what caused divisions in the corinthian church

He said so himself. The words made complete mean to be perfectly joined together, like a jigsaw puzzle. I Corinthians 12:12,13 says, For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. Ridiculous? Corinthians This introduces one of the greatest passages in the Bible, setting forth the difference between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God. Some considering Paul their authority, other Apollos, others Peter, and still others accepted only Jesus as their authority. When the Corinthians divided into factions, it wasnt so much about core doctrine (nature of God, nature of Christ, the Gospel, the nature of man). the background of the Corinthian Church DIVISIONS AND PERSONALITIES IN THE CHURCH The anxiety of the childs mother continued to grow, for she knew that her boy was somewhere out in the darkness where wild animals were constantly on the prowl. We have our theological view points, and even our philosophical ones (even though we could have less of that in our churches today in my opinion) but we also have our social dimensions as well. I thank God that only a few of you can say that about me." It is possible that these divisions represent competing house churches, some founded by Paul, some by Apollos. In the year 1 054 the Church was divided into two parts: 1) The Greek Eastern Church 2) The Roman Western Church. He had received a report from the household of Cloe that there were quarrels among the members of the Corinthian church. There he indicates that the problem with cliquishness is that it tends to overemphasize the significance of the human leader. I. PAULS APPEAL FOR UNITY (verses 10-12). Paul continues in verse 10 by saying that, MANS WISDOM VERSUS GODS WISDOM I Corinthians 1:18-25, WHY DONT PEOPLE BELIEVE? If so, what results are we shooting for? 16(Yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I don't remember if I baptized anyone else.) What is a clique? It is the popular thing today to cry, "Back to the Reformation!" DIVISIONS AND PERSONALITIES IN THE CHURCH WebAccording to Paul, the communitys problems were the consequence of the Corinthians mistaken belief that they had already been exalted. His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. Others bragged that they were followers of Peter (1 Corinthians 1:12). We tend to fall out along doctrinal lines or because we are drawn to one charismatic pastor over another. This is a very propitious time for us to consider the cross for this is Palm Sunday, commemorating the day when our Lord entered Jerusalem for his last week. Its a lot harder! So, just a few texts and there are so many more. in the Corinthian Church Now, here the apostle makes very clear that the tendency among groupies is to distort the meaning of symbols. Now, he describes the nature of unity this way, "that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment." Paul wants the Corinthian church to mend the broken relationships that have been caused by the divisions among its members. Apollos was an intellectual. He had received a report from the household of Cloe that there were quarrels among the members of the Corinthian church. It is popularized in the movie Mean Girls. As a result, this led to the division among Christian converts and to the Christian community as a whole. Divisions never really ended with Pauls letters; they just appear to have evolved into having more sophisticated names. I still have at home the Scofield Reference Bible with the index ladder drawn by him. I have had to do some degree of battle with this myself. The Corinthian church had many problems, and most of them were the result of pride and placing so much emphasis on social status. So Paul is insisting that the Corinthians, and all believers, have doctrinal unity that is clearly based on Gods Word. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If we sacrifice quality for numbers I dont think we are being good stewards of our gift of leadership. Thank you, Father, for this time here contemplating the cross. The followers of Jesus may have believed in Jesus words only, and did not believe that the writings of Peter, Paul, and the other apostles were really Scripture. On opening it you found a loose-leaf notebook with many of the small, half-page materials that the Navigators printed their Bible helps on. Sometimes a church leader can have so much clout that he begins to have cult status. Yet, in reality as long as correct biblical doctrine is being taught no pastor should be viewed in comparison to one another. There is not a teacher among us today, or at any other time, who is able to open the mind and open the eyes of the heart and reveal to us the glory and majesty of God, not one. Website 2023 by Ray Stedman Ministries. Unlike most of his other epistles, Paul plunges right into the heart of the practical problems that were affecting this church, and the first of these, the problem of divisions within the church, he begins to deal with in Chapter1, Verse10. Corinthians God is all about people, not money, and I feel sorry for anyone who tries to take over the current move of God, put it in a box, stick a label on it, and own it they will be swept away. The divisions of Christendom are the scandal of Christianity. They became symbols of prestige and standing that became divisive factors among the men. Then youre a Christian right? Even though our conversation could only continue for about 10 more minutes, this issue of divisions within the church arose. Paul does not want to be considered a philosopher who is gathering disciples, nor does he want that for Apollos or Peter or any man. They were boasting over who had baptized them. Here are our first clues as to what is wrong with this kind of cliquishness in a church. Gods people who are moving in revival (like we have been to experiencing right here in Brisbane these last few months) have no qualms about getting together to see the nation of Australia come to Christ. In verses 14 to 16, Paul uses himself as an example. is the history and significance of the church (I suppose that if Dio were commenting on the modern world, he would describe the wretched bloggers shouting abuse at the temple of WordPress!). Near the cross, O Lamb of God, bring its scenes before me. Yes, we have the core beliefs that most Christians will agree upon, but the rest is still very confusing to non-believers. In conjunction with this, some people were questioning Pauls character and authority ( 1 Corinthians 14 ). WebAccording to Paul, the communitys problems were the consequence of the Corinthians mistaken belief that they had already been exalted. They were dividing over this whole issue, and Paul says it is all wrong. One of his biggest goals is to double our congregation so we have 5,000 members. Their divisions, lack of church discipline, lawsuits, abuse of Christian liberty and over-emphasis of the gift of tongues, all illustrate this root problem. Other divisions were to follow. Corinthians The Factions At Corinth That is the mind Paul is talking about. WebThe spirit that wrought such mischief at Corinth has been busy in the Church ever since. He is the ground, always, of unity. Going off of what Cody is saying, in todays church everything needs to be just right. The members started to develop division following different leaders. But that is a very dangerous attitude, and yet we tend to think of people as being the channel by which deliverance can come to our heart. It is extremely important. He gathers disciples and establishes a church, a meeting place for educating his disciples. We are all equally undeserving of salvation and a relationship with Jesus Christ. They failed to take seriously the power of evil; their behavior caused divisions in the church and led to a lack of concern for other members. They were also not afraid to be mentioned in Pauls letter to the church. With all the differences among us, it is impossible to get people to think alike. In what ways have we failed to de-paganize? I agree with P. Longs last statement in that things have not improved much since the first century. Paul is going to go on to describe this radical force that is so different than anything else there is nothing like it in the world. DIVISIONS IN THE CHURCH I Corinthians 1 Although the modern church has improved in many ways compared to the ancient churches, there is still the issue of division that exists among differing churches as was in the ancient churches. Take the various mega-churches for example, whose charismatic pastors live in mansions. Divisions in the Church is the history and significance of the church One of the celebrities was Paul himself some believers at Corinth actually claimed to be his followers. Corinthians Alexandria was a center for learning and philosophy. WebThe members of the Corinthian church we disunited because they were pledging their allegiance to human leaders rather than God. Sermon 5: Who is the Most Important? Splits and Quarrels in the Church And just as the Corinthian church was not above the petty rivalries of its time, neither is the modern church above becoming involved in such shouting matches. I think the letter to the Philippians helps us here, because in that passage I just quoted from, Paul goes on to say, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus," (Philippians 2:5). Ones honor and reputation were valued highly and if someone attacked your reputation it was expected that you would defend yourself and retaliate by publicly bashing your attacker. What happens when you get a tear in a piece of clothing and you keep washing and wearing that piece of clothing with the tear in it? My impression is that the same sorts of problems evident in Corinth are clearly evident in the contemporary church, whether that is West Michigan or Brisbane. They were burdened about them, and they went to the right person with them. It is sad to see that our world appears just as divided today as it did back in the first century. Paul always expresses great concern about the possibility of a split in the church. But first, it is very clear that he is deeply troubled by this. The real problem behind the divisions is that the church continues to act like Christianity is just another philosophy, and teachers are in competition with each other just as the Greek orators competed. 4-The churchs failure to discipline. Have you ever tried to put a jigsaw puzzle together with the pieces turned upside down so that they are all blank? The Corinthian Church. The basic meaning is to put back together and make one again something that was broken or separated. Only the Lord Jesus Christ could pay the penalty for our sins because only He is the Son of God. Her hair is messed up! What he says we'll listen to, not Paul or Peter or anyone else -- it makes no difference to us." I told them that it is a concern of mine as well. When you get men's eyes off all these status symbols, and call them back away from following men to the Person of Christ and his cross, all the divisions will disappear. 10 I appeal to you, brothers,[ a] by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. Some Corinthian Christians were dividing over church teachers. He chooses various channels through which to work. Causes Austin Hellier Brisbane Queensland Australia. And he speaks in the name of or by the authority of, our Lord Jesus Christ. We have Jesus only groups even today. It is interesting how quickly we forget where our gifts come from and think we are the cause of success. Therefore our boasting should only be in the Lord (1 Corinthains 1:26-31). The better the orator, the higher the fee, and the more disciples he will attract. Now, in Verse13 you understand why. Corinthians In comparison to modern churches, its easy to say that there are hardly any divisions among Christians and differing churchesbut could these divisions still exist today? When I say it gets ignored like an infomercial you probably infer what that means. These are two common causes of church divisions in the West. So they were splitting and arguing and quarreling over the relative merit and authority of these various teachers. I appreciate the perspective given by the author and agree 100% that the body of Christ is divided. 1 Corinthians Problems in the Church So undoubtedly there was a big group that followed Paul. I have to admit though that sometimes I think about numbers and recognition and want that. Sermon 5: Who is the Most Important? In verse 10 we see both Pauls affection for the Corinthian church, and his authority as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because I am a little defensive it seems like they are almost my enemy. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Austin. Are we willing and ready to pray for unity in His Church, and work at building a stronger unity among fellow members of the congregations where we fellowship and serve? When the Corinthians divided into factions, it wasnt so much about core doctrine (nature of God, nature of Christ, the Gospel, the nature of man). Conclusion. Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? (1 Corinthians 1:12 RSV) Now, there was the trouble at Corinth. Corinthians The Corinthian church had many problems, and most of them were the result of pride and placing so much emphasis on social status. For instance, in the Greco-Roman culture the practice of teacher-disciple relationships was often common and so many Christian converts in Corinth would associate themselves with a particular teacher and be under their discipleship. WebThe members of the Corinthian church we disunited because they were pledging their allegiance to human leaders rather than God. The church was divided into factions, and one group was urging him to take half the congregation and go to another part of the city and start a new church. For example, in the first section from 1:10 to 4:21, it's errors regarding division. They did not try to hide the problems. This unintentional mindset causes people to treat the Bible and its words like it is a product that can wear out, and ignored like an infomercial. Webdivided. These kinds of things happen when there are divisions in a church. I personally experienced this at work about a year and a half ago. We are of Peter." Others bragged that they were followers of Peter (1 Corinthians 1:12). Since I was working at that time in the ship's service department in Pearl Harbor, we ordered great quantities of these Bibles. The elders should make their decisions with the same mind and the same judgment. WebPaul rebukes the Corinthians because there are divisions and quarrels in the church. A gasp bursts from the guests! Now, he is not saying that it is wrong to baptize; he himself did it, and acknowledges that he did. In verse 11, Paul gives the reason for his appeal for unity in the church at Corinth. I have had people say to me, "Oh, Mr. Stedman, when you speak I see so clearly! The first noticeable division would be among differing denominations. They would have the Scofield Reference Bible and a notebook under one arm, and you knew that if you examined their Bibles you would find the ladder index on the pages. He begins the process of developing them into leaders who will also preach the gospel and found more churches. Try it some time. That is why we have four gospels, because not even one of the disciples who was with the Lord was capable of giving us a complete enough view of Christ. One of the celebrities was Paul himself some believers at Corinth actually claimed to be his followers. The ground, of course, is the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that if people would take their eyes off man and stop putting man up up so high and put THE MASTER BACK FIRST in their lives it wont be so much division in our churches. 12What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow Christ.". It took four viewpoints to report his earthly life and ministry accurately enough to us. Perhaps, in their individual efforts, they had missed some spots; so the suggestion was made, Lets all join hands and go through the long grass again. Finally, the child was found, but it was too late. He called to ask whether I thought that would be right or wrong to do. It seems so bland compared to all the other choices out there when really it presents and encourages people to live out a very different and exciting life in the opposite direction of the world. He recognizes that we share a common life if we have come to Christ; we are brothers and sisters because we have his life in us. 14I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15so no one can say that you were baptized into my name. He had received a report from the household of Cloe that there were quarrels among the members of the Corinthian church. There are some people who minister to us better than others, and it is only natural that we should listen to them and follow them. His bride, the Church, has been fighting again!. I would like to approach it from an evangelistic standpoint. Religious snobs want to be a part of a small group who One of them being the reason to follow a specific pastor. Galatians: Freedom through Gods Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2019). Some pigged out at the Lord Supper; others had barely enough to eat. WebThe Christians at Corinth were dividing the church by pledging their loyalties to different celebrities. I'm nobody, just like you!" Divisions The Gentiles coming into this new Church do not seem to be able to see the differences between it and a Greco-Roman philosopher gathering disciples and educating them in a particular philosophy. I find there are these tendencies right here in Peninsula Bible Church. Christ did not send me to take scalps or to cut notches on my gun handle as to how many converts I've won." There was extreme competition among the orators for honor and power. The groom and his attendants are in their places. Im not saying its wrong to stick to what you believe. Then not only did they have the Bible, but every Navigator who was anybody at all had to have an index drawn in on the pages of the Bible, a kind of a ladder that gave you a clue to where the books were so that with your thumb you could turn up any book in the Bible almost instantly. Was Paul crucified for you? Splits and Quarrels in the Church Having listened to Pauls words and the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ, how important is unity to each of us today? Message transcript and recording 1978 by Ray Stedman Ministries, owner of sole copyright by assignment from the author. They are springing up all over the place, including Downunder (Australia) where I live here in Brisbane. WebThe Corinthians were basically making a mockery of Communion. It is popularized in the movie Mean Girls. (1 Corinthians 1:12 RSV) Now, there was the trouble at Corinth. Some boasted of their special spiritual gifts; others felt left out. Some followed Apollos whom they honored above Paul (1 Corinthians 1:12; 3:4; Acts 18:24 to 19:1). So rather that detailing their accomplishments as orators, Paul describes their functions (Paul planted, Apollos watered, etc.) The content of their messages was in agreement, but the followers of these men probably focused on personality differences and distorted their teachings. This applies also to the leadership in the church. Corinthians Then there were the stylists, those who were attracted by the different kinds of preaching, and they had especially been drawn to Apollos. They were drawing themselves up and saying, "Well, you may be of Paul or of Peter or of Apollos, but we are of Christ! The divisions of Christendom are the scandal of Christianity. To resolve this issue, he encourages communal love. What is a clique? Then comes that great Christological passage where he describes how Christ, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. Unless its mended, the tear gets bigger and bigger, doesnt it? A. Paul doesnt want these divisions to continue, so he offers them an alternative. Other divisions were to follow. Some people will pick other matters of doctrine to affirm. The church at Corinth had divided loyalty to different leaders. Then there were the traditionalists (there always are), those that say, "Well, I don't know about Paul or Apollos. We feel some sense of connectedness to the teachers (pastors/leaders) whose teachings we sit under while they count us as proof of their effectiveness (numbers).