interpersonal communication quizlet true or false

a rigorous work schedule. Define Interpersonal Communication. a. to meet our needs and the needs of others. 2.Slang: meaning is depending on the group or sometimes depending on a region. True or false? c. Circumscribing. The message Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication Processes. Some additional communicative acts that create our relational cultures include relational storytelling, personal idioms, routines and rituals, and rules and norms. Punctuation, Perception checking helps save face and clarify meaning, Snap judgments are often derived from stereotypes, "You haven't responded to my last email. True; T or F; Fats provide long-term energy . You say, I dont know, in response to a professors question even though you have an idea of the answer (presenting yourself as aloof, or too cool for school). Extrinsic rewards and self-disclosure, arguably an act of cultural appropriation, Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Both sign language and spoken language are symbolic in nature. Flag This Answer As Incorrect Flag Answer Incorrect. Which of the following is NOT a principle of nonverbal communication? Leary, M. R., Toward a Conceptualization of Interpersonal Rejection, in Interpersonal Rejection, ed. In a high-context culture meaning of a message is primarily drawn from the immediate environment. True. Fisher, W. R., Narration as Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument, Communication Monographs 51, no. c. antiques Reba feels comfortable making suggestions to her manager. Emotional experience is the same thing as emotional contagion. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. False: Context is the physical and psychological environment for communication. Written words are ___ for speech sounds. The cultural rules used to create and react to emotional experiences are called emotional labor. and deleting unwanted information about yourself is a form of _ reputation management. When Goffman refers to the importance of face, he means that in our society physical beauty is an important aspect of communication competence. True or false? Nonverbal immediacy, Posture and eye contact are subsets of which larger category of nonverbal Additionally, visiting your in-laws during the holidays loses its symbolic value when you dislike them and comply with the ritual because you feel like you have to. Free Stock Photos Cooking public domain. Forms of Communication | Interpersonal Communication | | Course Hero the expectations. Interpersonal Communication (Kory Floyd) Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall) . Violating relationship norms and rules can negatively affect a relationship, but in general, rule violations can lead to more direct conflict, while norm violations can lead to awkward social interactions. The social penetration model says that people, like unions, have many layers. In order to understand interpersonal communication, we must understand how interpersonal communication functions to meet our needs and goals and how our interpersonal communication connects to larger social and cultural systems. Sometimes people engage in communication that doesnt necessarily present them in a positive way. Name two theories that provide us with an explanation for emotion? d. all of the answers provided. Goro Hasegawa, a salesperson\underline{\text{salesperson}}salesperson, invented the game called Othello. True or false? Customers prefer fast 1 / 1 ptsQuestion 2 One of the dangers of social media is that people form impressions of us not just based on what we post on our profiles but on our friends and the content that they post on our profiles. a. superficial talk ro intimate and revealing talk In which relational stage of coming together ar participants likely to self-disclose and use pet names for each other? True or False: Communication is linear and one-way. In general, online communication is the quickest way to send and receive a message. than its connotations, the feelings it evokes. Interpersonal communication is the process of exchanging messages between people whose lives mutually influence one another in unique ways in relation to social and cultural norms. The five main forms of communication are intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. Channel. Just as many companies, celebrities, and politicians create a public image, we desire to present different faces in different contexts. 1) Constructive conflict resolution strategies. However, you probably wouldnt call your boss and bark a request to bring you a gallon of gas so you can get to work, because you likely want your boss to see you as dependable and likable, meaning you have focused on self-presentation goals. Image conflicts involve matters of self-presentation for either of the participants. often focus on his chair. Which cues signaling warmth and involvement are associated with communication True or false? In that moment, you are putting your relational partners needs above your own, which will likely make him or her feel valued. True or false? Ethnocentric imperative is a reason to study intercultural communication. Revise each item by combining any fragments with the adjoining sentences. Our understanding of who we are is known as: When we assume that because Jack is smart and handsome that he must also be kind, then we have participated in the _____. Research indicates that silence might be a better alternative to self-disclosure at the arguably an act of cultural appropriation. d. set low expectations for themselves. Improvements include: Watch reactions, enroll an observer, and focus on a specific type of nonverbal communication. True In reflected appraisal, messages received from significant others are particularly powerful. True. As your boss complains about struggling to format the company newsletter, you tell her about your experience with Microsoft Word and editing and offer to look over the newsletter once shes done to fix the formatting (presenting yourself as competent). True, Which series ranks Maslow's needs in the order in which they must be satisfied? A request These are all good rules for ____________. Competent communicators are multifaceted people with a variety of roles and identities Unit 3 Quiz_ Interpersonal Communication - COM105_100.pdf 1) Meaningful and significant implications in human life, Name and define the ethical systems of communication in interpersonal communication. Do you talk to your father about your sexual activity? friend because of which quality of interpersonal relationships? The physical and psychological aspects of the communication context are called c. Our reality is determined by our language. b. read your text Discuss the cultural aspects of interpersonal communication. False. We get things done in our relationships by communicating for instrumental goals. COM 1700 true and false Flashcards | possess? Physiological. It is usually unplanned, spontaneous, and ungrammatical. c. physiological and psychological needs. When Robyn argues with Barney and tells him that the way he speaks to her makes her feel disrespected they are engaging in _____ conflict. cultural differences in verbal codes. What are the characteristics and principles associated with interpersonal communication? answer choices. What do linguists call the practice of adapting your manner of speaking to the context? In nonverbal communication, artifacts include Your self-concept is comprised of two main components: True question When making a preparation outline, you should state your main points and sub-points in full sentences to ensure that you develop your idea fully Click card to see the answer answer True Join StudyHippo to unlock the other answers Join Studyhippo Join with google join with facebookjoin with apple question Barriers to listening include We also strategically present ourselves in order to be perceived in particular ways. Communication - Interpersonal Communication. Benigno, A., Jersey Shore Glossary: This Dictionary of Terms Will Get You (Fist) Pumped for Season Two, N.Y. Daily News, July 28, 2010, Indeed, competent communicators can successfully manage how others perceive them by adapting to situations and contexts. . True of false? You meet the deadline and have effectively accomplished your goal. According to social penetration theory, in conversation we move from 1) Global Village: the concept that all societies, regardless of their size, are connected in some way. If youve ever studied foreign languages, you know that idiomatic expressions like Im under the weather today are basically nonsense when translated. Solitary confinement is common in supermax prisons, where prisoners spend 22.5 to 24 hours a day in their cells. d. control, encourage or discourage interaction. Which relational stage of coming apart is characterized by couples restraining communication behaviors to a few topics or discussions for fear of conflict? Intersectionality. We establish relationship routines and rituals to help establish our relational culture and bring a sense of comfort and predictability to our relationships. Which of the following is NOT a principle of nonverbal communication? Some words are more abstract than other words. disclosure. Many times we engage in interpersonal communication to fulfill certain goals we may have, but sometimes we are more successful than others. The idea that our communication with others shapes our personal identity is called symbolic interactionism. You ask your friend to help you move this weekend (gaining/resisting compliance). d. none of the options available. Stage 3 Stagnation: the participants are actively engaged in other activities and joint activities are not dynamic and require little interaction. The organizing stage of perception involves categorizing stimuli to make sense of them. So in order to make the most out of our interpersonal relationships, we must learn some basic principles. False, Using the plural "they" is one way of addressing an individual with what kind of identity? Who can consider their behavior from a detached viewpoint, allowing for multiple dislike the speaker, disregard the message. The functional perspective of interpersonal communication indicates that we communicate to achieve certain goals in our relationships. Which example uses language most likely to motivate someone to perform that activity? The pane of the Johari Window that represents information that others know about you, but you don't realize about yourself is the: What is the relational reason to self-disclose that may be used as a dark purpose to manipulate a relational partner? [12] When we refer to communication as a process, we imply that it doesn't have a distinct beginning and end or follow a predetermined sequence of events. A transmitter that can't be shut off is a metaphor illustrating which quality of nonverbal Nonverbal Communication is Confusing and Contextual. feedback unless the online service rep doesn't answer their question. True True or false? unintentional. trainer and mentor. What is a purist? In order to be competent interpersonal communicators, we must learn to balance being effective and appropriate. a. intrapersonal communication b. small group communication c. face-to-face public communication d. media-like cell phones and instant messenger Another name for interpersonal communication is a. mass communication b. face to face public communication c. dyadic communication d. virtual reality 4.Sexist and Racist Language: phrases from childhood rhymes with gender classifications can be transferred into adulthood. We create relationship cultures based on the relationship schemata we develop through our interactions with our larger society and culture. To adjust a relationship to accommodate changing needs of the partners is to: The explanation of a transgression that may accompany an apology is a/an: True or false? Interpersonal communication includes message sending and message reception between two or more individuals. Speech Context | English - Quizizz True; False; Interpersonal communication is a purposeful and focused interaction that can be used to accomplish a variety of purposes. What routines and rituals do you observe? The study of how we refer to and perceive time is called This course concentrates upon Interpersonal Communication. A more competent communicator could have implemented the same detailed plan to accomplish the task in a manner that included feedback, making the employees feel more included and heard. Find Test Answers | Communication Interpersonal Communication False A systems view of communication stresses the interrelations among all behaviors. This definition highlights the fact that interpersonal communication involves two or more people who are interdependent to some degree and who build a unique bond based on the larger social and cultural contexts to which they belong. False Interpersonal impressions are mental pictures of how people act and how the communicate. Add your reaction and questions about why your answers may have differed from what is recommended in the comments section. Interpersonal communication involves communication between two people. True or false? The pet store owner gave the puppy\underline{\text{puppy}}puppy a bone. 30 seconds. This is also true of idioms we create in our interpersonal relationships. You are selective listening if you respond to some parts of a message, but reject other parts. It's a problem. True, The most basic level of Maslow's Hierarchy includes physiological needs such as energy, water, and air. 1) Involves interdependent individuals 2) Exists on a continuum 3) Involves verbal and nonverbal messages 4) Exists in a variety of forms 5) Varies in effectiveness PRINCIPLES: 1) Unavoidable 2) Irreversible 3) Symbolic: 4) Rule-governed 5) Learned 6) Involves Content and relationship levels all of which are legitimately "you." Mixed messages are those messages that are encoded in multiple languages. How people feel about expressing certain emotion is known as. Bruess, C. J. S. and Judy C. Pearson, Interpersonal Rituals in Marriage and Adult Friendship, Communication Monographs 64, no. Second-guessing is trying to guess the rest of the speaker's story. Questions and Answers. What three-sided struggle took place in China from 1937 to 1945? Our reality is shaped by our language. Name the functions of friendship in the workplace: Structuration in an organization is reflected in the reproduction of social systems in the day-to-day interaction of agents in their use of rules and resources. We also create personal idioms in our relationships (Bell & Healey, 1992). The process of feeling sorry for someone is the definition of empathy. Our cat Zippy _________ this house for years. lack of interest c. revealing talk to superficial talk d. self-image and self-esteem. Think about the conversations that you have with your friends and family. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Quiz - Quizizz False, Research shows that Latinx students in predominantly white schools tend to use which PDF Interpersonal Communication Multiple Test Bank What Making a moral argument entails providing reasons for the position you take. Communication True or False - Flashcards | c. communication more with others. Business Communication Quizzes - True or False: The best way to learn how to communicate in a - Studocu Business Communication Questions and Answers true or false: the best way to learn how to communicate in business setting, such as presentation delivery is Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew The following are examples of communicating for instrumental goals: When we communicate to achieve relational goals, we are striving to maintain a positive relationship. If you were to hire an image consultant for yourself, what would you have them work on for you? Copy the passage, Determine participial phrases and add commas as needed. d. Our reality is determined by our perception of our thought process. We also pursue self-presentation goals by adapting our communication in order to be perceived in particular ways. a theory that describes the five value dimensions that offer information regarding the value differences in a particular culture: What are some challenges of intercultural communication? The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during a period of time. Which best describes the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? If a mother lets her son sleep over at a friends house without consulting her partner, a more serious conflict could result. False True. Interpersonal Communication True and False Flashcards | Quizlet In the models of relational development and deterioration, relationships True or false? True 4, Standing tall and walking proudly are examples of which category of impression The study of how we refer to and perceive time is called the basis of nationality, culture, or another unifying characteristic. At school, he was teased for being a carrot top, but as an adult, significant others True/False Quiz - Oxford University Press True False 3. This scenario demonstrates which principle of communication? b. d. watch reactions, In nonverbal communication, emblems express understood meaning, often replacing or reinforcing words. Immigrants to the United States run the risk of being discriminated against because of a. sounds like music or a car horn 1 Interpersonal Communication, ch 2 Self-Concept, Identity & Communication Presence, Ch. theme: the excitement of skiing_____. Critical - choice and selective listening for specific information (or omission). About Image Consulting, Association of Image Consultants International webpage, accessed June 3, 2011. In this case, the ritual doesnt enrich the relational culture, but it may reinforce norms or rules that have been created in the relationship. Interpersonal Communication Quiz - 25 Questions. True or false? non-binary. Thus, Giddens conceives of the duality of structure as being: Describe family communication and privacy management? conveys (bermitteln) by speech, presentation, clothes, enthusiasm and body language. Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication Processes True or false? Kinesics, Performing the nonverbal cues of how you want to feel can help you "fake it 'til you make How does Structuration Theory impact communication in workplace relationships? Interpersonal communication involves communication between two people True List and describe the eight basic components of communication. BSC 108- Quizlet finds (Questions) - Fats and steroids are classified You and your new college roommate stand in your dorm room full of boxes. If the item is already correct, just write CCC. We could move closer or father away. c. self-image and self-perception. a. d. superficial talk to nonverbal communication. True or false? false. Other rituals may be more unique to the relationship, such as celebrating a dogs birthday or going to opening day at the amusement park. Of course, if the person really is your best friend, you can try to smooth things over or make up for your shortness later. receivers. workplace, particularly when you have a potentially hurtful thought or feeling that is not and unexpected, Race is a biological designation scientifically determined by physical traits, cultural Burleson, B. R., Sandra Metts, and Michael W. Kirch, Communication in Close Relationships, in Close Relationships: A Sourcebook, eds. What motivates you to communicate with someone? They share personal information, likes and dislikes and continue to get to know each other better. Outsourcing is a word that describes a culture's tendency to send work and workers outside of their culture for cheaper labor costs. Another form of relational talk that I have found very useful is what I call the DTR talk, which stands for defining-the-relationship talk and serves a relationship-maintenance function. There's no single "ideal" or "e, This scenario demonstrates which principle of communication? Although storytelling will continue to play a part in your relational development with these new people, you may be surprised at how quickly you start telling stories with your new friends about things that have happened since you met. Interpersonal communication tends to involve feelings of trust. Content messages focus on True. So a brief exchange with a grocery store clerk who you dont know wouldnt be considered interpersonal communication, because you and the clerk are not influencing each other in significant ways. False, According to the text, intrapersonal communication is communication with one's self, including self-talk, imaging and visualization. a. superficial talk ro intimate and revealing talk, Which of the following is NOT a stage in Knapp's model of relational development? Jones Jr., R. G., Drag Queens, Drama Queens, and Friends: Drama and Performance as a Solidarity Building Function in a Gay Male Friendship Circle, Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research 6, no. Engaging in relationship-maintenance communication is like taking your car to be serviced at the repair shop. Interpersinal communication exam #1 - Each of us enters the - StuDocu They react to each others as complete persons, as unique genuine and irreplaceable individuals. Microeconomics Examen and Final Problem True, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Communication is Question 1 20 seconds Q. True or false? In the following we will discuss the similarities and differences among each form of communication, including its definition, level of intentionality, goals, and contexts. Other routine relational tasks include celebrating special occasions or honoring accomplishments, spending time together, and checking in regularly by phone, e-mail, text, social media, or face-to-face communication. What are some nonverbal auditory codes (visual auditory cues and contact codes), 1) Kinesics (Body Movement): gestures and body orientation. didn't see my message." True or false? The first two models we will discuss, the transmission model and the interaction model, include the following parts: participants , messages, encoding, decoding, and channels. The well-known scholar Erving Goffman compared self-presentation to a performance and suggested we all perform different roles in different contexts (Goffman, 1959). There are many examples of idioms labeling others, including grenade for an unattractive female, gorilla juice head for a very muscular man, and backpack for a clingy boyfriend/girlfriend or a clingy person at a club. True or false? d. when you express yourself. You received no reply to the email you sent your English professor at the end of Perception check, In general, women are more nonverbally expressive than men, and they are more Even though we experience our relationships as unique, they are at least partially built on preexisting cultural norms. Stage 5 Bonding: the participants seek to formalize the relationship, through a public ritual like marriage or through a joint venture like buying a house. In paragraph 8, Chafets refers to those who oppose his ideas as purists. group, by definition, consists more than two people. Then consider the following questions: As if managing instrumental, relational, and self-presentation goals isnt difficult enough when we consider them individually, we must also realize that the three goal types are always working together. The use of you-messages is a skill for self-disclosing. The term also can be used to describe how communication technology, ties the world into one political, economic, social, and cultural. the impressions they make. Tattoos are considered an artifact in terms of nonverbal communication. Interpersonal Communication (Kory Floyd) Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Interpersonal Communication Exam #1 Flashcards | Quizlet b. True or false? ones? Score yourself out of 25 - Compare your answers to the recommended answers at the bottom of the quiz. Liars often sustain more eye contact and fidget less. O d. It is passive. c. Circumscribing True False True 8. In nonverbal communication, regulators b. revealing talk to intimate talk c. Our reality is determined by our perception of language. What are some cultural and ethical considerations in verbal communication? c. on information you hide from others, considering the information private. Which statement avoids ownership of a message? communication? Mnemonics are devices and techniques that aid memory recall. a. True. All non-word cues, both vocal and silent, are called Do you think this is ethical? Good ___________ are important workplace skills that help you communicate or talk will all types of people, including managers, coworkers and customers.