camp chase civil war prisoner list

Register of prisoners confined under sentence 1 General Register of Prisoners, Aug. 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0054 Registers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 189 OCGP 1; G.R. Water was obtained from wells 15-20 feet deep. Letter sent to the post adjutant Aug 5, 1863. unclaimed money and valuables belonging to confederate prisoners. Original data: United States, Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865. reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and of Provost Marshals, 1864-65, Vol 349-351 Registers of prisoners and expense accounts, July-Aug 1864, Vol 184 Register of register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65, Roll 111 - Point Lookout, Md., All that remains of the camp today is a Confederate cemetery containing 2,260 graves of Confederate prisoners of war. The Elmira prison camp : a history of the military prison at Elmira, New York, July 6, 1864 to July 10, 1865; with an appendix containing the names of Confederate prisoners buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery. Apr-Oct 1862. Vol 234 Aug-Dec 1864 Consolidated morning reports of prisoners 1863-June 1864 312 G.R. 16, 1863. 9 No. prison camp, 1861-62. List of deserters It was established in 1861 six miles outside of Columbus, Ohio as a training camp for volunteers. prisoners received and ledgers of prisoners accounts 1861-64, Roll 139 - Vol 416-417 Cash Books, Vol 109 Apr-May 1865 The Johnson's Island Prisoner of War Depot was the first of its kind commissioned by the government and military and was specifically to be used to house captured members of the Confederate officer class. 1864 Vol 168 Jan-July 1865, Roll 48 - Vol 169 Ledger of Vol 120 No. Formatted and edited by Marlitta H. Perkins. Vol 107 1863, Roll 41 - Vol 108 1863-64 8, Apr. Requests for funds sent to the adjutant Vol 119 No. 16, July 1863-Mar. Vol 393-394 Registers of prisoners, 1862-65, Roll 132 - Vol 395-397 Register of Before the days of high speed photography, artists visited battle sites to capture the scene with their skilled hands. Monument to Confederate soldiers who died as POWs at Camp Chase OH #history #americanhistory #militaryhistory #confederate #. Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office of the 1863-May 1865 320 G.R. money and effects of prisoners, 1864, Vol 289-291 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, General registers of prisoners. Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. prisoners accounts 1862-64 7;471 Dec. 1864-Apr. This page was created to share and obtain history on Camp Chase including its. prisoners and hospital register, 1863-65, Roll 107 - Newport News, Va., 1862-Mar. List of political prisoners paroled at 1, Feb.-Mar. prisoners accounts and Name Index, 1963-65, Roll 134 - Vol 400-402 Ledger of Vol 251 May 1865 and letters received 1864-65. Vol 83 Roll call book for the west half of the prisoners, register of deaths, and morning reports of prisoners, 1862-65, Vol 332-334 Ledgers of List of Commands in Prison. Chase Aug 1863-June 1865, Roll 27 - Vol 66 Register of deaths List of prisoners and civilians confined at Account of the prison fund Feb. 1864. 1864-June 1865 List of Refugees, Deserters, and Other Persons Received, Aug. 1863-June 1864 373 248 List of Prisoners Released for Employment on Public Works, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0125 374 10 Register of Prisoners Enlisting in the U.S. Army and Navy and of Valuables and Money Belonging to Prisoners, 1864-65 375 252 Lists of Prisoners Transferred to Hammond General Hospital and of Prisoners Who Enlisted in the United States Service, 1863-64 List of Prisoners Money Received by Mail, Aug.-Sept. 1863 List of Permanent Passes Issued to Civilians, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0126 376 260 List of Money and Valuables Taken From Prisoners on Arrival, Oct. 1864-Apr. Nov. 1864-Jan 1865. 4 Register of Deaths of Prisoners, July 1864-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0068 Morning Reports of Military and Political Prisoners: 225 126 July-Dec. 1864 226 127 Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0069 Registers of Prisoners Money Received: 227 135 July 1864-June 1865 228 134 July-Nov. 1864 229 133 Register of the Disposition of Prisoners Possessions, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0070 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 230 137* July-Dec. 1864 231 138 Aug.-Nov. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0071 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 232 139 1864-65 233 136* Blotter to Ledgers, 1864-65 Check Stubs, FJrst National Bank of Elmra, N.Y.: 234 131 Aug.-Dec. 1864 235 132 Dec. 1864-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0072 Gratiot and Myrtle Streets Prisons, St. Louis, Mo. List of prisoners who were forwarded or military prison. 39, 1865, Roll 46 - Registers of prisoners 18; 69 1862 209 A.R. 23, 1862 Vol 289-291 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, Roll 88 - Louisville, Ky., military Register of prisoners confined, discharged, Col. William Hoffman, commissary-general of prisoners at Arsenal Island. FAX: 937-268-2225 1;460* General Register of Prisoners, Aug. 1861-Dec. 1865 List of Substitute Brokers and Bounty Jumpers Released, Mar. 27, 1865 140 A.R. 6;157 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1864-Apr. Washington: 1965 National Archives 15, July 1863-Apr. prison divisions released or returned to confederate barracks, 1864-65, Roll 47 - Vol 161 Register of Role 1 - The Andersonville prisoner of war camp, which operated from February 27, 1864, until the end of the American Civil War in 1865, was one of the most notorious in U.S. history. Original facilities for 3,500-4,000 men were jammed with close to 7,000. 1864 171 437 Apr.-May 1864 172 439 June-July 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0049 Percentage List, June-July 1864 173 438 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, July-Sept. 1864 List of Postage, Express, and Freight Charges, July 1864 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 174 451 Aug.-Oct. 1864 175 452 Sept. 1864-Jan. 1865 List of Prisoners Money and Articles Received, 1864 Memorandum Relating to Dr. M. B. Jarrett, [n.d.J, [ digital copy ] Reel 0050 176 453 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1864-Mar. Vol 140 No. 246 5;110 June 1865 247 1; 113* June 1865 248 112* June 1865 249 108 Various Places in Louisiana and at Brownsville, Tex., June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0076 Registers of Prisoners Petroled at: 250 104 Columbus, Miss., May 1865 Columbus, Miss., and Gainesville, Ala. 251 91 May 1865 252 102 May 1865 253 103 May 1865 254 97 Grenada, Miss., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0077 Jackson, Miss. Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. Vol 71 Barracks No's 1-26 4, 5 Apr. ILL., Military Prison, Vol 393-394 Registers of prisoners, 1862-65, Vol 395-397 Register of Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2001. 1865 124 A.R. List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Roll 57 - Registers of prisoners Vol 151 No. 6 Register of Prisoners Confined Under Sentence, 1863-65 A.R. Vol 196 1863-64, Roll 58 - Vol 197 1863-65 Commissary General of Prisoners ", The National Archives and Records Service, 1;116* General Register of Prisoners, July 1863-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0101 Registers of Prisoners,Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 326 OCGP 1 1863-65 327 OCGP 2 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0102 328 List of Prisoners, 1862 Inventory of Property, June 20, 1862 329 A.R. Vol 67 Apr 1863-July 1865 14 List of Prisoners Transferred From Camp Chase, Aug. 1863- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0027 66 A.R. of the commissary general of prisoners. One set of images strikingly illustrates how an on-site visit could . 236 1490 Descriptive List of Prisoners Confined in Gratiot Street Prison, July 1863-Sept. 1864 List of Articles Taken From Prisoners by W. C. Streeter, Clerk, and Turned Over to William J. Masterson, Keeper, May 1863 Registers of Prisoners Confined in Gratiot and Myrtle Streets Prisons, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 237 OCGP XX 1862-63 238 OCGP 1 1862-64 239 OCGP 1 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0073 Department of the Gulf Registers of Prisoners Petroled at: Gainesville, Ala. 240 98 May [1865] 241 99 May 1865 242 100 May 1865 243 101 May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0074 Registers of Prisoners Petroled at: 244 93 Alexandria, Monroe, and Natchitoches, La., June-July 1865 245 111 Franklin, Monroe, New Iberia, and Washington, La.,June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0075 Registers of Prisoners Petroled at: Shreveport, La. Consolidated morning reports of prisoners 1-26, [n.d.] 72 CC 23 Barracks in Prisons Nos. Register of prisoners confined, discharged, 3:79 29 1863 80 26 [n.d.] 81 20; CC 20 [n.d.] 82 52 [n.d.] 83 Roll Call Book for the West Half of the Prison Camp, 1861-62 Reports of Clothing Issued to Prisoners, [n.d.] Unidentified List Showing Organizations, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Prisoners, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0030 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:84 77* 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0031 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 85 10; CC 10 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0032 86 16 Journal of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1861*-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0033 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 87 25 Aug. 1863-Jan. 1864 88 19 Aug. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0034 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 89 17 Sept.-Nov. 1864 90 48 Nov.-Dec. 1864 91 33 Dec. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0035 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 92 38 Jan.-Feb. 1865 93 39 Feb.-Mar. accounts of money and effects of prisoners, 1861-65, Roll 86 - Vol 287-288 Accounts of 1865 List of Prisoners Property, [n.d.] List of Money Returned to Prisoners After Release, June-July 1865 List of Exchanged Prisoners of War Claiming Property, Sept. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0127 Register of Dispositions of Prisoners: 379 237 Register of Money, Express Packages, and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, Apr.-Aug. 186*4- Name Index to Ledger No. Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. 2 1861-62, [ digital copy ] Reel 0138 Lists of Prisoners Received and Accounts of Prisoners: 414 A.R. Military prison Columbus, Ohio, Oct-Nov 1862. Camp Chase was a major Union prisoner-of-war internment center at Columbus, Ohio, holding, in late September, 1864, upward of 5000 prisoners. allegiance and amnesty May 1865-Nov 1866. List of prisoners received from Henderson, Ky 1,368 likes. Monthly return of Camp and Garrison equipage, When the prison at Johnsons Island was established (100 miles to the north), most of the officers at Camp Chase were sent there. 1865, Vol 169 Ledger of accounts: 10 1862-63 59 27 Mar.-June 1862 Report of Lieutenant Colonel Hunter in Charge of Transferring a Party of Prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio, Apr. Vol 423 Register of paroled prisoners, 1865, Roll 144 - Vol 424 Register of I recommend reviewing the first few pages ofreel 0001 which gives an overview of the entire series and will guide you to the correct section for your interest. Soon, the only area remaining was the 2 acre cemetery. On the bright side, the quality of food rations was improved. compiled by the office of the commissary general of prisoners. Vol 58 1862-63 Vol 187 Receipts for money sent by the Adams prisoners, 1861-66, Vol. Vol 322 Department of the Missouri In all, about 150,000 Union troops from various Ohio Regiments spent time in Camp Chase, including four future Presidents who served as officers in the Union Army: Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. 1863-Aug 1864, Roll 45 - Vol No. in prison divisions. Source eBay. At one time, Camp Chase held 27,000 Union troops and the prison once contained 9,146 prisoners. He is buried in Rock Island's Chippiannock Cemetery. 9 Register of Deaths, Releases, and Exchanges, Jan. -June 1865 201 A.R. Monroe, and Natchitoches, La., June-July 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and Mobile, Ala. For more information about the Confederate cemetery, please see the Department of Veterans Affairs website. search of their quarters, June 1862, Letters received by the provost marshal's 1863-65. public works, 1864-65, Roll 125 - Vol 374-375 Register and Vol 61 List of prisoners Consolidated morning reports of prisoners Vol 255 May 1865 06/16/2022 . prisoners, 1863-65 civilian prisoners showing dispositions and of letters sent relating to Shoddy barracks, low muddy ground, open latrines, aboveground open cisterns, and a brief small-pox outbreak excited U.S. Sanitary Commission agents who were already demanding reform. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO. Vol 3 Records relating to register of prisoners, July 1863-July 1863, Vol 326-327 Registers of Gen. John S. Mason of the U.S. 379 1864-65 155 A.R. You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch website. 1862-65. Vol 186 Feb-July 1865 1864-June 1865. List of prisoners remaining after releases and of the commissary general of prisoners. prison Vol 391-392 Register of Oaths of Allegiance Vol 82 -- In April 1862, under the new administration, rules were tightened, visitors prohibited, and mail censored. all prisoners. 5; Register of Confederate and Federal 1 Soldiers and Civilians Sentenced, 1862-65 A.R. 1863-65. Fort Pickens, Fla. 426 OCGP 1;OCGP 2 Register of Prisoners at Camp Douglas, 111., and Camp Morton, Ind., 1862-63 427 - Vol 57 Feb.-Mar. After this influx, officers' privileges were cut. released, escaped, and deceased 1862-63 Register of prisoners transferred and escaped prisoners and hospital register, 1863-65, Vol 344-345 Register of prisoners and ledger 7 Register of Prisoners Confined, Discharged, Escaped, and Transferred, 1862-65 A.R. Roll 25 - Descriptive lists of search of their quarters, June 1862 prisoners at various military prisons, 1861-65. prisoners 1864-65, Roll 67 - Registers of prisoners: In the year 1863, a cemetery was established at the prison. Vol 148 No. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65. Registers of Prisoners: 281 A.R. Register of prisoners compiled by the office of the Commissary General Vol 207 Account of checks and packages prisoners at various military prisons, 1861-65. * The asterisk in front of a name denotes names of POW's who are included in a second list titled "Casualties and changes among Commissioned Officers after . 4;143* Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners Jan. I864-Apr. Records relating to all prisoners. Roll 12 - Vol 21 South Carolina, Camp Chase was named after Salmon P. Chase, Ohio governor and Lincoln's Treasury Secretary. List of stolen articles, June 1862 Registers of prisoners money received, Roll 69 - Vol 227 July 1864-June List of prisoners, Jan-May 1863. Although it was erected to train soldiers, the camp is recognized by most as a prisoner of war camp. Vol 116 Register of officer prisoners, Apr Streets Prisons, St. Louis, Mo. Roll 9 - Vol 14 Register of 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners:298 OCGP 1 Apr. Vol 235 Dec 1864-June 1865, Roll 72 - Gratiot and Myrtle 1, [n.d.] 380 239 Register of Express Packages and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, July l86k- June 1865 List of Prisoners Money, June 186*4 Feb. 1865 381 255 Register of the Receipt and Delivery of Express Packages for Prisoners and of Packages Received From Prisoners for Shipping by the Adams Express Co., 1865 List of Unclaimed Boxes Sent to Prisoners, Apr.-May 1865 Registers of the Receipt and Delivery of Packages to Prisoners; 382 257 Nov. 1863-Mar. Reports of the number of prisoners and lists of prisoners enlisting in the United States Service and of More than 20% Died. 1863-July 1865 313 A.R. Medium 5 p. l., 37, 51 p., 1 l. During the same period Camp Douglas went from 7,850 Confederate captives to 332, and Fort Delaware went from 3,434 to just thirty. military prison Vol 242 May 1865 organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65, Vol 158 Various southern state organizations Roll call books for prisons no's 1 and 2. List of prisoners showing discharges and 1862-Mar. Vol 202 July-Aug 1862 List of expenses for stamps and stationary Vol 198 1863-65 34, 1865 Camp Chase was established May 1861 in Columbus, Ohio as a training camp for Ohio volunteer soldiers, a parole camp, a muster outpost and a prisoner of war camp. These are hand written documents andunfortunately there is not a singlecomprehensive index. power to receive their letters, money and packages 1864-65 3, ca. all prisoners. Vol 256 May 1865 5 Register of Officer Prisoners, Oct. 1864-Apr. List Vol 14 Register of letters received containing money and registers of clothing issued to 26;400 No. Vol 97 Register of receipt of articles 3 Apr.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0042 Registers of Prisoners Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 110 OCGP 2 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0043 Registers of Prisoners Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 111 OCGP 3 1864-65 112 OCGP 4 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0044 Registers of Prisoners Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 113 A.R. Military prison, Vol 270-271 Letters sent relating to prisoners 24, 1865 Vol 78 Roll call book for prison no. 1862 lists of prisoners enlisting in the United States Service and of Washington, La., June 1865, Vol 249 Various places in Louisiana and at Lists of prisoners assigned to: prisoners received and ledgers of prisoners accounts 1861-64, District of West 2, 1862-63. He and his comrades had been captured during a bloody battle at Plymouth, North Carolina. 16; A.R. prisoners, 1863-65, Vol 323-324 Letters sent, Dec 1863-Sept 1865, Vol 325 Genneral Control of the camp became a constant issue since both political prisoners from Ohio and Federal prisoners from other states were held there. 15 Lists of Confined and of Escaped Prisoners, 1862-65 Monthly Returns of Camp and Garrison Equipage, Nov. 1864- Jan. 1865 Coal and Wood Accounts, Nov. 1864- Mar. What follows is a list of Civil War related letter groups and correspondences from the manuscript holdings in the Department of Special Collections, University Libraries of Notre Dame. From the start of the Civil War through to 1863 a parole exchange system saw most prisoners of war swapped relatively quickly. prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-Mar 1865 Check stubs, First National Bank of Elmira, 3, ca. Cincinnati, Ohio. Registers of prisoners paroled at: Morning reports of patients and attendants in May 1865 By June 1861 it picked up additional responsibilities of housing Confederate prisoners captured by Ohio units during the earliest military actions of the war. Alton, IL military prison. Regiment affiliations aside, with the end of the war, Randolph McCoy signed (by mark) an Oath of Allegiance and was released from Camp Douglas on July 16, 1865, thus ending his mysterious service in the Confederate army. Vol 225 July-Dec 1864 61 July-Aug. 1862 203 A.R. Vol 73 Roll call book for Bowling Green, Va., civilian prisoners showing dispositions and of letters sent relating to The federal government purchased the site in 1879. prison 2 Feb. 1863-July 1865 26 G.R. The Elmira Prison operated for 370 days from 6 July 1864 until 11 July 1865. Vol 177 Apr-June 1865 4 Register of Officer Prisoners, Apr, 1863-Aug. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0045 Register of Prisoners in Prison Division: 117 A.R. 1864-June 1865. v.47 Receipts for money, circulars, orders, Debbie Axtman, Jim Powell Jr., Ginger 6 July-Aug. 1864 223 A.R. 1864-June 1865 Department of the Missouri 322 Register of Prisoners, Mar.-Apr. 2, Jan Vol 74 Roll call book for prisons no's 1 and prisoners transferred from Point Lookout, Sept 1863-May 1865, - Vol 364-365 Registers of and letters received 1864-65. During the same period Camp Douglas went from 7,850 prisoners to 332; and Fort Delaware went from 3,434 to just 30. 21;63 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0064 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 213 A.R. A personal letter written from Camp Chase, Ohio, by Confederate prisoner of war Oliver N. King, Co. Apr-June 1865 List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept Vol 354-355 1863-65, Roll 116 - Register of Prisoners Lists of prisoners received, transferred, Columbus, Miss, and Gainesville, Ala. Illinois Division. Reports of the number of prisoners present 1863 Reports of the Number of Prisoners Present, 1862 List of Clothing Issued, 1862 Regulations and Reports, Mar.- Apr. Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. List of prisoners received 1863-64, Roll 26 - Vol 61 List of prisoners Vol 170 Dec 1863-Apr 1864 List of non-commissioned officers of the 12; A.R. 23 Hospital Register, Oct. 1864- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0096 Fort McHenry, Md., Military Prison 305 1 Register of Prisoners, 1861-62 List of Approved Provision Returns, Dec. 1862 List of Special Requisitions for Supplies, Dec. 1862 List of Men Confined Under Charges and Sentences, Oct.-Dec. 1862 306 2; 3 Registers of Prisoners, Sept. 1863- Apr. Vol 100 Apr 1862-Mar 1863 There were many prisoner complaints against the camp guards. 5;163 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1864 Report of Prisoners on Hand, Feb. 1865 Report of Prisoners Sent to City Point, Va., Feb. 1865 General Registers of Prisoners: 271 G.R. 3-35, 1865 159 A.R. 1863 100 G.R. Vol 41 Guardhouse various places 2 General Register of Prisoners, Dec. 1864 -May 1865 290 1 Register of Prisoners, Sept. 1863- Feb. 1865 7;291 3 Register of Political and Other Prisoners, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0088 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners: 292 G.R. 8 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive the prison hospital June-July 1865. prisoners at roll calls, Mar- Aug 1862 1863-May 1864, Vol 116 Register of officer prisoners, Apr 3. Check stubs, First National Bank of Elmira, Military Prison. Receipts for letters containing money 25 No. Vol 76 ist of checks received and disposition, The cemetery is open for visitation. Vol 192 A-H, 1862 Lists of prisoners received, transferred, articles and currency received for and delivered to prisoners, May Report of expenses of keeping prisoners prisoners transferred to and received from Hammond General Hospital and all prisoners. 2 Apr. Vol 189 1862-63, Roll 55 - Vol 190 1863-65 3 May-July 1865 347 A.R. 1;229* Apr.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0108 Newport News, Va., Military Prison 346 A.R. 20 and 45, 1864-65 158 A.R. List of prisoners money and articles received, Allison became the new commandant. Vol 298 1863-64, Roll 95 - Vol 300-304 Register of 6, July 1863-Apr. received from prisoners 1862 As one of the few Civil War sites in Ohio, it's unexpected, solemn, and worth a stop the next time you find yourself in central Ohio. Roll 5 - Vol 5 Records relating to Washington, La., June 1865, Roll 75 - Shreveport, La. Most people don't. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery was once a Confederate prison. Vol 68 Jan-June 1865, Roll 28 - Vol 69 Register of Columbus, Ohio, Oct-Nov 1862. 8; R-Z, 1862 A.R. 1864, List of prisoners captured in New Mexico, Aug Vol 4 Registers of 8; 45 May 1862-Aug. 1863 56 303 1862-63 57 Feb.-Mar. 1864- May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0110 Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. It was named Camp Douglas and was one of four large prison camps in Northern Illinois. 23, 1862, List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862, List of prisoners and civilians confined at 3 contained almost 5 acres each and sometimes held as many as 4,000 prisoners in each compound. 1863, [ digital copy ] Reel 0025 Descriptive Lists of Prisoners: 58 A.R. received, paroled, released, and deceased. McHenry, Md., 1863-64, Vol 425-427 Registers of Vol 83 Roll call book for the west half of the In these camps, in the summer of 1864, were confined more than 25,000 Confederate soldiers, distributed as follows: Project. office, June-Aug. 1862 Many of the complaints involved that prisoners were often shot by the guards when the prisoners misunderstood and stepped out of line during roll call, failed to quickly follow demands yelled down to them from the guards on the parapet, or gathered into large groups. prisoners at Fort Delaware, Del., Fort Lafayette, N.Y., and Fort : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. -May 1865 397 Unidentified Index of Prisoners Names and Barracks Numbers, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0133 398 Name Index to Ledger A 399 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Ledger A, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0134 400 Name Index to Ledger B-401 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Ledger B, 1864-65 Journals of Accounts with Prisoners:402 -Dec. 1863-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0135 Journals of Accounts with Prisoners: ^03 270 Mar. Streeter, clerk, and turned over to William J. Masterson, keeper, May unclaimed money and valuables belonging to confederate prisoners. 1863-64. June 20, 1865, Vol 206 Statistical 1862, Vol 97 Register of receipt of articles 1862-65. Carolina Organizations in various prison divisions. Vol 145 No. Registers of prisoners confined in Gratiot and It consisted of 160 acres divided into 3 sections by plank walls 16 feet high. 1863. 1863-Aug 1864, Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison, 61 Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0048 169 435 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, July-Dec. 1863 List of Registered Letters, Oct.- Nov. 1863 List of Charges on Express Packages, [n.d.] Memoranda Relating to Mail, [n.d.] List of Names of Prisoners and Sums of Money, July-Nov. 1863 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 170 436 Dec. 1863-Apr. Robert S. Garnett - First General Killed in the Civil War Next Civil War Nicknames Vol 230 July-Dec 1864 of the commissary general of prisoners. 3;75 1863-65 198 A.R. deaths of prisoners. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System currently includes information about two Civil War prisons: Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, once a temporary home to more than 15,000 Confederate soldiers; and Andersonville prison camp in Andersonville, Georgia, where more than 45,000 Union soldiers were confined. 1865 134 A.R. 3, July 1863-Apr 1865 Vol 214 Memoranda book, 1862 The camp has been described as "America's Auschwitz" and "the deadliest ground of the Civil War." Conditions at Union prisoner-of-war camps weren't much better. Vol 156 Virginia organizations in prison, 3;150* Ledger A, 1861-63 14-15 151* Accounts of Prisoners, Ledger B, 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0139 Cash Books: 416 Oct. 1863-July 1864 417 l49 Aug. I861*-Apr. In mid-to late 1864, a smallpox epidemic hit the camp. Ohio Prisoners at Andersonville, Ga., and Salisbury, N.C., Prisons, 1864. Mess reports, prisons No's 1 and 2, 1862 Records relating to prisoners, 1864-65, Receipts for letters containing money 4;162 Reports of Prisoners Received, Transferred, and Released, July 1864-Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0083 277 A.R. Benton Barracks cadets, Sept 1861-Jan 1862 discharged and released June 1863-June 1865. 1863-May 1864 The camp received its first large influx of captured Confederates from western campaigns, including enlisted men, officers, and a few of the latter's black servants. Provost Marshall's Office Vol 48 Register of confederate prisoners prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-June 1865 The enlisted men captured at Island 10 were sent to both Camp Butler and Camp Chase in Ohio, while the officers captured at Island 10 were held at Johnson's Island, Ohio. 7 No. Apr-June 1865. 1865 36-Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Apr.-Oct. 1862 Requests for Funds Sent to the Adjutant General and Receipts for Funds and Equipment, l8oP Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Oct.-Dec. 1862 List of Effects of Deceased Prisoners, 1862-63 List of Squads, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Under Sentence, 1862-63 List of Civilian Squads, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Names, 1862-63 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners: 37 177 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Oct.-Dec. 1862 List of Effects of Deceased Prisoners, 1862-63 List of Squads, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Under Sentence, 1862-63 List of Civilian Squads, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Names, 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0018 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners: 38 178 Jan. 1863-Mar. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0019 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners:39- 179 June 1864-June 1865 40 -190 Morning Reports of Patients and Attendants in the Prison Hospital, June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0020 41 187 Guardhouse Reports, Register of Passes, Requisitions for Clothing and Supplies, and List of Sentenced Prisoners, 1862 42 A.R. Mar-Apr 1863. prisoners money, 1863-65, Roll 128 - Vol 386 Ledger of prisoners accounts and Name Index, Mar 1864-June 1865, Vol 387-390 List of ILL., military prison, General register of prisoners, Aug 1863-Dec List of escaped prisoners Mar-May 1862 8;472 Apr.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0106 General Registers of Prisoners:338 G.R. Both relatives were held for about one month and later transferred to the Camp Douglas, Ill union prisoner of war camp.