This transit can either be overpowering or you can use it to propel yourself even further. Unfortunately, Echo is also conjunct my sun by exactly 30 minutes. I get bored after getting men. An important factor is the Signs in which the Moon and the Sun are located even if they do not form a precise aspect. Sun Conjunct Mars Synastry: Growth-Oriented Relationships Although the two of you have many basic differences in your personalities, you are, nevertheless, attracted to each other and intrigued by each other. These discussions are based on the synastry aspects between the Sun in their two charts. Appointments are a (Pay per Set =$25.) I just wondering what his feelings towards me? This means that the two will be freer to focus on the things that they have in common. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects I dont think Id resent them, but maybe scorn a little, but in a different sense. k. You are a bad tease, Dudette. Ophelia is conjunct my pluto (9th house virgo) by 41 minutes. Is it possible you were so subjugated by her beauty and the attention she was receiving that you mistook it for being vain? Medusa is a great tease. I have Venus square Mars, Mars square Neptune, and Venus opposition Neptune making a T-Square. I do charts for the people who want them. If you watch the charts of woman who marry powerful men, the Sun of the woman will conjunct the MC of the man. Most people have quite a few struggles but they are different for different people. The Sun and Sun form a teamwork that is easy and effortless. Its actually very uncomfortable to witness! My boyfriends medusa is exactly conjunct my Moon in saggi and exactly opposite my Eros/his Psyche in Gemini. That finds no object worth its constancy? Also, Medusa has a despising of the attention of men and wanting to get back at them and at the same time attract them. However, my moon is conjunct my IC and opposite Pluto AND Dejanira. I feel the same way with you honey! medusa conjunct my venus with a 2 degree in my 5th house. However, the Sun conjunct Mercury synastry aspect makes for great communication in any partnership. Most people are familiar with the Sun in astrology. You build up, encourage, and affirm one anothers worth and self-esteem, and you find one anothers company very comfortable and natural. They will enjoy similar things, and they will be able to find a lot to do together. In this instance, the two people will feel incredibly alive and energetic when they are together. Be very careful in my opinion, Jo. It is highly unlikely that these people can match each other in temperament, as well as in basic life principles and worldview. They show you energize and support each other. Mans Sun opposite womans Moon is more difficult for marriage as the natural harmony required in a relationship is overshadowed by the need to get over early childhood experiences. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The quincunx to the ASC may make you want to express her but it would be a conflict like you may want to tease men but you feel guilty about it. I was seeing a guy with heavy medusa in his natal chart and he played the role of Medusa just like any women would. We are engaged in a platonic love affair, without a doubt. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. They each feel like they must sacrifice a core part of themselves to stay in the relationship. At the same time, the Solar tends to be more active and influential. If this is achieved, the relationship can work for the benefit of both partners. Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts People who knew both of us in college were perplexed as to how the two of us even got involved with one another, but yeah. Is this as bad as it sounds? Yes, she was my first. Finally the final couple of phone calls I swear she exceeded the normal decibel capacity of a human. In the synastry chart, aspects are just as important as the actual placements of planets. Nessus conjunct my DSC by 1 degree 39 minutes. Its so wonderful to have found such a caring and wonderful soul like yourself . I will see someone who is flaunting her sexuality but then bites men when they respond. Each partner may try to dominate the other or win in some way. Medusa is another sad story. Usually, there is a level of competition between the partners, but there is a strong attraction even through this competitive energy. The more you accept yourself, the more beneficial and delightful your relationship with one another is. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects There is a transformation of subconscious expectations in relation to these figures. What do you think of Medusa conjunct Mars? In synastries between people who have much in common, this is almost always a very positive synastry. Your relationship can easily become a love-hate one. You have an entire chart that describes your relationships, not just this one aspect. If you believe in past lives, Ive intuitively/psychically picked up we know each other from a past life. The Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect means that these partnerscan have a passionate sexual relationship, but ego clashes can get in the way of this. Its an easy aspect to have in a relationship. I think half of them were just glad I seemingly had a bit of luck in the romance department and was out of their hair for awhile. This may be a constant dynamic, or this may switch back and forth between the partners. It is probably not a good idea for them to become roommates either. Their inability to see through a persons character is a turn off for me and that would make me want to kinda look down on them. This means that there is a high incidence of this aspect between family members, which can account for quite complicated connections between them. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects That sounds like messed up, but what would Eros conjuncting it do? You can gain a deeper understanding of your self-identity and purpose in life when you understand the workings of meaningful relationships. If you see this, run to check the Asteroid Medusa and I bet you have your man.. With Sun conjunct Mercury synastry, you may also have a similar sense of human and way of talking. In opposite-sex couples, the Sun-Mars synastry provides strong passions, jealousy, partiality, and subjectivity in the relationship. How to Tell if a Pisces Man is Falling in Love with You? Competitiveness can be a real problem. When I checked in my chart, Medusa was conjunct my Saturn at the distance of about 2.5 degrees. Wandering companionless Mutual striving for creative activity allows them to successfully join forces in solving various problems. She has never had any problem humiliating me publicly to garner attention or sympathy for herself. There can also be sexual difficulties, especially with timing. Thank you. When one person wants space the other person needs attention, then this dynamic swaps. The Sun conjunct Pluto synastry is very similar to the Sun-Mars combination, differing from it mainly by the depth of the produced effects. My heart goes out to you! If the Solar is a natural leader, this synastry turns out better (for example, if it is a relationship between a director and an actor). Sun Conjunct Sun Synastry: Relationships and Friendships Explained Say if Medusa is exactly conjunct a persons sun? I think Ive waxed quite poetically about this one before, but yes, it was quite incendiary in the end. The twist to the story is that Medusa turned her hatred on men. However, it is possible for this relationship to work. Again my lovely, spot on!! Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The 'Sun Trine Sun' Aspect and the 'Sun Sextile Sun' Aspects. Somehow after they split we got together. We never contacted one another again. The Mars person specifically feels sexually attracted to the Sun person, but there is definitely physical compatibility in general. What does it mean if asteroid Medusa and asteroid lie are exactly conjunct in Scorpio in the 12th? I want to be considered attractive, but who doesnt? Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Any ideas, Marion? With similar views, principles, and missions, they assist each other in accomplishing their dreams. If that is the case, the two become even more alike. ( Pay per Close=$100) plus 30% of the sale when it closes. I wonder how rare this is??? You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. I was wondering if you could help me? The impact of this aspect depends on a variety of factors. If this is a romantic relationship, both partners are attracted to each other. This personal problem will color the relationship by blocking more important aspirations until each partner learns to overcome the anima/animus role permutations through which they test each other. But Pluto is such a slow-mover that if - for example - your birth Venus is 2 Aquarius, the Transit Pluto conjunction wouldn't show up in a report for the next 12 months. I have long thick hair, and when its out, people are compelled to touch my hair. Im satisfying my own ego. Hello everyone! Most likely, this couple has met before and is here to work out their karma. The Mars person is typically attracted to the Sun persons strong personality. Jeez. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts When the aspects are flowing, there is a strong sense of compatibility. If you have this Sun square Mars synastry aspect in your relationship, it can feel like youre just never on the same page. I have Medusa conjunct Pluto in Scorpio, pretty close to my AC in Sag. This is such a powerful synastry when it happens to you that it tends to permeate all aspects of your relationship especially if you are involved in a relationship where there is little conflict or attachment. These two are not good advisors for each other, however. You enjoy a similar conversational flow. The two may be too much alike to be able to get along with each other. Hi i really need help with this! Some conversations went ok, others not so much. You stimulate, vitalize, motivate, and believe in each other in an overall sense. The Sun conjunct Venus synastry relationships are considered ideal in the field of business, especially if the business is related to art. Theyre in synch, for the most part. Both partners know how to get each other moving. Both people have a similar rhythm in life. Meeting with the Sun positions in synastry indicates people who enjoy life, who are able to achieve what they wish as long as they are willing to work with determination for their dreams. Deja conj the MC may be abuse that happens either in public( Nicole Simpson had this) or at work. There is prolly some other asteroids there to that add to this. For some people this might also indicate becoming more involved with religious faiths or spiritual beliefs. If one partner likes to go out to each a few times of week, the other partner probably feels the same. Quintile is a good aspect so you could use Medusa for good in some way like write about her or use her to help yourself or others in some way. You can easily find hobbies or things to do that you both appreciate. This type of the Sun opposite the Moon synastry emphasizes the need to break through past parenting issues. Be careful that this remains healthy (as it certainly can be) and doesnt turn too competitive or nasty. So, when men show interest in me, I get cooled off. At the same time, by accepting the role of his own mother, he discovers great happiness in his family life. I dont want to hurt anybody. Persephone square my ASC by 32 minutes. They are comfortable expressing their sexual needs to each other without judgment. With the Sun trine Mars synastry aspect, the timing of the relationship is especially fortuitous. The Sun trine the Moon synastry corresponds to romantic and marital relationships, especially if the Solar is a man and the Lunar is a woman. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects The timing in this relationship is always off. You may struggle with the things of the Medusa myth i.e jealousy from women due to your beauty and may have had some bad things happen as a result. Misunderstandings of feelings, points of view, and morals are common as each partner has an internal struggle related to sexual expression. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Among the stars that have a different birth, I have this aspect. It can help a relationship, but it can also get in the way. Shes alluring, and theres something slightly provocative about her not by the way she dresses or anything like that, but theres a way about her that tells other that she cant be trifled with. I do not have any main planets on my ascendent or in the 1st house. Our synastry is off the charts, mostly unbelievably beautiful and positive. Sun-Saturn Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary They must figure out what works for them as a couple specifically. No ones chart is their fault. She seemed to be asking for compliments for her beauty. This pair can achieve so much more in life when together. LOL!! Where Athena cursed Medusa, for either breaking her vow of celibacy, or because she was raped. Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: A Complete Guide - Your Higher Journey I am going to get in trouble for this. The Sun illuminates the conscious mind, and the Moon the unconscious. Medusa was beautiful and proud of her beauty. How does this play out? They also have different drives or motivators. If the relationship is purely psychological or emotional, it becomes very complex and confusing. *5 appointments is standard per week with a pay per sit. The Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect is astrong indicator of sexual attraction. The Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect is excellent for all kinds of mutual goal-achieving. Thank you for being up front with me. Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Validation and Soulful Connection. i read a confusing article which made me think it could be about facing a lot of opposition in my career where i need to defend myself? When arguing, the Sun person might come off as self-righteous or as a bit of a know-it-all. Politically correct women dont like how the Asteroid myths portray women. *Daily and weekly incentives based off appointments and performance. The Sun conjunct the Sun in synastry can result in two extremely confident, positive and independent people who go about their life unfettered by others. Work to express this aspect in a motivational or sexual way rather than through anger or aggression. Art thou pale for weariness When the Sun is conjunct the Sun in synastry, the two people are alike in some fundamental ways. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Also, the orb, or allowable margin of error, for the Sun is seventeen degrees. She had Medusa conjunt the ASC. In the presence of a number of other significant factors, this aspect may well form a . In such a relationship, the Lunar will need to resist his or her excessive sensitivity and a serious attitude towards trifles. You always have to explain your actions to your partner because you just dont understand each other. This aspect injects your relationship with enthusiasm, optimism, and trust. Each partner may be motivated to do slightly different things, but they are able to respect each others interests. Mars-Sun aspects will definitely give you some insight into your relationship, but take these descriptions with a grain of salt. This harms the relationship greatly. Sun sextile Moon synastry corresponds to a relationship based on cooperation and mutual understanding. If it is a weak asteroid, it will protect it and make it stronger like make Deja fight back. This woman was vain.She was not a bad person at all. This variation of the Sun square the Moon synastry causes difficulties in perception and understanding. And I dont understand why I act and feel like this. She would call them names and put them down. Dejanira (10th house libra) conjuncts my MC by 3 degrees. They dont overstep when their partner is doing something important; they probably arent overly needy in these areas. The Sun conjunct the Sun is a complex aspect in synastry. I would not think the trine would have caused so much pain. She lured men to her and then she killed them. Id scorn them because I dont understand why they have fallen for me. However, this Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect can be beneficial, too. Each partner is forced to face the figures of anima (for a man) and an animus (for a woman). Unlike most other oppositions, the Sun opposite the Moon synastry is usually beneficial for marriage if other aspects support it. When the Sun and Ascendant are in synastry, it is in a very favorable position. Anything that conjuncts the MC will touch you out in the open, in your relationship with society. Medusa is not politically correct. The Sun person probably has a lot of ambition and this intrigues the Mars person. That teasing annoying energy some women have can be Medusa like they act like a tease and then get mad when men hit on them lol I never used Athena. I like to see asteroids conj personal parts of the chart rather than each other as the former may be generational and all people born at a certain will have it so it is of lesser importance but not of no value, as everything in the chart has value. Athena destroyed Medusas beauty so that men would never look at Medusa again. The Sun conjunct Sun aspect describes the type of twinship emotional, mental or spiritual that can exist between two people. They never seem abusive when I first start dating them.