BOBBY: No worries, Ronnie Anne texted me that he's with her at our house. And its all thanks a comic they made. "S-so many people" Clyde muttered and rocked on his feet. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. The van was filled with the whole Loud family and Bobby. Lincoln proceeds to hug Lola back, and he kisses her damaged eye) Lola, Im sorry for punching you in the face. All of the neighbors also have their jaws dropped. - Ronnie Anne comforted - (kiss Lincoln's cheek) At least you have me. Youre here! Luan and Lynn are holding Lincoln). Lola: Come in, and sit down on the couch. - Lincoln thanked, (Lincoln then eat his eggs, Ronnie Anne turns on the TV to the news forecast). (Lincoln raises his fist and delivers a hard punch on Loris face, knocking her out cold. In addition to a stunning aquamarine puffy dress addressed the shoppers. Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! LUNA: I don't want to disturb them. Lincoln heads upstairs, where Clyde and Ronnie Anne follow), (All ten sisters are in Lori and Lenis room. Lincoln: And dome! Lincoln: (to himself) Thank you, sisters. Lincoln: Aww. - Lori said happy. RONNIE ANNE: S'up, lame-o. "If you say so Lincoln" Clyde muttered and the two walked down the steps. According to Hector, when she was a baby, she had gas and would do a goofy dance. She appears to be the only one in her family not to hate cats, since she watches cat videos. Might as well leave a note. Lincoln: Okay, one more shelf to go, and my Spring Cleaning will be done. (The sisters have reached the end of the comic. Please message me via my pen name, GiovanniGo on FanFiction via the private messaging option. I yelled out something so bad, it felt like the whole town was horrified. - Lincoln answered - You? He puts a lot of trust in you guys! - Ronnie Anne said - So, where are you headed off to? Lincoln and Clyde: We dont want to talk about it. Lincoln, scared at whats happening, struggles to free himself. -Okay- Evil Lincoln answered accumulating a ball of energy, Ronnie Anne did the same with her powers. Lola: You know what I think of this story? A crash! So they decided to create what they destroyed, a comic book., The sisters lured the boy into the living room to read this book so they can say WE'RE SORRY.. (In Lana and Lolas room, the twins are searching their room for something). Please consider turning it on! NOTE: This fanfic is a work in progress. (They furiously approach Lincolns room, but dont see Lincoln in there. The joke of Lincoln's swear being blocked off by crows and everyone reacting appalled to what they just heard is derived from. Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. "Who is it?" Quit it with the repellent! #ships Lincoln began walking away. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. You ignoring us is worse than us ignoring you. (Lori grabs Lincoln by his shirt) Bobby broke up with me! Lola: Because I humiliated my brother, he was so furious at me, that he punched me in the face, which gave me a black eye, and caused some of my teeth to fall out. (to the viewers) As you may know, I am an avid reader of comics and manga. My sisters didnt take my insult well, and they did something harsh to me. Bobby rolls down the window). Halloween is a time for scares, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy, but Lincoln wasn't expecting any of the candy he got this year. - Lori noticed, (Lori then opens the video chat screen and Ronnie Anne and Lincoln are there). "Roll Model with the Casagrandes" reveals that when she was about Carl's age, Ronnie Anne used to mimic Bobby's every move. I know this because hes my bro. The impact of the punch also causes Lola to fall down the stairs. Lincoln glanced at Ronnie Anne and shuddered slightly, hoping she wouldn't try to do anything to him at the party. Now a student on the honor roll at Cesar Chavez Academy,[n 2] Ronnie Anne was known as the toughest girl in Royal Woods Elementary School. Her goal implies she enjoys cooking too. As the heart monitor beeps steadily, Lola slowly opens her undamaged eye and sees the sisters looking at her with deep concern). Lola arrives upstairs, and sees all the sisters dumbstruck). (Lori then stare at the window, looking at the snow, she looks a little down), (At the Santiago Residence, Lincoln is staring at the window, looking at the snow, he is also sad), LINCOLN: Good night, Lori. RONNIE ANNE: Hey, guys! Why did Rita and Lynn Sr hide it from her for her entire life? (Lola, with tears in eyes, hugs Lincoln in happiness, knowing she regained Lincoln's trust. (Ronnie Anne walks into the house and sits down on the couch, where Lola sits next to her). (These words from the heartbroken and enraged child causes the sisters to stop laughing and look at him completely appalled. Lincoln: (yawns, then groans. At 15, having confessed their love for each other, Ronnie Anne visits Lincoln to have their first date since becoming a couple. She has to do something that would lift my spirits from her. - Luna said, (Everyone facepalms for Leni's stupidity; At the park, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are ice skating with Lori and Bobby, while the others are in a field, having a snowball fight), LINCOLN: Man, this is so much fun! "Where could he be?" Who knew I had so many balls? Lincoln: Yeah. Lola: (to the viewers) I did it! So from this day on, Im refusing to say another word to them for as long as I can. Hope you enjoy it. Ronnie Anne is a compassionate and forgiving person, as shown by her accepting Lincoln's apology after he insulted her and apologizing herself for the sloppy joe in "Save the Date" and Lincoln trying to ditch her when she was trying to look for him to ask him to the arcade in "Dance, Dance Resolution" (though he thought she was trying to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins dance). No explosions going off this Spring Cleaning. I have to cut this loose thread on my dress. - Ronnie Anne mentions. #sleepover (The sisters, after hearing why Lincoln put their comic in the trophy case, quickly get all teary-eyed, and hug Lincoln tightly). We hope you have the heart to forgive us. He slides down the slide and dashes off. Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. - Lori moped, (At the Santiago Residence, Lincoln is staring at window, looking at the snow in sadness, he sighs, Ronnie Anne is playing a video game, she see's her boyfriend and approaches him), RONNIE ANNE: What's the matter, lame-o? (Leni continues to choose indecisively as Lori groans in exasperation and Lowie is annoyed, knowing Leni hasnt got this. I didnt want to scratch them. Im the victim, Lincoln is the criminal here! (sobbing) This is your fault! (They see the door is closed behind them), BOBBY: Funny, I thought that was open when I'd arrived. You girls were insulted just because I implemented you in a story that I made! Dicy makes an experiment that was so destructive, that her bedroom is too dangerous to enter? That is not true! I really like this show because I like to make fun of and criticize the male contestants on the show. No vulgar language. (Lincoln hangs up and resume playing video games with Ronnie Anne; At home, Lori and Bobby are on the couch, texting each other, Lola, Lana, and Lucy all run through the door, worried), LORI: Girls, what's the matter? I never knew I was that good. She heads back to her desk). - Ronnie Anne replied, (Ronnie Anne then kiss Lincoln on his cheek, and the two then resume to watch the movie; Lincoln then finds Ronnie Anne sleeping on the couch), LINCOLN: I wonder how Lori is doing. You really are a stinker, first, figuratively, and now literally! -Love your sisters, (Lincoln is moved to tears by this act of apology). Lincoln: Oh, boy! - Lori said - He'll be fine. (At the Loud House, Bobby, wearing a backpack, is outside on the doorway, he knocks on the door and Lori, in her winter clothes, excitedly run downstairs to the door, she opens it and she hugs Bobby) LORI: Bobby Boo-Boo Bear! Sorry about that night. Lincoln yelled the insult so loud, that the surrounding neighborhood is woken up from it. I never knew I had one of these in my room for a while. Leni: Were at the hospital. The sisters, who were watching Lincoln read their comic on the staircase, quietly follow him into the dining room, where they see Lincoln place the comic in the trophy case, right next to his Most Improved Brother trophy), (Lincoln turns around and sees all his sisters standing behind him). - Lincoln complimented, RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, I like yours too. You in here?" - Bobby informed - We're having the best time. (This revelation causes Lola to cry even harder). !" After Lola read these two scenarios, the students would begin to bad mouth the sisters, accusing them for being horrible siblings. (A split screen of Lori appears with her phone), LORI: Lincoln, are you okay?! In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding what to toss out and what to keep. (Chandlers words cause the students to laugh ridiculously hard. Hes capable of doing anything. And as for Lincoln, he has since become the town superhero. It was tonight?! Lana: I know! The combination of these two thoughts inspired me to write this story. Clyde and I are now a laughingstock at school, and Im back to being a single person because my girlfriend broke up with me. First, they laugh at me, but when I told them my girlfriend broke up with me, they stopped., (Lincoln sighs loudly, and closes the journal in despondence), (Lola is being released from the hospital. Starting with Season 3, she now has bags under her eyes, likely from the stress of dealing with a big family like Lincoln. As a baby, Ronnie Anne would soil her diapers and fart a lot.[5]. LORI: Phew. Luna: Listen, little dudette. Lori: Leni, come on! Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! Back at Clydes house, Lincoln regains his sanity, and noticing that nobodys around, he decides to call it quits and heads back to his house and falls asleep). RONNIE ANNE AND LINCOLN: (high five) Awesome! Lola begins to sniffle). His room is always full of knickknacks, so one of these has to be good. Originally, the premise was that all the Loud kids have secret passions, but do them privately in some secluded area. (Lola shows Lincoln the copy of The Home Dome. (Lincoln refuses to answer) Answer me! I was hesitant to do so, since my story ended on such a sweet tone, that I didn't want to continue, but due to the ever growing demand, I decided to do it. LINCOLN: At my house. (Lincoln walks out of his room with 10 sheets of paper. Unaware at what happened, Lana and Ms. Taber head back to their respective desks so they can get back on schedule), (Its recess time. Lincoln: (gasping with horror) Oh, shoot! Lana: Yeah! And the positive effect of snow days: no school and hanging with my sisters. KernickyMaybelleMargaritaParRomeoYoon Kwan Kingston. LINCOLN: Nice place you got here, Ronnie Anne. (whispers) I have marshmallows. Lori: Lola, we have to tell you something, and it's not happy. I've had that thought for a couple months, but never thought how I should execute it, until I thought "What if Lincoln had a secret so deep, Lola told everyone?" (Lincoln looks worried) Im surprised that you like to watch a romantic drama on your own TV, and you got covered in your own sisters mess. The Loud family used the boatload of money they had to fix up their house and buy a new van after Vanzilla was destroyed. ARGGH! Winter, my favorite season of the year. (As Lucy goes through the books she owns, she comes across her Princess Pony book. (As the two hug each other, the sisters are happy to know that the two finally made amends), (Lincoln, Clyde, Lucy, Lana, and Lola arrive at school. Lori: Lola, we know how to get Lincoln to love you again. Clyde: Hey, man. Lori: Finally! Tell us! Lincoln: (spits the bar of soap out of his mouth) Girls? (Lincoln and Clyde continue to play arcade games for a few more hours. Im back. - Lori said - I wonder how Lincoln is doing. Ronnie Anne is a Mexican-American girl with dark tan skin (tan in season 1), black hair worn in a low ponytail, freckles on her cheeks, and two buck teeth that stick out of her mouth. (Lincoln quickly grabs a blanket and opens up the inflatable slide on his window. Lola: (sighs) Okay, dont get mad, but do you remember how that secret about Lincoln spread around school? By the way, hows that comic book youre making going? Luan: He said that you have to perform an act of kindness that would lift his spirits. Back at Clydes another commercial break appears). Danas jokes are so bad, she should try to take lessons from a real comedian. (Lola is startled at Lucys appearance) What are you reading? Lincoln walks into his room, pulls out his personal journal, and begins writing), Lincoln: (voice-over) Im feeling really happy now. (to Lincoln and Clyde) Come on, Ill drop you guys off at your house. LORI: Aw man, now we can't even go on our date! Shes deeply sorry for humiliating you at school. Lincoln Loud glanced both ways to make sure no one was around. Accidentally Lola crashed into tree. Now they must work together as a family to find a way back, understand and control their new forms and powers, find their place in a town that fears them, and stand together when their home is threatened, Neo Storm Side Stories are a set of one-short side stories, some Chapters are set within the Main Story line and contain NSFW Content, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (24), Hilda Series - Luke Pearson & Stephen Davies (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr./Adelaide Chang, Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. & Adelaide Chang, Lincoln Loud/Lynn Loud Jr./Lucy Loud/Stella Zhau, Sid Chang/Lincoln Loud/Ronnie Anne Santiago, Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House), Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, Ronnie Anne Santiago is a good girlfriend, Hilda Series - Luke Pearson & Stephen Davies, Johanna | Hilda's Mum (Hilda)/Original Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Ronnie Anne Santiago/Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers.
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