $800 million when converted to one airport and to 3Sixty Duty Free would mean around a third of one month's minimum annual guarantee rent. To level the playing field so that DBEs can compete . Normally, operating classification on the statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position will typically follow the classification of operating activities in the statement of cash flows. 3300 Capital Circle, S.W. The April 4th FAA guidance permits this: In coordination with airport sponsors, airlines, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and other entities, closing gates or sections of terminals is likely to be acceptable if the closure is executed in response to reduced passenger volumes and operations, is not discriminatory, and does not provide an unfair competitive advantage to one operator. Guarantee: $50,000. A third party can absorb some of the liability and risk from the airport operator. Under one version of an infrastructure plan floated by House Democrats (the Moving Forward Framework), airports and airspace improvements would be funded, in part, by an increase in PFCs. Find out how our purpose shapes our culture, people, and mission-driven work. Most experts agree that there will be no quick snapback of passengers, so airports face the issue of having too many concessions locations or even too many operators. Elsewhere, airports do not expect vendors to exceed their MAGs. For example, TSA has reduced lanes or consolidated passenger screening checkpoint operations in numerous airports in response to the reduction in originating passenger volume.. City of Philadelphia Procurement Department - Bid Solicitation These supplier relationships are unlikely to have the same economies of scale as those of national concessionaires, which means the costs of operation may be higher. The Struggle and Payoff of Setting Up Shop in an Airport For construction contracts over _____ federal regulations require the airport to obtain a bid guarantee to equal at least _____ of the bid price, as well as performance and payment bonds equaling _____ percent of the contract. In the event that the concessionaire is unsuccessful, the airport absorbs the losses. (a) Annual Reconciliation. While this methodology is feasible, it does not get to the actual number of passengers who see a concession location. Given that we are considering a new paradigm, airports and concessionaires may wish to consider three other business structure options. This suggests that the best way to ensure an outstanding customer experience would be for this Trinity (or Trinity Plus, including the supplier) to work together. A MAG is guarantees the airport sponsor a minimum amount of money from the concession, in the event they do not generate much revenue. This Minimum Annual Guarantee must exceed $100,000. This is especially true for leases incorporating a Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) mechanism or fixed rent clauses. Alternatively, different percentages could be charged for varying levels of sales or by assigning either fixed or variable rates to different product categories (e.g., one percentage for food and non-alcoholic beverage and a separate percentage for alcoholic drinks only). Please pay it forward. Relief for US airport operators deemed insufficient despite US$800m Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG). Considering all the current changes in our business, this model may be a solution to sharing risk and encouraging a strong representation of critical brands in airports. With the new economic and industry realities, capital access may be an even greater hurdle. Non-airport retail leases typically charge rent on a per square foot (PSF) basis. Besides giving each airport blanket permission to decide its own strategy, the emphasis on shifting costs between various classes of airport tenants is crucial. While the airport might invest capital in the joint venture, it must be involved in a management committee overseeing the business. As a result, if concessionaires produce lower sales because there is no traffic, it will result in space rental rates increasing. - Suite 1 . The FAA will use the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance, and provide a simplified grant agreement shortly after it receives an application. Concessions covers more than what you think of served at a traditional concession stand. Many airport agreements allow for a suspension of MAGs in the event of a severe enplanement decrease. COVID-19 has sent shockwaves throughout the world. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENTER INTO FOUR SEPARATE CONCESSION LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH THE DAY ONE GROUP LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all interested parties, that the Clark County Board of Commissioners intends to enter into four separate Concession Lease Agreements (Agreements) for the operation of 5 specialty retail concessions with The Day One Group LLC (Company) serving Harry Reid . Until a few weeks ago, your organization has likely been focused on implementing several new GASB standards, including GASB Statement No. Airports outside of North America are already experiencing the benefit of joint ventures between the airport operator and concession operators. In airports with residual airline agreements, the airlines will be required to make up the difference between revenue to the airport and required revenue to pay for airport development and other expenses. Summary: The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is seeking competitive bids from all responsible and qualified companies desiring to manage and operate rental car concessions from on-Airport facilities at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The funds are coming directly from the U.S. Treasurys General Fund to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The airport operator is always present and has a wealth of knowledge about the airport. The Secretary of Transportation may waive this workforce retention requirement if they determine that the sponsor is experiencing economic hardship as a direct result of the requirement, or that the requirement reduces aviation safety or security. Up to $2 billion will go to large, medium, and small hub airports, allocated based on AIP primary entitlement formulas. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The FAA has issued additional guidance on airport concession fees, some of which reverses earlier policies. Additionally, airports required to pay sick leave wages or family leave wages under Section 7001(e)(4) and 7003(e)(4) of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act are relieved of paying the employers 6.2% portion of FICA taxes associated with those wages. Opinion: Airport concession fee strategies in the coronavirus era There are means of counting passengers who pass a concession location, but few airports have installed such technology. The additional funds appropriated by the CARES Act were largely intended to help airport sponsors meet their debt service and bond obligations. Terminal Closure and Footprint Reductions. Minimum Annual Guarantee. Where do we go from here? As such, most airports should stay out of active management of the concession location, leaving that to the expert partner. Test. COVID-19: For airport enterprise recovery, it's time to act now Madang, Papua New Guinea - Madang (Airport Code) MAG: Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft mbH: MAG: Mission Assurance Guidelines: MAG . Concessionaires could avoid minimum annual guarantee payments for a third quarter as the MAC develops a long-term relief plan. Another advantage of this model is that it may provide a means to improve the levels of involvement of smaller and local businesses. In North America, airports tend to look at MAGs as the least amount of acceptable rent. Examples of concessions within airports include: A direct concession lease involves the space being directly marketed, leased, and managed by the airport operator. For information on the business impacts of COVID-19, please visit ourCOVID-19 Resource Center, which we continue to update as the situation evolves. Airports should consider alternative methodologies for managing and operating their concession programs for concessions to remain viable business options. 116-94). Airports would have to offer benefit packages to these employees in line with those provided to other employees of the airport. The additional funds appropriated by the CARES Act were intended, in large part, to help airport sponsors meet their debt service and bond obligations. The workforce retention requirement doesnt apply to nonhub or nonprimary airports. Airport Boards approve financial relief plans for concessionaires and Discover our insights for a sustainable, low-emissions future. The Board of Airport Commissioners at Los Angeles World Airports has recently approved a recommendation by management to permit concessionaire relief measures, including moving all concessionaires with contracts based on Minimum Annual Guarantee fee payments to percentage rent-based agreements Airports maintain goals of working with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises or more commonly referred to as DBEs. CREDIT UPDATE Prior to the pandemic, Terminal 4 was observing strength in its operational performance with enplanements reaching 10.8 million in 2019, the leader across all terminals at JFK. A different methodology is required to ensure that vendors are allowed to earn a fair return on their investments, are able and willing to reinvest to improve and grow, and still provide a reasonable return to the airports. Rates and Fees are adjusted annually based on the Airport's fiscal year, from October 1st through September 30th. Airport sponsors should carefully review their bond covenants and indentures, with a particular focus on pledge of revenues and flow of funds. Considering all the current changes in our business, this model may be a solution to sharing risk and encouraging a strong representation of critical brands in airports. Airport Retailer Dufry's Sales Rise By Over 50% In 2021, But - Forbes By way of comparison, in the past two fiscal years (FY19 and FY20), the federal government has appropriated approximately $3.35 billion in regular Air Improvement Program (AIP) spending and an additional $400$500 million in discretionary AIP grants. Airports provide the passengers, the retailers provide the services. For aviation, global recovery to 2019 levels is projected to take several years, into 2023 for markets with significant domestic air . Option 5: The Trinity (or Trinity Plus) model. Non-airport retail leases typically charge rent on a per square foot (PSF) basis. Fixed Based Operators or FBOs, are service providers to many GA and corporate aircraft. Airports should carefully consider how they structure deals and their business models to ensure more flexibility to respond to potential future shocks. Having been hit particularly hard, airports are searching for answers to problems on a scale that simply wasnt imaginable six months ago. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. MAC details long-term relief proposal for airport bars, restaurants and While the model has primarily been used for duty free concessions, it has worked equally well for other types of concessions. However, there is no relief of the obligation to withhold and remit the corresponding employee share.