I lied, and I did lots of sin. My guess is that youre in the wrong church. Its used for more than just the devilits used for anybody who is an adversary, like those who fought against the Israelites. You speak of Rob Bell. Let me encourage you to go ahead and be baptized. Other people need to see US, too. Jesus was in the world. This second birth is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It didnt make me reject the views just to gain more insight on them. Also, if youre able, Id love to hear how the conversation goes! To me, that isnt enough evidence to Change what was said in the Old Testament. Make plans for a full life, knowing that youre not in control of the universe. Lets say theyre right. What are you scared about? If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. Does that make sense? This does not contradict the Bible in any way. We know that Jesus did not sin. Have a great day! Its okay to speculate. Doesnt it seem like every sinner who has heard the gospel but has not yet been born again has denied God? A: Congratulations on your new grandchild! In highschool I discovered pornography and this soon progressed to homosexual porn. Baptism is good, and you should be baptized when you are ablebut being baptized wont wash away your sins. Im much older than you are, so Ive sinned much more than you have. Read more in 2 Corinthians 5: We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. From a biblical perspective, it doesnt matter at all. Jesus says no one comes to the father except through me, my problem is I would rather rest with Jesus most sacred heart any day than be with a wrathful angry God.I ask Jesus to protect me and hind me in his most sacred wounds and his precious heart from gods wrath, anger, ultimate power, destruction and vengeance.My secret is out I do not want to be with God I want to be with Gods gentle, loving, kind, peaceful and only begotten son. There were times when church was the last place I wanted to be and I was a pastor! Acts 2:38 Repent (turn away from sin), and be baptized every one of you in the NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The sounds (notes) cant be good or bad. Oneness folks wont do that, as they dont believe in the Trinity. Does that make sense? Ill try to simplify, if possible. God the Father loved the world and gave His only Son to save us. Heaven isnt a place you earn the right to live in. Tell her that youre worried about her, and that you want to be together forever. I dont know if your Grandpa is in Heaven. make me a channel of your peace Youve sinned. Thats also nonsense. Gina is part of a group of oneness folks, who believe not just that Jesus is God, but that God all of God is Jesus. (Mark 1:8). The important question is whether youve been born again, Deborah. My mom prayed for my dads salvation for 15 years, with no change. Christians begin this process before they die. He said that nobody would see the kingdom of God unless theyre born again. If theres ANYTHING that I can do to help you, please dont hesitate to let me know. Nothing wrong with that. You can read them online anytime. Thats why Jesus said I and the Father are one because they are. Jesus paid the penalty for all sin, for all people, for all time. First, its nice to meet you! If you trust God with your life, you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. People tend to think, Surely a message such as mine will convince people that God is real, and that they should heed my warning, and that I can help bring about revival. Maybeand maybe not. Many people are taught to be Christians without having much of an idea about faith or repentance. In this case, God told Noah that he could eat anything. For some like myself whose relationships with our earthly fathers wasnt so great, its good to keep in mind that God is not like that. Thats one of the hard things about life. What you describe is actually pretty common. We should baptized by following the example set for us in Scripture. We all want to hear from Him, but we seldom do. But no where does it specifically refer to Jesus doing that in reference to animals. Ill give you my PayPal email. Let me know if you have any questions. Heres the video: I would be very happy to help you with this, Ted. First is to never have sex, the other is to force themselves only to have sex with the gender they arent attracted to. For the record, the word Lucifer only appears in the King James Bibleand then only one time. It was a heartbreaking tragedy. However: nobody is served by having their dumb ideas bronzed. I believe in God but i am terrorised and terrified of his almighty power. God knows all things. Is it too late to be forgiven? You cant earn that. First things first. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit, without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. This is confirmed by Pope Pius IX, in "Quanto conficiamur moerore," August 10, 1863 (DS 2866) "God in His supreme goodness and clemency, by no means allows anyone to be punished with eternal punishments who does not have the guilt of voluntary fault." ( Genesis 2:7) Likewise, when Adam died, he returned to dust and ceased to exist. (Note the King James version which while written in an English format, also allowed Divorce, which wasnt legal at the time. Which is fairly more secular compared to what I listen to. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abrahams side. Hebrews 4:15 says For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. The Bible explains this: we share some of Gods character, which is why we can be so incredible but we often choose to do things our own way, on our own, for selfish reasons. God will answer my prayers, God will only answer if its in his plan. I thought I was a Christian then. Sin is no longer the issue because, as that passage tells us, all died when Jesus died for us. 22:18-19 says: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things,, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. The Bible tells us that everyone has been forgiven. I read the book many times and I didnt seem to have a problem with it. Your original question (on Facebook) included an article from the United Church of God. Logically speaking, wouldnt That mean he was praying to himself? Rev. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. Why did Lucifer rebel against God? I was very surprised. How can we get to heaven without baptism? Its frightening for me to imagine that the sameWell.Creator, God, that demolished Sodom and Gomorrah for their glut of sin would allow monsters such as Hitler or Robespierre free entry into Heaven with saints, popes, Jesus. Dont be critical, but be encouraging. I lived in another place where I was no where near god, I had forgotten about him. The main point here, in response to your comment, is that baptism was always a public ceremony. Its a bitter sweet feeling. People probably dont need to hear that youve had miraculous dreams, but they definitely do need to hear the gospel. If we want to be with God, we will accept His offer of love and help. Have a great day! Youre just braver than most, to say what you think. Maybe YOUR church sucks. Dont spread your dreams, which might be only for you. The Sacrament of Baptism is often called "The door of the Church," because it is the first of the seven sacraments not only in time (since most Catholics receive it as infants) but in priority since the reception of the other sacraments depends on it. >> Matthew 25 was written before ad70 and has been finished. I teach things as I understand them, and I have no problem with people disagreeing. And then once you believe, then Jesus 3 criteria comes into play. So many keep saying his the Lord spoke to them, how they had a dream, a sign. Dont listen to me, either. The question isnt really what to do with your body after youre dead, but what to do with your spirit while youre alive. I will accept Gods judgement on me. Do you think the prophets in the Old Testament, and John the Baptist and Jesus, were too harsh when warning people about judgment? Stupid? If you can, explain the gospel to her. The aborted or unborn child that dies, along with all children that die not reaching the age of accountability, are in heaven. Why accept one thing that Jesus taught and reject another? There are 3 Steps to Salvation that Jesus declared that we MUST do! I would guess because he opposes what God wants to do. That means that He will always do what is right, and will never be unfair. I dont pray a lot but I do believe in him. Do the rules change about sin or have we gotten the whole Gay and Christian thing wrong? The New Testament is clear that everyone will either be in Heaven or Hell. If your parents will allow it, you should be baptized. In ancient Israel, baptism was a public ceremony where a person was dunked in a MIKVEH. I dont consider myself an expert on his teaching, but Ive spent some time on it. I ask, are they really being taught if Christs life and teachings are not the central lesson. One is something you choose to do, the other is an involuntary emotional attraction. Very likely, youll feel this way again (and again) as you continue to grow and study. Judaism and Christianity are entirely monotheistic. So the baby was carried in a small deal box, under an ancient woman's shawl, to the churchyard that night, and buried by lantern-light, at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer to the sexton, in that shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid. A lot of people, not understanding the trinity, have a hard time understanding the Holy Spirit. Im not sure who youre replying to. I could be wrong, but you should trust yourself. Baptism is in Mathew many scriptures is a part of salvation book of John you must be born of the water and the spirit or you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven therefore it seems you cannot remove or lessen it those who done good to the resurrection to die like Jesus and rise a new life water is his method the simple confound us . The question isnt whether youve been dunked, but whether you trust God with your life. You should not feel guilty and stressed about this. Its a ritual that tells your community of faith that youve joined them. I believe so because my sistera favorite color was yellow and she always appears to another sister and I as a butterfly.. I also understand in my heart that Jesus Christ saved us all, sinners and saints alike. I think so. So he decided to have Uriah killed and then marry Bathsheba. Much later, He told the Israelites to not eat pork and a bunch of other stuff. The same is true of God, Son and Holy Ghost (John 14:26 But the Comforter, which IS the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in MY name..). Thanks! I mean, I dont know if one day Ill suddenly fall in love with a man. Thats why Peter, in Acts 2, told people who wanted to be saved that they should repent and be baptized. You didnt do one without the other. There must be a difference between being saved and just having everlasting life. This machine keeps her alive, and runs on electricity. The idea that they might disguise themselves as a person we know has no basis at all. The Bible tells us that God has been working on you for your whole life. You know how sometimes youre walking along, and the pace youre at makes you think of a song, out of nowhere? I have a few thoughts about this. If youre concerned, make sure to pray for your grandmother (starting now, in case you havent). Youre clearly not rejecting Godyou seem to want more of Him. - user32 Feb 21, 2014 at 18:40 If you are not hearing from God, your dreams have no spiritual importance. We can read about Gods love for us in the three parables in Luke 15 which, not surprisingly, express that we are valuable and cherished by God. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich mans table. We would hang out a bit, get to know each other, maybe become good friends. Being good isnt the measurement. Thats not at all what Jesus taught. If you havent done so already, you should stop reading right now and talk to God. If youre looking for information about Christianity which will help you grow quickly I can recommend ministries like Stand to Reason, Cross Examined, Cold Case Christianity, and Reasonable Faith. Life is such a beautiful gift from God.