Rest periods may not be accumulated nor may rest periods be used to "make-up" time. The State shall display the Bargaining Unit 14, Printing and Allied Trades, Union label on printed or copied material when the work has been performed by a Unit 14 employee. related to COVID-19. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement (e.g. PLP 2020 shall be requested and used by the employee in the same manner as vacation/annual leave in Section 8.1. Effective August 1, 2006, all full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall cease Educational Leave accrual, as provided in section 8.28.3 Educational Leave. In accordance with Government Code sections 19063 through 19063.8, priority consideration shall be given to individuals receiving public assistance under the CalWORKS program. (CDE). The Committee will endeavor to complete this classification study within one year from the start. PLP 2020 shall be administered consistent with the existing payroll system and the policies and practices of the State Controller's Office. On Friday, April 15, 2022, our Union met with the California specifically in terms of information security. The Departments recognize and understand the importance of reducing overtime to Unit 17 employees. Contact us to form a union in your workplace with SEIU Healthcare Minnesota! the provisions of Article 21.4. coworkers who faced reduced hours. If it becomes necessary to temporarily float employees to another Unit 20 position in order to provide coverage, each work location (unit and shift) shall establish a rotational system that distributes floating on an equitable basis. negotiators on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, to make the case California At the employee's request, the State shall send the second portion of the split urine specimen (Sample B) to another certified drug testing laboratory of the employee's choice, and the State shall pay for the test when the test of Sample B fails to confirm the test of Sample A. If for some reason, other than specified previously, it becomes necessary to change an employee who has exercised the employee's eligibility for a bid assignment, that employee shall be job changed to a new post possessing similar RDO's on the same watch, if available and if requested by the employee. The change is made at the request of the employee. Agreement status. Alternate range to become effective on first day of the pay period following approval by QRP. point we reached out to the Department. on COVID Testing and N95 Masks is a top priority. Tamekia Robinson, our Vice President of "Employees." Limits on Bid: An employee may not make more than one (1) successful open assignment bid. In addition, a department head or designee may, upon thirty (30) days notice to affected employees cancel or make permanent changes to flexible work hours, alternate work schedules, or reduced work time schedules. PREAMBLE ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION 1.1 Recognition 1.2.1 Designation of Confidential Positions (Unit 1) 1.2.4 Designation of Confidential Positions (Unit 4) . system in early October. If a specific position was indicated for the voluntary request, and was changed or no longer needed, the nursing supervisor will make all reasonable attempts to notify the affected BU 20 CNA. team members of updating and/or reissuing employee policies and requiring that In exceptional (uncommon) situations not covered by section 25.6.3 Personal Necessity Leave, on a case-by-case basis and subject to supervisory approval. and DMV employees across the state. Approval for the use of accrued compensating time off (CTO), holiday credit, personal holiday, or vacation/annual leave credits shall not be rescinded unless the State determines the employee's presence is necessary for coverage, workload, or the continuation of services. point we reached out to the Department. The vacated post shall be subject to the continuous post and bid process. We will stay For purposes of this section, "non-mandatory" training is training or education where attendance is generally requested/initiated by an employee and is not required by the department. The parties recognize that situations arise where circumstances necessitate the immediate removal of the person from the work area for reasons related to the safety of persons or property, disruption of program or operations, or investigation for any disciplinary action or commission of a crime. about the process and potential outcomes. Personal Necessity Leave may be utilized by an eligible employee who has sufficient leave. A maximum of two (2) personal leave days may be carried over from one school year to the next. Search Results. California state employees represented by SEIU Local 1000 will receive a 4.55% raise when their full pay is restored next month under an agreement finalized Friday. If management fills the position it shall be counted neutral until the next twenty-four (24) month bid cycle. and 49 CFR 40 et al. Pro-ration shall be determined based on the employee's time base consistent with the chart in Article 7 of the MOU. A Seasonal Clerk employee will be eligible for holiday pay on a pro rata basis, based on hours worked during the pay period for observed holidays specified in Article 7 of this Contract in accordance with the following chart. that this change is moving to be in line with Contact Center Thereafter, all other BU 20 LVNs will be provided the same volunteer overtime opportunity once, assuring each BU 20 LVN is provided an opportunity for one sign up before returning to the most senior employee and beginning the process again (i.e., the rotation will again start at the top of the seniority list and work its way down). To this end, the Department will make every effort to schedule staff in a manner that will reduce the need for mandatory overtime. When an employee is assigned out-of-class work, the employee shall receive the rate of pay the employee would have received pursuant to Title 2 California Code of Regulations sections 599.673, 599.674, or 599.676 if appointed to the higher classification. SEIU Local 1000 fought hard for the contract right that our percent (20%) of their time or equivalent to one day a week. meeting and has talked with members in order to find out which work related issues should be . The lists above as modified by any successful protest(s) shall be the sole determinants of seniority for post and bid selections during the respective bidding periods. The employee shall remain in the altered post assignment/position until such time as the employee successfully bids or applies for a new post assignment/position. The overtime lists will be followed except where precluded by emergency. During the meet and discuss, management and the union shall determine if a walk up or paper bid process will be conducted. The Bank shall consist of sick leave credits donated by Unit 3 employees at the State Special Schools and Diagnostic Centers. Shift changes required by emergency situations shall last no longer than the emergency that occasioned the change. There regarding the impacts of the implementation of the RealID Seniority scores will be determined by counting one point for each month of full-time BU 20 qualifying service (i.e., from full-time hire date, less any time off for unpaid leave, suspensions, etc). Some of the major details from the JLMC discussion "The employee does not have the option to receive the employer contributed amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement directly instead of having them paid to the retirement system.". Registration Operations Divisions (ROD) suspension of telework. State Safety members first employed by the State prior to January 15, 2011, are subject to the State Safety A Retirement Formula. The majority of the layoffs affect bargaining units 17 and 20; Much like the first meeting, our DMV H.E.A.T. Seniority: Seniority is determined by permanent full-time status employees with the greatest amount of continuous permanent full-time statewide seniority in the class. 1.2.4 Designation of Confidential Positions (Unit 4), 3.2 Release of Home Addresses: Non-Law Enforcement Employees, Article 6 - GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURES, (As specified in section H of Article 18.3.4), 8.10 Release Time for State Civil Service Examinations, 8.11 Release Time for State Personnel BoardHearings, 8.12 Leave Credits Upon Transfer in StateService, 8.33 Time Off for Victims of Domestic Violence (Notice of Rights Under Labor Code 230.1), (As specified in section H (1), (2), (4), and (5), of Article 18.3), 10.4 Injury and Illness Prevention Programs(IIPP), 10.21 Workplace Violence and Bullying Prevention Program, 11.8 Night Shift Differential (Excludes Units14, 15, 17 and 21), 11.9 Bilingual Differential Pay (Excludes Units 17 and 21), 11.10 Sustained Superior Accomplishment Awards, 11.11 Union-Management Committee on StatePayroll System, 11.12 Deferred Compensation Plans and Tax Advantage Retirement Savings, 11.13 Tax Deferral of Lump Sum Leave CashOut Upon Separation, 11.17 Recruitment and Retention Differentials(Excludes Unit 17), Article 12 - ALLOWANCES AND REIMBURSEMENTS, 12.10 Damaged or Destroyed Personal Property (Excludes Unit 17), 12.11 Uniform Replacement Allowance (Excludes Units 15 and 20), 12.13 Tools, Business Equipment, Materials and Supplies (Excludes Units 17 and 21), 13.1 Performance and Evaluation Materials, 13.2 Personal Performance Session (Excludes Unit 17), 13.3 Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Excludes Units 17 and 21), 13.35.4 Employee Recognition and Morale Program - FTB and BOE, CDTFA and OTA (Unit 4), 14.2 Out-of-Classification Grievances and Position Allocation Hearing Process, 14.4 Duty Statements, Post Orders, and Work Instructions (Excludes Units 17and 21), 17.1 First Tier Retirement Formula (2% @ 55), 17.7 Public Employees' Pension Reform Act(PEPRA) of 2013, 17.8 Tax Treatment of Employer RetirementContributions, 17.10 1959 Survivor's Benefits - Fifth Level, 19.4 Meal Periods (Excludes Units 17 and21), Article 24 - ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND DURATION. The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities or aptitudes. anticipation of just over 200 planned layoffs scheduled to occur Thereafter, compensation (CTO or cash) shall be determined by the employer. Check file for any required health benefit documentation - obtain if necessary. This unit also represents toll collectors If a job offer is accepted, the employee will report when the department has completed the Post and Bid process. "Wages." This benefit will be payable to eligible survivors of current employees who are not covered by Social Security and whose death occurs on or after the effective date of the Memorandum of Understanding for this section. A department will provide the initial work schedule to Seasonal Clerks as specified in 18.3(C) above. It is recognized that final class size determinations shall be within the authority and discretion of management. Upon request of an employee who has been on duty continuously for fifteen (15) or more hours, the employer shall have the option to: Allow the employee to take the next shift off on vacation, CTO, or Holiday credit as staffing permits. Employees who withdraw will be assigned at management's discretion. Where compensating time off is not practical, the appointing authority may authorize cash compensation. Approximately half of our members are employed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and another 9,000 work for the municipal, county, and private employers across the state. Management determines, consistent with the current Contract, the products, services, and standards which must be met by FLSA - exempt/excluded employees; FLSA - exempt/excluded employees are expected to work, within reason, as many hours as necessary to accomplish the employee's assignments or fulfill the employee's responsibilities and must respond to directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines. No employee in a classification assigned to WWG E shall have the employee's salary reduced (docked) for absences of less than an entire day. Not only did the The notice to the Union shall also include the reason for the layoff, the area of the layoff, the anticipated classifications affected, the total number of employees in each affected classification, the estimated number of surplus employees in each classification and the proposed effective date of the layoff. Employees who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) will be covered under the Fifth Level of the 1959 Survivor Benefit, which provides a death benefit in the form of a monthly allowance to the eligible survivor in the event of death before retirement. Departments shall establish policies for flexible work hours and alternate work schedules for Unit 17 employees who desire to participate. Such assignments may be advertised where appropriate, but will be filled through the sole discretion of the State. Employees applying and selected under this section waive any rights to claim moving and relocation expenses. We became aware of this new process because some of our Through the establishment of a seniority volunteer overtime system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime, distribute overtime fairly among volunteers insofar as circumstances, security, or health and safety permit and provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. Arbitrators shall not have the authority to order reclassification (reallocation) of a grievant's position or discontinuance of out-of-class work assignments. The State shall not use the log on/off time to the computer or electronic access card entry/exit times of employees as the source of attendance reporting. There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the CNA qualifying post assignments at each facility that provides healthcare. Employees will have five (5) calendar days to reject the awarded bid, and may do so in writing to the appropriate office or supervisor and a copy to the Union.