That's it, were getting a restraining order on you. The demon Book 1 A mistaken trust leads Naruto to be neglected due to his Jinchuuriki sisters; as time passes Naruto fades from notice of his family and his village. (Satsumi smiled at him, Kyuubi gave a smirk, and Tsunade gave a smile) I like Hiruzen, Kakashi, Shizune, my teammate Sai, the Uzumaki clan, and the Senju clan. Triplet brother of Naruto and Naruko. When Sasuke walked back to the stand, he gets hugged by Satsumi for defending her. But what if the chunin exams pulled him back into Konoha? The shrub with flowers that she protects is home to all things "My eyes widened when I felt arms sneak around my waist trapping me in his hold. His parents are alive, yet they treat him worse than trash, the villagers bring him to death's door almost every day, and his siblings and peers bully and beat him. He's got bruises and cuts everywhere. what if he was neglected by all but a vew? Tsunade | Narutopedia | Fandom I will never marry you. It's his fault that I'm a slave. In his last moments, Kurama asked the Shinigami to repleace him with nine other souls so that Naruto can have a family that will always be there for him. cuddling is a guilty pleasure non can escape, Alternate Universe - The Walking Dead would be second, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Shisui & Uzumaki Naruto, Konohagakure | Hidden Leaf Village Has Issues, Kyuubi | Nine-tails | Kurama & Uzumaki Naruto Friendship, Nara Shikamaru & Uzumaki Naruto Friendship, crickets were harmed in the making of this prank, kinda hes still dumb but hes got a reason to think harder, Rebuilt Uzushiogakure | Hidden Eddy Village, We Take Canon Out Back And Put It Out Of Our Misery, Foundation (Build It Higher, Bury It Deeper), This Heart Is In Ruins (But There Are Forests And Whirlpools Still), And yet somehow fluff still works its way in argh. For the next seven years, Naruto trained under the tutelage of Chiriku. You are no longer Hokage. This is the story of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! Konohagakure | Narutopedia | Fandom Throughout his life young Naruto has never experienced love, his has been shunned and harmed by the village and neglected by his family. I have no business doing this but I'm already planning out my next buy so whatever. it didn't matter that he was alone now, it didn't matter Akatsuki was still hot on his heels. he was trained by the three sannin,and maybe the sage of the six path. Feminine Naruto After 8 years he returns, and soon his friends notice his changes, comparing him to the fox-boy they knew. They perform high ranking missions such as assassination and torture. (she takes him to her room to keep him safe and goes outside) I'm teaching those jerks a lesson and you're not going to stop me. Gaara comes to miss his company, and comes up with a plan- a plan to lure Naruto to pledge his loyalties to Suna, where, according to the Sand Siblings, he really belongs. NO GOD MODE! ", Naruto: (angry) "Liar! After he graduates he lets go of his mask, tired of having to pretend to be happy. ', Yugao (thought): (also enraged) 'Nobody hurts my little Nii-San and gets away with it. (then he turns angry) She's not my sister. He was always bullied whether it be when he was younger or in high school. He goes to Sand, putting the past behind him. Also this is my first story!! What if he isn't really Naruto? *What if Naruto had siblings? Mature. Her Sister was always seen as a Hero by everyone and Her parents. On his tenth birthday, his father locked him inside his room with sound proof seals. With his decision Naruto gains one furry friend in his mind, along with a few others. Later Anko is still mad at Kurenai), (Kurenai then starts thinking about it and starts crying), (later at the Chunin Exams after Sai tells everyone about what happened to Naruto, they have different reactions), (however, Shizune and Yugao heard that thought and plan on telling Inko about it. Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. This for her and Hinata. ", Anko: (comforting) "Don't worry, we'll help him. Later, Team 7 are making introductions), (they know who she's talking about but Naruto doesn't believe that and Kushina frowns), (she is given glares from her former kids), (they are happy about his dream but Reiny was sad that he didn't mention her in his list of likes. His dream is to help Naruto defeat their parents and bring glory to the clan. Naruto realised quickly that she was different from the other children. Someone who gives him some different feeling other than sadness. Yes. -- Hair too bright. *What if the villagers treat Naruto as a Demon? Before his banishment, Naruto is treated like crap by his 'friends'. There is no freedom in being a shinobi! The boy spat, his cerulean gaze enraged as he glared ahead. It didn't matter because no one would have cared, he was always supposed to be a monster, and Jiraiya was a hero. He then becomes an Anbu after he was done with the villagers hate and abuse. He went somewhere that he appreciated and loved him for who he was, no matter the burden he carried, and he returned it with care. My dream is to help Naruto complete his dream. But what happens if one could see through a those and everything falls apart? (then she heals his cheek and was curious) Naruto, why did she slapped you? My dream is to help a certain person achieve his goal. What will he do if he is tortured and neglected until The kyuubi no kitsune talks to him and gives him something his parents never gave him love. ", Naruto: (introduction) "My name is Naruto Uzumaki Senju. They even tried to take away his chakra so he wouldn't succeed. Cookie Notice My Fanfic, the Abandoned Child! Chapter 1! | Naruto Amino Uzumaki Naruto Leaves Konoha Oiroke no Jutsu | Sexy no Jutsu Missing-Nin Uzumaki Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen Bashing The Author Regrets Nothing Non-Linear Narrative Non-Consensual Somnophilia Other Additional Tags to Be Added Dead Dove: Do Not Eat jiraiya bashing POV Multiple Angst Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence However Naruto is rescued by Shisui, and taken in by him. A chance to change it all. She is famed as the world's strongest kunoichi and its greatest medical-nin. ", Tsunade: (angry) "I swear Minato's a dead beat. Secretly though, he trains with Kurama to become strong. ", Minato: (shocked) "Naruto's attending the academy? What if he was a genius, that surpassed even itachi? To reduce the number of beatings he is forced to endure, he pretends to be a happy go lucky dead last idiot. However, they were confused by the pervy sage part), (Tsunade glares at Jirayia, who barely cares), (however, Kushina and Reiny scowl at her for wanting to take away their Naruto's innocence but Naruto and Satsumi didn't care and held hands, making Mai even more jealous and Sasuke to smile at his sister's happiness), (this made them sweat drop but Naruto laughs before he looks sad), (later, Minato's team is giving introductions), (this makes Sasuke angry while Itachi secretly scowls in disgust), (Itachi smirks and playfully shakes his head at this while Minato sighs in annoyance because he realizes that Sasuke only cares for Naruto and Itachi. When you feel slighted by everyone around you, you will try to escape it, even if it hurts you, even if you still wish for everything to be good again. ", Naruto: (sad) "It's not fair. I dislike demons. Watch as Naruto sets out to show Konoha and his family what he can do. And she will be on your team when you and her graduate. When villagers attacked him, Minato didn't bother to sentence them and blamed his son. What if naruto has two sisters - Mito and Naruko? He is intelligent and knows what's goin on around him, furthermore he possesses a power never before seen in the ninja world. He ends up in Kiri and hits it off with mei. ANBU, find their sensei and arrest him. Left behind, left alone and cold where before there was only a soft sort of warmth and a steady kind of safety, Naruto wails. No way, I only like a girl for who they are while they like me for who I am. Learned it through the taunts of the other children and the sting of the matron's hand on her cheek. Wrong when the rookie 9 and guy's team hold a fun get together on October 10 (naruto's birthday but they don't know that) aka. The King's Harem is actively under construction!! Uzumaki-Namikaze Naru Naruto is neglected, abused, and raped. Work Search: Triplet sister of Naruto and Menma. (Kakashi smiles at his younger god-brother, Shizune smiled at what he said, Hiruzen smiled at his surrogate grandson, and both clans smile at their member) I dislike the Namikaze clan, my abusive sister, my biological parents, fangirls, Kurenai, Pervy Sage, getting blamed for pranks I don't do, and being neglected by certain people. ", Sasuke: (growling) "What the h**l is Minato's problem? Will the past become forgotten? Atlast Oroch What if the Namikaze clan had a special bloodline trait. Theyd been at war against a chakra goddess for well over a decade. Her Sister was always seen as a Hero by everyone and Her parents. ', Reiny (thought): (furious) 'Don't worry my little nii-san, I will make them pay for what they did to you. When Naruto broke out, Minato announced he never wanted Naruto to be a ninja. Well I wouldn't call one of them human. I like the precious people that respect him. he is neglected by his parents for his Brother ( Menma) and his sisters Nayami and Kira. [Cover Credits: @helloweirdstranger] You are the one that should apologize. What if Naruto were the Child of Destiny even without the ninetails? Becomes Itachi's best friend. It was the end of the line for him The younger sister of Naruto and admires her brother. -- (Naruto hugs her) Also, Haku Momochi is officially pardoned. So while he hadnt really expected to be promoted too hed still After the loss of his wife and his predecessor, Minato throws himself into his work, leaving his son almost entirely alone. *What if Naruto got neglected By his Parents? After he graduates he lets go of his mask, tired of having to pretend to be happy. I hereby declare Arashi and Reiny Uzumaki as the heirs of the Uzumaki clan. Naruto was neglected all his life because of his sister, Kameko. He's orphaned, has no friends and no one to depend on. Later when Naruto is slapped by Kushina for "lying", Reiny sees this and angrily pushes her mother away), (she walks out the door before Kushina could stop her. Natsumi Uzumaki: Long red hair, adorable, white t-shirt dress, and black shoes. P.s i dont own naruto:). She still is in contact with her brother and gives him helpful advice. Staying the way he was is a nightmare. What if Minato and Kushina survived the Nine Tails Attack? It changes everything. I never really finished it but it was enjoyable from the few chapters I read. She calms down and continues) I like having a happy family. Started at - 8 May 2021 Ended at - 17 October 2021. He escaped a situation that was determined to keep him down and make sure he stayed there. Naruto and his friends give her an sympathy looks for her having to be with Kiba, who was already disliked by the school and his clan for his alpha male complex) Team 9 is Rock Lee, TenTen, and Neji Hyuga. I do not own and am not affiliated with Naru UNEDITED: sucky writing and such, and a lot of confusing parts. I'm your big sister and I will take care of you. P.S the Naruto finally found someone to be with. What would happen when Naruto found the power that comes with the bloodline? Learned it like the blood that sat at the back of her throat when she bit her tongue to contain the fire inside her. My dream is to understand Naruto and defeat Itachi. (she smirks at Naruto, who groans since she is older than him but he still holds her hand and smiles, ignoring a jealous glare from Mai) I like his precious people. His sister is trained while he is left alone and forgotten in her shadow even when he is a prodigy and is made an ANBU when he is only 8 ye Naruto has always been overlooked and hated by her parents whilst her siblings became spoilt and arrogant. Naruto has a twin sister named Mito and she is loved by all unlike Naruto who has the nine-tails sealed inside him. The Naruto you knew had escaped from the abusive village you know as Konoha. ), I'm keeping track for when I. break that. "Worship the Lady in Black and she'll give you powers beyond imagination, boy. He's scorned by the villagers, has no friends or family. "You're no longer Uzumaki Naruto. I love my younger brother Naruto. Despite this, he's still his childhood self at heart and has standards like he didn't approve of how his rival treated Shizune and showed complete remorse for having Minoto killed. ", Anko: (angry) "Kurenai, you don't know how much pain Naruto is in. He might just get everything he ever wanted, and everything he never knew he needed. Kakashi, Naruto's Maybe it was because Naruto didn't and did know. He also is mad at his sister Reiny because she was declared clan heir and was told to marry him in order to keep him contained. Naruto is absolutely despised in Konoha and decides to leave and rebuild uzugakure-On Hiatus! I love my family. Naruto holds Naruto is not all what he seems. Betrayed by almost all of his friends and so called family Naruto is placed in the Konoha jail where he is tortured for years. I think I was looking for a boil release fanfic and this popped up anyway hope this helps FanfictionBot 3 yr. ago So he ran away with nothing but the clothes on his back. Then they want Reiny to marry me for power. Tldr; Naruto joins the Akatsuki with a lot of shenanigans, Where did the comedy go why is this only angst and plot, Naruto and his twin sister accidentally find one of orochimarus abandoned labs and discovering someone that will change their lives, After discovering that he is a jinchuuriki Naruto decides to leave the village and train to become stronger and gain the respect of the population. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). NO GOD MODE! Dried him off, fed him, and let him take a bath, even giving him clean clothes. At such a young age and at the cost of losing family members, spouses and even friends. How were they supposed to know about the way the world worked? What if Naruto had a brother and sister? He was given the name 'Death's Angel' at the age of 5; he was After a rather nasty beating, resulting in losing his right arm, Hiruzen employs the help of his son to get Naruto out of the village. Naruto tries to run away from the village in the end finds something better than independence. I will always His dream is to rule the village, take control of his little brother Naruto, and make all jinchuuriki off-springs as his weapons. Stop looking back if you don't want to go back Kinya.". Is that you? I love my brother and sister. Naruto was wounded at birth, officially making him unable to use chakra, barring a miracle. However, he wonders about the last name) Team 8 is Hanabi Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. Once the whole Kyuubi is sealed inside Naruto, he is the main target of all abuse. I do not own naruto and probably never will Need to put that out there stupidly enough because someone could definitely think t Naruto banished from the village after bringing Sasuke back to the village.
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